Title: Pion-Nucleon Charge Exchange in the N*(1440) Resonance Region
1Pion-Nucleon Charge Exchange in the N(1440)
Resonance Region
- Michael Sadler, Melissa Jerkins
- and Shon Watson
- Abilene Christian University
- For the Crystal Ball Collaboration
2Crystal Ball Collaboration at BNL
A. Barker (deceased), C. Bircher, C. Carter, M.
Daugherity, B. Draper, S. Hayden, J. Huddleston,
D. Isenhower, M. Jerkins, M. Joy, C. Robinson, M.
Sadler and S. Watson, Abilene Christian
University, C. Allgower, R. Cadman and H. Spinka,
Argonne National Laboratory, J. Comfort, K.
Craig and A. Ramirez, Arizona State
University, T. Kycia (deceased), Brookhaven
National Laboratory, M. Clajus, A. Marusic, S.
McDonald, B. M. K. Nefkens, N. Phaisangittisakul,
S. Prakhov, J. Price, A. Starostin and W. B.
Tippens, University of California at Los
Angeles, J. Peterson, University of Colorado, W.
Briscoe, A. Shafi and I. Strakovsky, George
Washington University, H. Staudenmaier,
Universität Karlsruhe, D. M. Manley and J.
Olmsted, Kent State University, D. Peaslee,
University of Maryland, V. Abaev, V. Bekrenev, N.
Kozlenko, S. Kruglov, A. Kulbardis, and I.
Lopatin, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, N.
Knecht, G. Lolos and Z. Papandreou, University
of Regina, I. Supek and D. Mekterovic, Rudjer
Boskovic Institute, and D. Grosnick, D. D.
Koetke, R. Manweiler and S. Stanislaus,
Valparaiso University
Experiment Spokespersons Ph.D. Students (total
of 9)
3Crystal Ballmultiphoton spectrometer
672 NaI crystals.Individual PMTs 93 of 4p sr
4V. Bekrenev mounting PM tubes
5The Crystal Ball
6The Crystal Ball
7Crystal Ball layout in the C6 beam line at the
Brookhaven AGS
Crystal Ball layout in the C6 beam line at the
Brookhaven AGS
8Invariant Mass for neutral meson decay, e.g. p0
to 2g
lab frame
p0 rest frame
9Identification of Neutral Mesons from their
Invariant Mass
10Crystal Ball Data
Strange Spectroscopy
Non-strange Spectroscopy p- p ? pn p- p ?
ppn p- p ? pppn p- p ???n p- p ???n p- p
??p?n Neutron detection Nuclear Physics p- A ?
pX p- A ? ppX p- A ? ?X Eta
decays ????p?? ????ppp ????pp ????pppp
????pp? ????ppp? ??????? Antiprotons
??neutrals (p,????
Quantity of data 20 momenta for p-p 2
p-A 1 8
K-p 3107 hs
11153 MeV/c
12172 MeV/c
13185 MeV/c
14200 MeV/c
15218 MeV/c
16247 MeV/c
17267 MeV/c
18301 MeV/c
19320 MeV/c
20351 MeV/c
21378 MeV/c
22408 MeV/c
23456 MeV/c
24490 MeV/c
25532 MeV/c
26614 MeV/c
27658 MeV/c
28p-p ? p0n Overview
29p-p ? p0n excitation functions
30p-p ? p0n excitation functions
31p-p ? p0n excitation functions
32p-p ? p0n excitation functions
33p-p ? p0n excitation functions
34p-p ? p0n excitation functions
35Call for a new determination of the P11(1440)
resonance parameters
- Aliases for the lowest lying state with I
1/2, JP 1/2 - N(1440)
- P11(1440)
- Roper resonance
- First excited state of the nucleon
36(No Transcript)
37What do we learn from PWA?
- Input for??N ??term.
- Charge symmetry breaking.
- Resonance parameters (P11, S11, D13) masses,
widths, decay modes. - Interface between experiment and models.
- Quark models
- Skyrme models
- Collective models
38N(1440) summary in Review of Particle Physics
39N(1440) summary in Review of Particle Physics
40N(1440) summary in Review of Particle Physics
41Arndt, et al., Phys. Rev. C69, 035213 (2004).
42Arndt, et al., Phys. Rev. C69, 035213 (2004).
43(No Transcript)
44Summary of Pion-Nucleon Reactions and Observables
Reactions Observables pp ? pp d?/d? p-p ?
p-p P (AN) p-p ? pon A and R p-p ? ?n p-p
? popon p-p ? ?n
45pN Experiments at LAMPF and BNL
46625 MeV/c pp
pp ? pp 625 MeV/c
47625 MeV/c p-p
p-p ? p-p 625 MeV/c
48625 MeV/c p-p ? p0n
49p- p Total Cross Section
50P11 (1440) speed plot from multichannel analysis
Speed dT/dW, where T elastic T-matrix
From D. M. Manley, Proc. of the Workshop on the
Physics of Excited Nucleons (NSTAR 2004), World
51p-p ? p0 p0nstot
52p-p?p0 p0nDalitz plots
Crystal Ball Prakhov, et al. PRC 69, 045202 (2004)
53Summary of Present Status
- Listings in Review of Particle Properties rely on
PWAs from 1980. - GWU (formerly VPI) analyses fit data well, but
not included in averages. - Analyses should include pp-gtppN.
- PWA for hadronic channels is needed to analyze
data from photo- and electro-production of
resonances. - No present experimental facilities for baryon
spectroscopy (1-3 GeV/c ps, Ks).
54Beginnings of a new PWA effort, Abilene 2004
55Beginnings of a new PWA effort, Zagreb 2005
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- New PWA efforts are needed to determine
properties of the P11(1440) resonance. - Complete data sets now available.
- KH and CMB analyses completed in 1980.
- New PWAs can be extended to higher resonances
when data become available from new facilities. - MIPP at FNAL presents a new possibility (if
eventually approved) to make measurements in the
pN resonance region (1-3 GeV/c) and with kaon
beams higher than 3 GeV/c. - J-PARC (near Tokyo) is a future hadron facility.
Call for new proposals is expected this year. - An intermediate experiment on non-strange
resonances near 1710 MeV is planned at ITEP