Title: Corn Production Overview
1Corn Production Overview
- Dr. Ron Heiniger
- Department of Crop Science
- North Carolina State University
2Investigations into CORN Growth and Development
R.W. Heiniger Vernon G. James Center North
Carolina State University
3The Standards of the Investigation
- Mid to Late Season Hybrid in North Carolina 16
to 20 Leaves - 60 days to silking and 115 to 120 days to
maturity - Environmental conditions can lengthen time
between vegetative stages but will shorten time
between reproductive stages
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5V3 Three Leaf Stage
6V6 Growing Point Differentiation
7V9 Nine Leaf Stage
8V15 Fifteen Leaf Stage
9V18 Eighteen Leaf Stage
10VT Tassel
11VT Tassel
12R2 Blister 10 to 14 days after silking
13R3 Milk 18 to 22 days after silking
14R4 Dough 24 to 28 days after silking
15R5 Dent 35 to 42 days after silking
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26Corn earworm
27European corn borer
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30Time of Glyphosate Application on RR
Corn.Average of 6 locations, NC.
2- to 3.5-inch weeds. Parker, York, and
Jordan. 2006. Weed Technol. 20564-570.
Gray leaf spot
Southern corn leaf blight
Maize chlorotic dwarf virus
Stalk rots
Maize dwarf mosaic virus
Aspergillus flavus
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