PEMRA LAW - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bill to encourage policing, not regulation. No stakeholder on PEMRA board ... Appellate forums reduced. Preventing pre-emptive injunction from court ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: law | pemra | appellate | ex | officio


Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Jan Media Law Policy Advisor Internews
Objections to proposed amendments
  • Lack of consultation by PEMRA
  • Bill a panic reaction of understaffed PEMRA
  • Legislative process sans stakeholders view
  • Broadcasters equated with cable operators
  • Bill to encourage policing, not regulation
  • No stakeholder on PEMRA board
  • Cross media ownership not without strings
  • Abolition of 3-member hearing committee
  • Institutionalization of self-censorship
  • PEMRA freed from constitutional checks
  • Toughened content control
  • No provincial say in community radio regulation

Proposed PEMRA Amendments
  • Police can arrest broadcasters/licensees
  • The offence under sub section (2) to sub section
    (4) of section 33 of this ordinance
  • shall be compoundable and Cognizable sub section
    (2) says where such
  • broadcast media or distribution service operator
    or a person REPEATS the violation
  • or abetment of any provision of the ordinance
  • COMMENTS Under the law Cognizable means police
    can act on its own
  • regardless of how PEMRA explains. Unlike
    policing, regulation means a fair hearing
  • opportunity given to a delinquent stakeholder to
    be followed by an honest finding
  • and concluded with a financial penalty with the
    right to appeal. Police is only
  • involved when some license is cancelled or some
    unlicensed operators is to be
  • apprehended.
  • Recommendation The amendment be withdrawn to
    ensure regulation and not
  • policing. Broadcast licensees be treated with
    respect and not at par with illegal
  • operators. Broadcasters be allowed to develop
    self regulatory mechanisms.

Proposed PEMRA Amendments
  • Section-6 Present PEMRA board comprises
    10-members including a chairman. The bill
    proposes 13 members including the chairman.
  • Proposed increase in ex-officio members from 3 to
    4 (chairman CBR added ironically bill did not
    foresee need for Cabinet division representative
    on the board)
  • 2 more members with unspecified criteria are
    proposed to be appointed (ghost members)- by the
  • Chairman is already appointed by the government
  • COMMENT Present 5-members private sector
    majority (even though appointed by the
    government) being tipped in government favor. No
    stakeholders representation on PEMRA board (even
    as non-voting associate members) from
    stakeholders elected bodies. Is there a guarantee
    of ghost members coming from private sector?
  • Recommendation Amendment to sec 6 be withdrawn
    Media and civil society should be allowed to
    nominate its representatives to PEMRA board.
    Writers, poets, artists and people with
    Presidents Pride of Performance in different
    fields should be given PEMRA boards membership.

Proposed PEMRA Amendments
  • Section 23Cross Media Ownership conditional to
    no abuse of media power
  • Section 27B The authority shall prohibit any
    broadcast media from (b) engaging in any
    practice or act which amounts to abuse of media
    power by way of harming the legitimate interests
    of another licensee or willfully causing damage
    to any other person.
  • advertising owned TV prog?
  • PEMRA to define and act against (1) Concentration
    of media ownership (2) abuse of media power
  • (3) anti-competitive practice
  • Question Will the radio/TV owning newspapers be
    able to air every thing that they publish these
  • Recommendation With representation in authority
    and withdrawal of restrictive amendments,
    newspapers stand a better chance of not ending
    up being regulated by PEMRA.

Proposed PEMRA Amendments
  • Section-30 B Abolition of 3-member committee
    headed by a retired judge
  • Committee never constituted by federal government
  • Chaired by retired SC or HC judge
  • One rep each from concerned licensee and PEMRA
  • Committees opinion must for suspension/revocation
  • Opinion Whether or not a licensee committed
  • Question Isnt committee the best forum for
    expeditious and fair resolution of matters which
    concerns a sector where time matters the most?
  • Recommendation The amendment be withdrawn. PEMRA
    should not be afraid of facing the licensee in
  • a committee if it has a strong case.

Proposed PEMRA Amendments
  • Section 21 Role of Provinces in broadcast
    licensing reduced.
  • Presently, in case of provincial objection, PEMRA
    shall invite comments but amendment proposes
    that it may
  • Presently provinces have role in issuance,
    suspension, revocation or cancellation of license
  • Amendment restricts role to issuance only
  • Presently licensee has right to public hearing
    against decision
  • Amendment restricts the right to official hearing
  • Question Did the federal government or the
    authority take the provinces into confidence
    before a final draft of an amendment that will
    affect the legally vested right of the provinces?
  • Recommendation Broadcast communication is a
    federal subject but its operations is subject to
    provincial laws. Provinces should, in principle,
    be brought on board on this amendment. After all
    PEMRA is asking for their help in enforcement.

Proposed PEMRA Amendments
  • In-house Monitoring Committees
  • Section 20(f) The licensee shall . appoint
    an in-house monitoring Committee, with the
    approval of the Authority, to ensure compliance
    of the Code
  • The committee has censorship mandate to ensure
    compliance of the code.
  • The amendment is likely instill a sense of
    self-censorship, warrant interference in
    broadcasters professional practices and influence
    broadcasters independent editorial judgment.
  • Question How will it apply to PEMRA licensed TV
    news channels? Or it is only for the cable TV
    operators? If so, does the law say so?
  • Recommendation The amendment be withdrawn. The
    code of conduct should first be developed in
    consultation with licensees and then implemented
    voluntarily or through a self regulatory

Proposed PEMRA Amendments
  • Constitutional safety valves removed
  • Section 21(3) being deleted It says, ..the
    authority shall ensure that consultation with
    provinces is conducted with the objective to
    facilitate freedom of expression.
  • Section 32 proviso being deleted It says,
    The authority may grant exemption from any
    provision of this ordinance provided that the
    grant of exemption shall be based on guidelines
    and criteria identified in the rules and that
    such exemption shall be made in confirmty with
    the principles of equality and equity as
    enshrined in the constitution.
  • Rules never made and discretionary powers of
    authority enhanced to violate the law passed by
    parliament and freeing itself from constitutional
  • Question Can PEMRA cite one example of what kind
    of extra- circumstances should trigger exemption
    from PEMRA law and if there are some why cant
    parliament be asked to amend it?
  • Recommendation Such power be completely
    withdrawn. Or PEMRA should find some time to
    make rules for exercise of such power and in fact
    restore the requirement of exercise of this power
    in conformity with the constitutional principles
    of equality and equity. Freedom of expression
    related proviso in sec 21 be restored

Proposed PEMRA Amendments
  • Power to vary terms conditions
  • Section 30(2) being added The authority may
    vary any of the terms and condition of the
    license where such variation is in the public
  • Term public interest is vague
  • A gentlemans agreement?
  • Question Isnt it shifting of the goal post?
    What is a public interest in Pakistani context?
    Isnt license a contract to be respected rather
    than changed unilaterally?
  • Recommendation The amendment be withdrawn.
  • Imagine PEMRA first varying license terms and
    conditions for half of the licensees before
    exempting the other half from these, as per the
    amended law.

Proposed PEMRA Amendments
  • Appeal before High Court
  • Section 30A being added Any person aggrieved by
    any decision or order of the authority may within
    30 days of receipt of such decision or orders,
    prefer an appeal to the high court.
  • Appellate forums reduced
  • Preventing pre-emptive injunction from court
  • High courts writ jurisdiction over
    constitutionality of any provision of PEMRA law
    being excluded
  • Question Will PEMRA wait for high courts
    temporary injunction before enforcing its
    orders/decisions? Will a writ still lie before a
    high court from an aggrieved or he has to wait
    for the decision or order to challenge it?
  • Recommendation Pre-emptive injunction should not
    be restricted, lower courts be allowed to issue
    pre-emptive injunctions and authority should
    provide right to be heard and that of appeal
    within the authority against its decision.

Internews assistance/resources
  • Internews web site
  • Contact
  • Matiullah Jan
  • Media Law and Policy Advisor
  • Internews Pakistan
  • 0300-5278569
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