Interpretation of Measurement Results
3Measurements for internal dose assessment
- Direct measurement - the use of detectors placed
external to the body to detect ionizing radiation
emitted by radioactive material contained in the
body. - Indirect measurement - the analysis of excreta,
or other biological materials, or physical
samples to estimate the body content of
radioactive material.
4Measurements for internal dose assessment
- Direct or indirect measurements provide
information about the radionuclides present in - The body,
- Parts of the body, e.g specific organs or
tissues, - A biological sample or
- A sample from the working environment.
- These data are likely to be used first for an
estimation of the intake of the radionuclide
5Measurements for internal dose assessment
- Biokinetic models are used for this purpose.
- Measurements of body activity can also be used to
estimate dose rates directly - Calculation of committed doses from direct
measurements still involves the assumption of a
biokinetic model, - If sufficient measurements are available to
determine retention functions, biokinetic models
may not be needed
6Interpretation of monitoring measurements
7Estimate of intake
- Where M is the measured body content or excretion
rate, m(t) is the fraction of the intake retained
in the whole body (direct measurement) or having
been excreted from the body in a single day
(indirect measurement) retention or excretion
fraction - at time t (usually in days) after
8Estimate of intake
- The ICRP has published default values of m(t) in
Publication 78 - When significant intakes may have occurred, more
refined calculations based on individual specific
parameters (special dosimetry) should be made - If multiple measurements are available, a single
best estimate of intake is obtained by the method
of least squares. - When more than 10 of the measurements could be
attributed to previous evaluated intakes a
correction should be performed.
9Implementing biokinetic models
- The ICRP Publication 78 Individual Monitoring
for internal exposure of workers - replacement of
ICRP Publication 54 provides a general guidance
on the design of individual monitoring programmes
and the interpretation of results of estimates of
intakes of radionuclides by workers. - A reference worker is assumed in relation to the
biokinetic models and the parameter values
describing the scenario of contamination.
Radionuclides are selected for their potential
importance in occupational exposure. - This publication replaces the previous one ICRP
Publication 54 Individual Monitoring for intakes
of radionuclides by workers design and
interpretation taking into account - - new protection quantities and new set of
exposure conditions (ICRP 60) - - new general principles for radiation
protection of workers (ICRP 75) - - respiratory tract model of ICRP 66
- - revised biokinetic models when available for
selected radionuclides
10Implementing biokinetic models
- Basic assumption for a reference worker in ICRP
78 - Adult male
- Normal nose breathing at light work
- Breathing rate 1.2 m3/h
- Inhaled aerosol with Activity Median
Aerodynamic Diameter (AMAD) 5 µm - Regional Deposition
- ET1 34
- ET2 40
- BB 1.8
- BB 1.1
- AI 5.3
- total 82
The data and curves available in ICRP 78 refers
to these specific conditions of exposure!
11Implementing biokinetic models
Description of the model
Standard assumption for transfer into
systemic phase
Dose coefficients
Other informations
In relation to the radionuclide other significant
information are available monitoring techniques
(as for Pu), etc.
- Model Non-recycling model
H, P, Cr, Mn, Co, Zn, Rb, Zr, Ru, Ag, Sb, Ce,
Hg, Cf are as well
13Implementing biokinetic models
Special monitoring (inhalation)
Special monitoring (ingestion and injection)
Routine monitoring (inhalation)
- Retention (Bq per Bq intake)
- Excretion (Bq/d per Bq intake)
14Retention or excretion fraction m(t)
- Depends on
- Route of intake
- Absorption type, i.e. chemical form Type F
(fast), Type M (moderate), or Type S (slow) - Measurement and sample type
15Retention fraction example 60Co
- Intake may be through inhalation, ingestion or
injection (wounds) - Assigned two absorption types M and S
- Assigned two f1 values for ingestion 0.01 and
0.05 - ICRP 78 considers 4 possibilities for measurement
- Direct
- Whole body
- Lungs
1660Co Routine Monitoring Retention
1760Co Retention Fractions - Inhalation
Type M
Type S
1860Co Routine Special Retention FractionsInhalatio
1960Co Retention Fractions - Ingestion
Special Monitoring
f1 0.1
f1 0.05
2060Co Retention Fractions - Injection
Special Monitoring
21Intake Estimates - An Example
22Estimate of intake - an example
- Occupational exposure to radioiodine occurs in
various situations - I-131 is a common short lived iodine isotope
- Half-life 8 d
- ? particles - average energy 0.19 MeV
- ? - main emission 0.364 MeV
- Rapidly absorbed in blood following intake
- Concentrates in the thyroid
- Excreted predominantly in urine
23Estimate of intake - an example
- After intake, I-131 may be detected directly in
the thyroid, or indirectly in urine samples - If occupational exposure to I-131 can occur, a
routine monitoring programme is needed - Based on direct thyroid measurement or
- Indirect monitoring of urine or workplace samples
24Estimate of intake - an example
- Choice of monitoring method depends on various
factors - Availability of instrumentation
- Relative costs of the analyses
- Sensitivity that is needed
- Direct measurement of activity in the thyroid
offers the most accurate dose assessment - Other methods may be adequate and may be better
suited to the circumstances
25Estimate of intake - an example
- Chemical form of the radionuclide is a key
parameter in establishing biokinetics - All common forms of iodine are readily taken up
by the body - For inhalation of particulate iodine, lung
absorption type F is assumed - Elemental iodine vapour is assigned to class SR-1
with absorption type F - Absorption of iodine from the gastrointestinal
tract is assumed to be complete, i.e. f1 1.
26Dose coefficients
1.4 E-08
2.0 E-08
(a) For lung absorption types see para. 6.16 of
RS-G-1.2 (b) For inhalation of gases and
vapours, the AMAD does not apply for this form.
27Biokinetic model for systemic iodine
28Radioiodine biokinetics
- 30 of iodine reaching the blood is assumed
transported to the thyroid - The other 70 is excreted directly in urine
- Biological half-time in blood is taken to be 6 h
- Iodine incorporated into thyroid hormones leaves
the gland with a biological half-life of 80 d and
enters other tissues
29Radioiodine biokinetics
- Iodine is retained in these tissues with a
biological half-life of 12 d. - Most iodine (80) is subsequently released and
available in the circulation for uptake by the
thyroid or direct urinary excretion - Remainder is excreted via the large intestine in
the faeces - The physical half-life of I-131 is short, so this
recycling is not important for committed
effective dose.
30131I intake - Thyroid monitoring
- A routine monitoring programme
- 14 day monitoring period
- Thyroid content of 3000 Bq 131I is detected in a
male worker - Based on workplace situation, exposures are
assumed due to inhalation of particulates - Intakes by ingestion would lead to the same
pattern of retention and excretion
31131I intake - Thyroid monitoring
- Intake pattern is not known
- Assume an acute intake
- occurred in the middle of
- the monitoring period
- From the biokinetic model, 7.4 of the
radioactivity inhaled in a particulate (type F)
form with a default AMAD of 5 is retained in the
thyroid after 7 d
from table A.6.17 (Thyroid) in ICRP 78
32131I intake - Thyroid monitoring
Special monitoring
Vapor particle
Retention, Bq
or table A.6.17 in ICRP 78
Time after intake, d
33131I intake - Thyroid monitoring
- Thus, m(7) 0.074, and
- Application of the dose coefficients given in the
BSS and in the previous table gives, - A committed effective dose of 0.45 mSv
- (4.1104 Bq ? 1.110-8 Sv/Bq ? 103 mSv/Sv)
- This dose may require follow-up investigation
34131I intake - Urine measurement
- One day after the direct thyroid measurement, the
worker has a 24-h urine sample - Sample assay shows 30 Bq of 131I
- From the biokinetic model for a type F
particulate, m(8) for daily urinary excretion is
1.1 E-04
from table A.6.17 (dairy urinary excretion) in
35131I intake - Urine measurement
- A committed effective dose of 3 mSv
- (2.7105 Bq ? 1.110-8 Sv/Bq ? 103 mSv/Sv)
- For this example no account is taken of any
previous intakes
36131I intake - Workplace air measurements
- Workplace air measurements showed 131I
concentrations that were low but variable - Maximum concentrations between 10 and 20 kBq/m3
(12 to 25 times the DAC) for short periods
several times in several locations - At the default breathing rate of 1.2 m3/h, worker
could receive an intake of 24 kBq in one hour
without respiratory protection
DAC Derived Air Concentration
37Derived air concentrations
38131I intake - Workplace air measurements
- If worker had worked for one hour without
respiratory protection, or - Somewhat longer with limited respiratory
protection - The intake estimated from air monitoring would be
consistent with that determined by bioassay
(direct and indirect) measurements
39131I intake - Dose assessment
- Intake discrepancy suggests at least one of the
default assumptions is not correct - Significant individual differences in uptake and
metabolism cannot generally account for
discrepancies of nearly a factor of 10 - The rate of 131I excretion in urine decreases
markedly with time after intake - a factor of
more than 1000 over the monitoring period
40131I - Daily urinary excretion after inhalation
41131I intake - Dose assessment
- Assumption of the time of intake is a probable
source of error - If the intake occurred 3 days before the urine
sample was submitted - Intake estimated from the urine measurement would
be 21 kBq - Intake from the thyroid measurement would be 25
kBq - The agreement would be satisfactory
42131I intake - Dose assessment
- From the biokinetic model, the fraction of
inhaled 131I retained in the thyroid only changes
by about a factor of 3 over the monitoring period - Without more information, the new assumption is
more reliable for dose assessment - The committed effective dose for this example
would then be 0.27 mSv - A 2nd urine sample obtained after a few more days
should be used to verify this conclusion.
43131I intake - Dose assessment
- Committed effective dose from thyroid monitoring
is relatively insensitive to assumptions about
the time of intake - However, there is rapid change in urinary
excretion with time after exposure - Result - direct measurement provides a more
reliable basis for interpreting routine
radioiodine monitoring measurements - Urine screening may still be adequate to detect
significant intakes
44131I intake - Dose assessment
- Air concentrations that substantially exceed a
DAC should trigger individual monitoring - However, because of direct dependence on
- Period of exposure
- Breathing rates
- Levels of protection and
- Other factors known only approximately
- Intake based on air monitoring for 131I are less
reliable than from individual measurements