Title: Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer
1Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer
Paul Sokol The Pennsylvania State University
- Scientific Focus
- Quantum Liquids
- Low Energy Inelastic Scattering
- Quasi-elastic Scattering and Diffusion
- Quantum Tunneling
- Magnetism
2Scientific Focus
- Scientific Focus
- Quantum Liquids, diffusion, magnetism,
- Broad community
- Instrument Requirerments
- Large Q-E range
- Good Resolution
- High S/N ratio
- Flexibility
3Quantum Fluids
4Magnetic Systems
- Dynamics near a Quantum Critical Point
- UCu3.5Pd1.5 at low temperatures
- No Long Range Magnetic Order
- Near antiferromagnet to paramagnet transition
- Spatial and dynamic correlations determined by
T0 antiferromagnetic transition - Isolated rare spins dominate
- Random magnets vs 2nd order phase transitions
M.Aronson et al. To be published
5- Cu(NO3)2D2O
- S1/2 AF alternating chain
- One magnon mode observed on IRIS
- Exceptional resolution
- Two magnon mode observed on SPINS
- Relaxed resolution
- Increased intensity
- The SNS Multichopper instrument will be able to
observe - One magnon with exceptional resolution
- Two magnon with sufficient intensity
G. Xu et al. PRL 84, 4465 (2000)
D. A. Tennant et al. cond-mat/0005222
6Quasi-elastic Scattering
A Quasi-Elastic and Inelastic Neutron Scattering
Study of H2 in Zeolite  H. Fu, F. Trouw, and
P. E. Sokol
- Diffusion of Water in Cement
- QE tails extends to 2 meV
- Short time librational motion in cage
- Long time relaxation of cage
INS spectrum of methane in a controlled pore
glass taken with the high resolution chopper
spectrometer MIBEMOL. The excellent energy
resolution was necessary to resolve the peaks at
?77 meV and ?145 meV.
8Inelastic Neutron Scattering
9Instrument Development Team
- Executive Committee
- Paul Sokol Penn State
- Herb Strauss - BerkelyÂ
- Sow-Hsin Chen - MIT
- Meigan Aronson Michigan
- Hak Taub Missouri
- Robert Dimeo NIST
- Instrument Scientist
- Garret Granroth
- Open Membership Policy
- Any interested parties can join.
- Current Membership
- 12 National Labs
- 18 University
- Disciplines
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Nuclear Enginerreing
- Materials Science
- Polymers
- Environmental Studies
10History of the IDT
- 1998 (Laresse et al)
- Tunneling
- Quantuim Liquids
- Adsorbed Films
- Porous Media
- 2000 (Sokol, Trouw et al)
- Enhanced emphasis on magnetism and porous media
- Better signal/noise ratio
- 2001
- Broader scientific emphasis
- Single crystals (magnetism)
- Graphite Backscattering
- 15 meV Resolution
- Silicon Bacskattering
- 15 meV Resolution
- Disc Chopper
- 10-100 meV Resolution
11Development Plan
Two Phase Project
- Phase 1 - IPNS
- Modified Incident Flight Path
- Horizontal Final Flight Path
- Operational in three years
- Phase 2 SNS
- Full Spectrometer
- True Day 1 instrument
12Benefit Analysis
- Disadvantages
- Additional Cost
- Advantages
- Commissioning and testing in advance of SNS
- Development of analysis techniques
- High Involvement of Academic Community
- Development of new users in advance of SNS
- Milestones
- Periodic Reviews
- Is two phase approach still advantageous
The ultimate goal is to build a world class
spectrometer at the SNS
13Preliminary Cost Estimate
Equipment 6.9 M Personel 3.5 M University
Science/development 1.2 M Phase I Additional
costs 1.0 M Indirect 1.0 M Total 13.6 M
14SDT Structure
Principal InvestigatorP. Sokol(Spokesperson)
- PSU is lead institution
- Instrument Design
- Subcontract to IPNS
- Construction
- Commercial Vendors
- National Labs
- Universities
- Development
- Installation
- National Labs
- Universities
ExecutiveCommittee M. Aronson S.-H. Chen R.
Dimeo H. Strauss H. Taub
Design IPNS w/input IDT
Sample Environemnt IDT
Procurement PSU Specs from IPNS
Construction IPNS, SNS, IDT Q/A IPNS, PSU
Development IDT, IPNS, SNS
- Disc Chopper Spectrometer
- Flexible
- Complimentary to Si BS and Fermi Chopper
- Scientific Program
- Broad range of topics and discipline
- Instrument of choice for many problems
- Development Plan
- Build the best spectrometer possible for SNS
- Advantages of a two-phased approach
- Pre-testing for SNS
- Day One instrument
- Build a user community