- Yan Yan
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
46556-5637 - April 27, 2004
- Characteristic Parameters
- Current gain
- Cutoff frequency / Speed
- Parasitic capacitances
- Methods to improve performances
- Device design
- Choice of material systems
3GaInAs/InP Buried Metal HBT- REDUCTION OF
- Buried Tungsten wires of the same area as the
emitter metal was used to reduce CBCext - SBCT of BM-HBT was estimated to be 22 that of
conventional HBT, CBC 30 of conventional HBT - fT 86 GHz, fMAX gt 135 GHz of device with an
emitter area of 0.5 x 2.5 µm2 - fT 82 GHz, fMAX gt 200 GHz of device with an
emitter area of 0.3 x 1.5 µm2
Schematic view of fabricated BM-HBT
4Layer structure for the buried metal - HBT
5I V Characteristics
- Current gain about 70 at the
- collector voltage of 4V
- S-parameters were measured
- from 50 MHz to 30 GHz using
- an HP8722 network analyzer
- Extrapolations of fT and fMAX were
- carried out from the -20dB/decade
- regions of current gain (h212)
- and Masons unilateral gain (U),
- respectively
- the values of fT and fMAX reached
- peak points (fT 33.5 GHz, fMAX
- 47.3 GHz) at IC 4mA and VC
- 6V
Common-emitter collector I-V characteristics of
BM-HBT with an emitter area of 2x10 µm2
6SEM image of BM-HBT
SEM image of the fabricated BM-HBT with
an Emitter width of 0.3 µm after formation of the
Dummy mesa. Good alignment between the Wires and
the emitter is observed.
A SEM view of a cross section cut by a focuse Ion
beam. Measured collector thickness was 290 nm.
7AlGaAs-GaInP Composite Emitter in GaInP/GaAs
HBT- Improved Emitter Transit Time
8Composite Graded Emitter vs. Conventional Emitter
- Self-aligned HBTs are grown by CBE
- (chemical beam epitaxy)
- Increase in fT from 44 GHz to 62 GHz
- CBE 3 times lower for composite emitter
- HBT without significant IC variation
- Common limitation in high speed
- performance of HBTs large CBE (limited
- mobile carrier transport thus charges
- accumulation in the emitter)
- Composite graded AlGaAs layer forms
- an electron launcher at the interface
- with the GaInP layer, which injects the
- electrons at a higher kinetic energy
- toward the remaining part of the emitter,
- It leads to lower free carrier
- concentration (Qe) and smaller CBE
Energy band diagram of GaInP/GaAs (a)Composite
emitter (b)conventional design HBT
9Comparison of eletric field and electron density
- Compositonally graded AlGaAs emitter
- HBTs have much stronger electric
- fields present in the emitter
- The electron density is dramatically
- decreased due to the presence of a
- drift velocity component in this region
- of the emitter
- GaInP conventional emitter HBTs do
- not have a built-in electric field within
- the emitter region, and the electron
- density in this case is increased due
- to slow transport of carriers and thus
- carrier accumulation
Comparison of (a)electric field and (b)electron
density Profiles for GaInP conventional and
AlGaAs0GaInP composite emitter design HBTs.
10Comparison of electron velocity
- The figure focuses on the velocity
- characteristics responsible for the
- improved frequency characteristics
- In the case of the composite emitter
- design, the electron velocity is high
- due to the drift velocity component
- in the special emitter region
- On the other hand, the electron
- velocity of the conventional emitter
- design is slower since diffusion
- carrier transport is dominant in the
- emitter region, which consists only
- of GaInP
- An estimate of ?E using simulation
- to evaluate ?Qe/?Jc showed values
- of 0.13ps and 0.57ps, respectively.
Comparison of electron velocity profiles for
GaInP conventional and AlGaAs-GaInP emitter
design HBTs in the composite emitter region
11Comparison of CBE and fT
- CBE for a composite emitter HBT
- was found to be at least 3 times
- lower than the conventional emitter
- HBT under high IC operation
- CBE for a composite emitter HBT
- presents a weak Jc dependence
- fT was improved from 44 GHz to
- 62 GHz by using the composite
- emitter in the HBT
Comparison of CBE and fT characteristics for
GaInP/ GaAs HBT (a)composite emitter and
(b)conventional emitter
12InGaP/GaAs HBT with WSi/Ti Electrode and Buried
SiO2 in the Extrinsic Collector- decrease of
emitter size and CBC
- The width of the base contact is reduced
- by using a self-aligning process
- The buried SiO2 reduces the parasitic
- capacitance because the dielectric constant
- of SiO2 is about 1/3 of that of GaAs
- WSi/Ti is used as the base electrode instead
- of conventional gold-based electrode. Both
- WSi and Ti can be deposited by sputtering
- with good step coverage and selectively
- patternede on GaAs and SiO2 by RIE. A thin
- Ti film inserted between WSi and GaAs
- reduces the contact resistance, and made it
- possible to reduce the width of the base
- contact without the large increase in the
- base resistance
- The emitter size effect on current gain was
- suppressed by using InGaP as the emitter
Schematic cross-section of device
structure (a)Conventional HBT and (b)small-scale
HBT with a WSi/Ti base electrode and buried SiO2
13Device Performance
- The DC current gain of 20 is obtained for an HBT
with SE of 0.3 x 1.6 µm2 due to the suppression
of emitter size effect by using InGaP as the
emitter material - An HBT with SE of 0.6 x 4.6 µm2 exhibited fT of
138 GHz and fmax of 275 GHz at IC of 4 mA - An HBT with SE of 0.3 x 1.6 µm2 exhibited fT of
96 GHz and fmax of 197 GHz at IC of 1 mA
14Motivation for work in InAs bipolar transistors
- Historic trend Increased the amount of Indium
in the base of a HBT - Higher electron mobility saturation velocity
- ? shorter base transit time
- Improved base resistance/base contact resistance
- Faster device
- Advantages compared to the traditional III-Vs
- Lower electron effective mass (0.022 m0)
- Higher electron mobility (up to 33000 cm2 V-1
sec-1 at room temperature) - Higher peak velocity
15Cracking study of AlxIn1-xAs on InAs
AlxIn1-xAs grown on an InAs substrate is tensile
stained, and there exists a critical thickness
for the epilayer to form cracks to relieve strain
- Two spicific regions of interest
- were studied, one with low Al
- concentration (7-9) for the
- HBT devices, and one with
- higher Al concentration (40-
- 50) for other devices.
- For x9, maximum thickness
- is around 450 Å
- Samples were examined by
- Normarski contrast interference
- Microscopy to determine whether
- they were cracked or crack free
AlxIn1-xAs epilayers on InAs substrates as a
function of Al composition
16InAs HBT device structure and I-V
Room temperature common emitter J-V
characteristics of an InAs HBT
Device structure of InAs BJT and HBT devices
ßmax for BJT is 50, ßmax for HBT is 100
- Base collector capacitance reduced by as high as
70 in BM-HBT - Base emitter capacitance reduced to one-third by
composite InGaP/GaAs emitter - Parasitic capacitance reduced by 50 in
InGaP/GaAs HBT using WSi base electrode and
buried SiO2 layer - First results for InAs bipolar transistors (ß
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