Anesthesia for Traumatic brain injury TBI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Anesthesia for Traumatic brain injury TBI


Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 7 to 8 or less. Controlled ventilation for ICP or ... appreciate that the priority is to open the cranium as rapidly as possible ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Anesthesia for Traumatic brain injury TBI

Anesthesia for Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • By ???
  • 2008.10.01

  • Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of 7 to 8 or less
  • Controlled ventilation for ICP or airway control

Intubation Technique
  • The anesthesiologist may encounter a number of
    conflicting constraints,
  • (1) elevated ICP
  • (2) a full stomach
  • (3) an uncertain cervical spine
  • (4) an uncertain airway (presence of blood,
  • possible laryngeal-tracheal injury,
  • possible skull base fracture)
  • (5) an uncertain volume status
  • (6) an uncooperative/combative patient
  • (7) hypoxemia.

  • no "correct" or the "best" approach
  • determined by the relative weight of these
    various factors along with the degree of urgency
  • Keep sight of the ABCs of resuscitation
  • stabilizing the circulation are higher initial
    priorities than control of ICP
  • Do not risk losing the airway or causing severe
    hypotension for the sake of preventing coughing
    on the tube or brief hypertension with

Cervical Spine
  • Approximately 2 of patients with a closed-head
    injury who survive to reach a hospital will have
    a fracture of the cervical spine
  • mostly injured in the atlanto-occipital region,
    difficult to identify radiologically
  • Any uncertainty regarding the airway or the
    cervical spine, direct laryngoscopy (with
    vigorous atlanto-occipital extension) should
    probably be avoided unless the exigencies of
    airway control demand it.

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  • Occasional failed intubation
  • Cricothyrotomy
  • LMA
  • SCC ? increase ICP
  • Increments are small and probably do not
  • SCC should not be viewed as contraindicated in a
    TBI victim

Choice of Anesthetics
  • Craniotomies will most commonly be performed for
    the evacuation of subdural, epidural, or
    intracerebral hematomas.
  • Anesthetics known to be cerebral vasoconstrictors
    will be preferable to those having the potential
    to dilate the cerebral circulation
  • All of the intravenous anesthetics, except
    perhaps ketamine, cause some cerebral
    vasoconstriction, are reasonable choices, are
    consistent with hemodynamic stability.
  • All of the inhaled anesthetics (N2O and all of
    the vapors) have some cerebral vasodilatory

  • patients remained tracheally intubated
    postoperatively ? anesthetic based primarily on a
    narcotic (e.g., fentanyl) and a muscle relaxant

  • Anesthesiologist should appreciate that the
    priority is to open the cranium as rapidly as
  • After achieving intravenous access, the
    craniotomy should never be delayed significantly
    by line placement.
  • arterial line? often placed after induction in
    urgent situations, is appropriate for essentially
    all acute trauma craniotomies.
  • The decision to achieve central venous access can
    be based on the patient's hemodynamic status.

Blood Pressure Management
  • The concept that the injured brain is extremely
    vulnerable to what would otherwise be a minor
    insult, for example, modest hypotension or
    moderate hypoxia, has been well confirmed in the
  • several clinical surveys are strongly supportive
    of the adverse effect of minor degrees of
    hypotension in the post-TBI period ? patients in
    the postinjury period have regions of brain with
    low CBF, autoregulation is defective.

  • Normal CBF 50 mL/100g/min
  • CBF lt 18 20 mL/100g/min ? ischemia with failure
    of electrical activity
  • CBF lt 8 10 mL/100g/min ? energy metabolism
    fail, cell death
  • CBF gt 55 60mL/100g/min
  • (beyond brains metabolic demand) ?
  • hyperemia ? brains metabolic demand
  • decreased ? cerebral infarction

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  • Low postinsult CBF values correlates with a poor
    eventual outcome, patients die after TBI have
    pathologic changes consistent with ischemia.
  • appropriate blood pressure ?
  • evidence that indices of the adequacy of cerebral
    perfusion derived from Sjvo2 and transcranial
    Doppler data begin to deteriorate below a mean
    CPP of
  • 70 mmHg. (CPP MAP - ICP)
  • CPP of 60 mmHg

  • The characteristic behavior of CBF after head
    injury is an initially low CBF followed by a
    gradual increase over a period of 48 to 72 hours
    to normal or sometimes even slightly hyperemic

  • in the absence of measures of CBF or brain tissue
    well-being (both of which are uncommonly
    available), careful maintenance of a CPP of 60 to
    70 mm Hg in the first 72 hours after TBI will be
    appropriate and is common practice in a
    head-injured adult
  • A CPP target of 45 mm Hg has been recommended for
  • In the ideal situation, management of CPP is
    "targeted" to the pathophysiology that prevails
    in the individual patient

  • Recent study suggested that hypotension was the
    most significant secondary brain injury factor
    that had an adverse effect on outcome, hypocapnia
    was also significantly related.
  • Jeremitsky E, Omert L, Dunham, CM, et al
    Harbingers of Poor Outcome. The Day After Severe
    Brain Injury Hypothermia, Hypoxia and
    Hypoperfusion. J Trauma 200354312-318

  • The prevention of secondary brain damage is thus
    the major concern for the treatment of traumatic
    brain injury.

  • Early resuscitation should be based on the VIP
    (ventilate, infuse, pump) rule.
  • Hypoxemia clearly worsens outcomes, and oxygen
    administration should be generous to maintain an
    SpO2 of ?95 at all times.
  • Vincent JL, Berre J. Primer on medical
    management of severe brain injury. Critical Care
    Medicine 2005331392-1399

  • If cerebral trauma is severe, the systolic
    arterial pressure should be kept gt 120 mmHg (MAP
    gt 90 mmHg)
  • Combined inotropes/ vasopressors
  • Positioning head routinely elevated at 30 degree
    to improve jugular venous return and decrease
  • Analgesia-sedation
  • Primer on medical management of
    severe brain injury.

  • Critical Care Medicine 2005331392-1399

Guidelines for the management of severe traumatic
brain injury. Blood pressure and oxygenation
  • A significant proportion of traumatic brain
    injury (TBI) patients have hypoxemia or
    hypotension in the prehospital setting as well as
    inhospital. Hypotension or hypoxia increase
    morbidity and mortality from severe TBI. At
    present, the defining level of hypotension is
    unclear. Hypotension, defined as a single
    observation of a systolic blood pressure of less
    than 90 mm Hg, must be avoided if possible, or
    rapidly corrected in severe TBI patients. A
    similar situation applies to the definition of
    hypoxia as apnea cyanosis in the field, or a PaO2
    lt60 mm Hg. Clinical intuition suggests that
    correcting hypotension and hypoxia improves
    outcomes however, clinical studies have failed
    to provide the supporting data.

  • National Guideline Clearinghouse


IICP Protocol
  • First Tier
  • Head Position
  • Prevent hypotension and hypoxia
  • Sedation and analgesics
  • Mannitol or Hypertonic Saline
  • Brain CT Scan if IICP gt 20 mmHg

IICP Protocol
  • Craniectomy and / or lobectomy
  • Barbiturate Coma (Citosol)
  • Moderate Hypothermia (32-35 ?)
  • Hyperventilation 25-30 mmHg

  • Hyperventilation has long been a standard
    component of the management of TBI patients
    perceived to be at risk for increased ICP
  • However, evidence is increasing that
    hyperventilation is potentially deleterious
  • evidence suggests that hyperventilation and the
    concomitant vasoconstriction can result in
    ischemia, especially when baseline CBF is low, as
    is likely to be the case in the first 48 to 72
    hours after head injury

  • hyperventilation should be used selectively
    rather than routinely in the management of TBI

  • Controversy
  • Conflicting data from the enthusiastic overuse of
    hyperventilation to the avoidance of
  • Conclusion Careful use of hypocapnia for the
    short-term control of raised ICP remains a useful
    therapeutic tool

  • Hyperventilation in Head Injury

  • A Review

  • Chest 20051271812-1827

Fluid Management
  • Principles fluids should invariably be chosen to
    prevent a reduction in serum osmolarity and
    should probably be chosen to prevent a profound
    reduction in colloid oncotic pressure
  • specifically, in the circumstances of
    large-volume resuscitation (arbitrarily, greater
    than half a circulating volume), a mix of
    colloids and crystalloids is probably appropriate
  • Maintenance of intravascular normovolemia, as an
    adjunct to MAP and CPP support.

  • A chronic negative fluid balance, as can occur
    with the combination of modest fluid restriction
    and liberal use of osmotic diuretics, has been
    shown to be deleterious and should be avoided

  • Fluid either Ringers lactate or normal saline
    are appropriate first-line fluids, but hypertonic
    saline may have a role.
  • Vincent JL, Berre J. Primer on medical
    management of severe brain injury.
  • Critical Care Medicine 2005331392-1399
  • Hypertonic saline decreases ICP without adversely
    affecting hemodynamic status1,2, and may have
    beneficial effects on excitatory
    neurotransmitters and on the immune system3
  • Munar F, Ferre AM, de Nadal M, et al Cerebral
    hemodynamic effects of 7.2 hypertonic saline in
    patients with head injury and raised intracranial
    pressure. J Neurotrauma 2000 1741-51
  • Hart R, Ghajar J, Hochleuthner H, et al
    Hypertonic/hyperoncotic saline reliably reduces
    ICP in severely head-injured patients with
    intracranial hypertension. Acta Neurochir Suppl
    (Wien) 1997 70 126-129
  • Dutton RP, McCunn M Traumatic brain injury. Curr
    Opin Crit Care 2003 9503-509

  • To correct vasodilatory shock after traumatic
    brain injury, a resuscitation strategy that
    combined either phenylephrine or argining
    vasopressin plus crystalloid was superior to
    either fluid alone or pressor alone.
  • Resuscitation with
    Pressors after Traumatic
  • Brain
  • J Am
    Coll Surg 2005201536-545

Jugular Venous Oxygen Saturation
  • use of Sjvo2 monitoring as a guide to the
    clinical management of head-injured patients
  • The underlying concept is that marginal or
    inadequate CBF will result in increasing oxygen
    extraction, a widening arteriovenous content
    difference, and decreasing jugular venous Sjvo2

  • Sjvo2 measurement makes an assessment of global
    oxygen extraction
  • it might be expected to have limited sensitivity
    in highly focal events
  • technical limitations
  • Catheter placement must be very precise to avoid
    contamination by noncerebral venous blood or
    attenuation of light return (with optical
    catheters) because of vessel wall abutment

  • false-positive rate can be significant
  • an average side-to-side difference
  • Normal value 50 75
  • Abnormal value lt 50 for 5 minutes

  • Jugular venous oxygen saturation (SjO2) lt 60
    indicates an inadequate cerebral blood flow in
    relation to the oxygen requirements of the brain.
  • Vincent JL, Berre J. Primer on medical
    management of severe
  • brain injury. Critical Care Medicine

Brain Tissue Po2 Monitoring
  • Small-diameter intraparenchymal electrodes are
    available that allow measurement of brain tissue
  • Normal Ptio2 20mmHg
  • Abnormal Ptio2 lt 10 mmHg
  • They are very focal monitors that assess the
    oxygenation status of only small regions of brain
    surrounding the tip

  • Mild induced hypothermia has already crept into
    the management of neurosurgical procedures in
    which there is a perceived risk of ischemic
  • because these single-center trials appeared to
    indicate good patient tolerance of sustained mild
    hypothermia (32C to 34C), as well as
    improvement in ICP, cerebral oxygen
    supply/demand, and outcome, a multicenter trial
    was performed. That trial revealed no overall
    benefit of hypothermia

  • Intracranial pressure decreased significantly at
    brain temperatures below 37C
  • and decreased more sharply at temperatures 35 to
    36C, but no differences
  • were observed at temperatures below 35C.
    Cerebral perfusion pressure
  • peaked at 35.0 to 35.9C and decreased with
    further decreases in temperature.
  • Jugular venous oxygen saturation and mixed venous
    oxygen saturation
  • remained in the normal range during hypothermia.
    Oxygen delivery
  • and oxygen consumption decreased to abnormally
    low levels at rectal
  • temperatures below 35C, and the correlation
    between them became less
  • significant at less than 35C than that when
    temperatures were 35C or higher.
  • Brain temperature was consistently higher than
    rectal temperature by 0.5 0.3C.
  • CONCLUSION These results suggest that, after
    traumatic brain injury,
  • decreasing body temperature to 35 to 35.5C can
    reduce intracranial
  • hypertension while maintaining sufficient
    cerebral perfusion pressure without
  • cardiac dysfunction or oxygen debt. Thus, 35 to
    35.5C seems to be the optimal
  • temperature at which to treat patients with
    severe traumatic brain injury.

The End !
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