Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation Equilibria - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation Equilibria


You should get better results from part 1 of Experiment 2 than from part 2. ... colloid (causes the particles to agglomerate, or stick together), but surface ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation Equilibria

Lecture 6
  • Gravimetric Analysis and Precipitation Equilibria

Section 10.1
  • Gravimetric analysis is potentially more accurate
    and more precise than volumetric analysis.
  • You should get better results from part 1 of
    Experiment 2 than from part 2.
  • Gravimetric analysis avoids problems with
    temperature fluctuations, calibration errors, and
    other problems associated with volumetric
  • But there are potential problems with gravimetric
    analysis that must be avoided to get good
  • Proper lab technique is critical

Steps in a Gravimetric Analysis
  • 1. Preparation of analyte solution
  • Gravimetric analysis usually involves
    precipitation of analyte from solution.
  • May need to separate potential interferences
    before precipitating analyte
  • May require pH and/or other adjustments to
    maximize precipitate formation
  • When possible, select precipitating agents that
    are selective (or specific, if possible).

2. Precipitation
  • The precipitate should
  • Be insoluble, but not too insoluble
  • Have large crystals
  • Easier to filter large crystals
  • Be free of contaminants
  • The smaller the surface area the better
  • The smaller the solubility, S, the greater the
    tendency to form lots of small crystals that trap
    contaminants and are difficult to filter
  • The greater the solubility, the more analyte is
    left unprecipitated
  • We need to strike a balance
  • (but not the analytical balance, please)

The von Weimarn Ratio
  • von Weimarn ratio (Q S)/S
  • A measure of relative supersaturation
  • The lower the better
  • If high, get excessive nucleation, lots of small
    crystals, large surface area
  • If low, get larger, fewer crystals, small surface
  • Q concentration of mixed reactants before
  • Keep it low by using dilute solutions, stir
    mixture well, add reactants slowly
  • S solubility of precipitate at equilibrium
  • Keep it high with high temperatures, adjusting pH
  • Can lower S later by cooling mixture after
    crystals have formed

Impurities in Precipitates
  • Coprecipitation
  • Precipitation of normally soluble compound along
    with the insoluble compound
  • Precipitation of a second insoluble compound does
    not constitute coprecipitation
  • But this would, of course, contaminate the
  • The authors 4, postprecipitation (p. 319) is
    not really coprecipitation, its just the
    kinetically slow formation of a second insoluble

Types of Coprecipitation
  • Occlusion, inclusion, isomorphous replacement
    (mixed crystal formation)
  • Impurities can be trapped in pockets in a rapidly
    growing crystal, or in pockets between two
    crystals that grow together, or a normally
    soluble ion can take the place of an ion in the
    precipitate (K taking the place of NH4 in
    insoluble MgNH4PO4, for example)
  • Can sometimes be corrected by digestion (step 3)
    or dissolving and reprecipitating the precipitate
  • Surface adsorption
  • Lets look more closely at this problem

Surface Adsorption
  • Lets use AgCl as an example (Exp. 2)
  • Primary adsorption layer
  • Ion in excess adsorbs on the surface of the
  • Crystal becomes positive if Ag is in excess
  • Crystal becomes negative if Cl- is in excess
  • Counter-ion layer (counterlayer)
  • Charged crystal attracts ions of opposite charge
  • For example, NO3- attracted to positive crystal,
    results in a layer of silver nitrate around the
  • For example, Na attracted to negative crystal,
    results in a layer of NaCl around the AgCl
  • The more dilute the solution, the thicker is the
    counter-ion layer

Colloidal Precipitates (Such as AgCl
  • When S is very small (very insoluble
    precipitates), cannot avoid high degree of
    nucleation and very small crystals
  • Colloidal particles 1 to 100 µm in diameter
  • Surface area as high as 3,000 ft2/g
  • High potential for surface adsorption
  • Other problems besides surface adsorption
  • Colloidal precipitates cause difficulties in
    filtering and washing as well

3. Digestion (Ostwald Ripening)
  • Let precipitate stand in contact with solution,
    usually at high temperature
  • Large crystals (small surface area) have lower
    free energy than small crystals (large surface
  • Digestion makes larger crystals, reduces surface
    contamination, reduces crystal imperfections
  • Digestion coagulates a colloid (causes the
    particles to agglomerate, or stick together), but
    surface area does not decrease as much as if
    larger crystals actually grew

Hydrophilic vs. Hydrophobic Colloids
  • Hydrophilic (water-loving) colloids form gels and
    do not coagulate well
  • Hydroxides (Al(OH)3, Fe(OH)3, for example)
    often form gels and are very difficult to filter
  • Hydrophobic (water-fearing) colloids coagulate
  • Luckily, AgCl is hydrophobic
  • Gravimetric analysis of silver or chloride by
    AgCl precipitation is effective in spite of
    colloidal nature of precipitate

4. Filtration
  • See pp. 48-50 for filtering techniques
  • Study carefully, since your results in Exp. 2
    depend on your ability to decant the solution,
    transfer the precipitate to the filter correctly
    and completely
  • We will use sintered-glass filtering crucibles
    (20 each!) in Exp. 2
  • Colloidal precipitates present filtering problems
    if particles are too small
  • Can plug filter paper or glass or pass right
    through the filter if not coagulated well
  • Hydrophobic colloids generally filter better than
    hydrophilic colloids

5. Washing
  • Removes the mother liquor
  • May also remove some of the coprecipitated
  • Can cause peptization of colloids
  • Diluting the counter-ion layer causes it to get
    larger, forcing coagulated colloidal particles
  • And THERE THEY GO right through the filter
  • Wash with a solution of a volatile electrolyte
    that will be removed in drying step

6. Drying or Igniting
  • Dry the precipitate to remove water and volatile
    electrolytes from wash solution
  • Ignition (very high-temperature drying) converts
    precipitates to compounds more suitable for
  • Removes water of hydration
  • Converts hygroscopic compound to non-hygroscopic
  • Sometimes it even converts the filter paper to
  • See page 51 for discussion

7. Weighing
  • Properly calibrated analytical balance
  • Good weighing technique
  • Avoid static electricity
  • Review important points on p. 51 periodically
  • And now, step 8, the calculations
  • Chem 105 stoichiometry, anyone?

Section 10.2
  • This is just Chem 105 stoichiometry made obscure.
    If you could do gram-to-gram calculations in
    Chem 105, you can do this
  • Get mole ratio from balanced equation
  • Can also get mole ratio from formulas of analyte
    and precipitate
  • If analyte is Bi2S3 and precipitate is BaSO4,
    mole ratio is 1 mol Bi2S3/3 mol BaSO4

Gravimetric Factor (GF)
  • This is simply the number of grams of analyte
    that correspond to 1 gram of precipitate
  • How many grams Bi2S3 per gram BaSO4?
  • Start with 1 g BaSO4, convert to moles, multiply
    by mole ratio (1/3), convert to grams Bi2S3
  • Example 10.1 does this, but he sets it up a bit
  • He uses f wt and at wt to symbolize formula
    weight and atomic weight, sometimes called molar
  • Once you know gravimetric factor, can convert
    mass of precipitate directly to mass of analyte
    in one step

Example 10.2
  • This is absolutely riddled with errors in my
  • Second line, put subscript 3 on (NH4)
  • Molar mass of precipitate is 1876.3
  • In dimensional analysis calculation at bottom of
  • Mass is wrong, formula is wrong, molar mass is
    wrong, mass of sample is wrong
  • Other than that, it works great!
  • Just do this example by your favorite Chem 105
    stoichiometry procedure

Example 10.5
  • Simultaneous equations used to solve
    stoichiometry problems
  • Let x g Fe and y g Al
  • Find mass of FeCl3 and Fe2O3 in terms of x
  • There are 162.21 g FeCl3 for every 55.85 g Fe, so
    there are (162.21/55.85)(x) g FeCl3, or 2.904x g
  • Similarly, there are 1.430x g Fe2O3
  • Do the same for aluminum chloride and oxide
  • 4.942y g AlCl3 and 1.890y g Al2O3
  • Solve 2.904x 4.942y 5.95 and 1.430x 1.890y
  • Hint I like this kind of problem!

Sections 10.3 and 10.4
  • Know where to access this information if you
    should need it in the future
  • It is useful reference information for future
    analytical work you may find yourself doing
  • Do not attempt to memorize Tables 10.1 and 10.2
  • Unless, of course, you really want to

Section 10.5
  • This is nothing more than a review of solubility
    and precipitation equilibria from Chem 106
  • See the Whitten book, Chapter 20
  • We will review Example 10.6 through 10.12 if time
    permits, but you must understand that we dont
    have time to teach Chem 106 all over again!

Lecture 7 Assignment
  • Read Chapter 5
  • Its a long chapter, but mostly Chem 105 review
    with a few new things here and there
  • We will cover as much as we can in one period
  • Refer to the lecture notes and focus on the
    material I will emphasize
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