Laws Concerning Clean and Unclean Food - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Laws Concerning Clean and Unclean Food


For example, the vulture, the eagle, the hawk, etc. Summary ... poor in most nations and diseases could easily spread due to their dirty habits. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Laws Concerning Clean and Unclean Food

Laws Concerning Clean and Unclean Food
  • The first 10 chapters of the book of Leviticus
    deal with the institution of the sacrifices and
    commencement of the priesthood in Israel. The
    11th chapter, introduces us to the laws of
    purification and ceremonial cleanness.
  • Under the levitical system, many things could
    render a person unclean. While some of the causes
    were avoidable others were not.
  • In the text under discussion, God taught the
    children of Israel not to eat any kind of animal.
    Some of the animals were considered clean and
    others were not. For the clean animals they were
    permitted to eat all of them, and were not
    allowed to eat the unclean animals. Just like
    Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen.
  • The commandments of God are designed to regulate
    our behaviour and they are intended for our own
    good. In fact, He is our maker and He knows what
    is good for us, what is most appropriate for us,
    and what could easily build us physically and
    spiritually. Failure on our part to obey might
    bring a lot of calamities unto us, especially on
    unclean animals/food.

One has to receive the instruction of clean and
unclean food from God with a grateful heart, due
to the following reasons
  • God being concerned with about what to eat (ie.
    our diet).
  • The prohibition of food by God was for our own
    good but not to curtail our enjoyment.
  • What God disallowed us to eat were extremely
    fewer than what were to enjoy.

A. Classification of clean and unclean animals
(Leviticus 111-44 2025-26 Gen. 120-25 Deut.
14 2-21)  
  • God classified animals into two broad classes
    the clean and unclean. Each group of animals had
    its distinctive features that made them either
    clean or unclean. 
  • 3 categories of animals were listed
  • The land animals. These include the four-footed
    ruminants as well as the crawling animals such as
    snakes, lizards, snail, etc.
  • The aquatic creatures such as fish.
  • Flying animals such as birds and insects.
  • For a 4-footed animal to be seen as clean, it
    must chew the cud and part the hoof (ie. it must
    be a ruminant and have its hoof divided). Having
    only one makes the animal still unclean.
  • The aquatic creatures must have both fins and
    scales, before regarded as clean.
  • For the birds, some specific ones were mentioned
    mostly the scavengers and carnivorous. For
    example, the vulture, the eagle, the hawk, etc.

  • The classification shows that God is orderly in
    all His ways. As Christians our lives must be
    orderly and not haphazard/confused.
  • God wanted the children of Israel to learn that
    their liberty should be exercised with restraint.
    The earth is the Lord and they could only eat
    things which have been permitted by God.

B. Explanation and application of the law (Lev.
11 43-45 20 25-26, Psalm 119128)
  The law of clean and unclean animals could be
explain in two ways (1) health and hygiene to
keep the Jewish healthy in their environment, eg
the dirty habits of swine and its meat being
fatty. (Sanitation was still poor in most nations
and diseases could easily spread due to their
dirty habits.
(2) on spiritual principle
(i) the principle of holiness. For example, a
4-footed animal must chew the cud and part the
hoof, the aquatic creatures must have fins and
scales. These features have to deal with the way
the animal lives in its environment. A person who
wants to have communion with God must also have
clean hands and a pure heart. (Psalm 243-4).
Thus, you must be saved and sanctified made
righteous and practice righteousness. Holiness
within and holiness without is what marks a
person as clean. (ii) principle of separation of
the world (Daniel 18). God gave His people the
law so as to mark them out from other nations who
had no control over their appetites. He wanted to
make them exceptional. (iii) some of the
prohibited animals signified evil. Love of
uncleanness as seen in the swine, barbarity of
the predatory birds, morose and solitary
lifestyle of the raven, hypocrisy and double life
as shown in bats, the love of darkness as in
owls. (iv) to teach the Israelites obedience,
absolute surrender and yieldedness to Gods
command (Psalm 119128). (iv) to teach the
children of Israel that God is interested in
every aspect of their live, and as such, whatever
they do had to be done in glorification of the
  • Significance for new testament believers (Mark
    714-23, Acts 10,9-16, 1st Tim 43)?
  • The old testament law of clean and unclean
    animals is no longer binding on New testament
  • Jesus has fulfilled its demands and so we are no
    longer subjected under that law. This was made
    clear to Peter in a vision, and also to the
    disciples in the times of Christs earthly
    ministry (Acts 109-16 Mark714-23).
  • However the spiritual principles that the law
    taught are still binding on believers

Spiritual Principles
  •  We must still separate ourselves from all
    unclean things, like works of darkness, pollution
    of flesh and spirit. We must be free from
    immorality, idolatry, pornography, etc. Just as
    the aquatic creatures have scales to protect
    themselves and also to prevent water from
    entering into them, we must also have the grace
    of God to keep us from the evil influence of the
    society in which we live, while we continue to
    carry our duties in the world.
  • We must be guided by love and discretion in the
    way we use our liberty on diet. A believer cannot
    eat just anything and everything. We must avoid
    things that are harmful or those which are
    unwholesome. Remember, all things are lawful,
    but not things are expedient (1st Corinthians
  • Clean animals chew the cud and part the hoof. As
    Christians, chewing the cud is a picture of
    meditate and digestion the word of God. We need
    to ruminate or meditate on what we have learnt or
    heard after reading or listening to the word of
    God. A clean animal must part the hoof, that
    means the word of God we hear must affect our
    walk, guide our feet and affect our lifestyle in
    general. In order to please the Lord we must
    practice what we learn.
  • As believers we are the salt of the world, hence
    the need to avoid all kinds of evil life that is
    portrayed by some prohibited animals. Love of
    uncleanness as seen in the swine, barbarity of
    the predatory birds, morose and solitary
    lifestyle of the raven, hypocrisy and double life
    as shown in bats, the love of darkness as in
  • Finally we must live to the glory of God.
    Whatever we do, we must do everything to the
    glory of God. Therefore in our eating, dressing,
    work and recreation, we must always remember we
    are not lord over ourselves. We live to please
    God. AMEN!!!!!!!!
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