Future of the coke industry in India - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Future of the coke industry in India


Future of the coke industry in India – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Future of the coke industry in India

Future of the Coke Industry in India
Dr.Ashwini AHUja Director Global Coke Limited
  • The views expressed here contain information
    derived from publicly available sources that have
    not been independently verified. No
    representation or warranty is made as to the
    accuracy, completeness or reliability of the
    information. Any forward looking information in
    this presentation has been prepared on the basis
    of a number of assumptions which may prove to be
    incorrect. This presentation should not be relied
    upon as a recommendation or forecast by Global
    Coke Limited.

  • India is the 5th largest steel producer in the
  • Slated to overtake Japan and become the second
    largest within the next decade
  • Capacity in 2020 estimates vary from above 200
    MMT to close to 300 MMT

  • The National Steel Policy has a target for taking
    steel production up to 110 MT by 201920.
  • the Ministry of Steel has projected that India's
    steel capacity is expected to touch 124.06 MT by
  • Based on the status of MOUs signed by the private
    producers with the various state governments,
    India's steel capacity is likely to be 293 MT by

  • Even if 50 of the new capacity take the blast
    furnace route, coke demand will zoom to upward of
    150 MT by the year 2020
  • ( I MT of steel requires 0.6 MT of coke)
  • demand from foundries, soda ash plants, mini
    steel mills not considered

Where will this huge quantity come from?
  • The largest producer, consumer, exporter is
    moving towards a controlled export regime
  • In the last decade, total amount of coke exported
    from China has remained constant
  • between 13 to 15 million tons
  • Would rather conserve resources for value
    addition in home that export recklessly

Europe and America
  • Plagued by steep transportation costs
  • Land locked mines, inaccessibility to ports
  • Socio-political concerns
  • Ash Content and calorific value concerns
  • Pollution related issues

Africa emerging destinations
  • Unproven mines
  • Unreliable Resource mapping
  • Unavailability of hard data
  • Lack of proper Infrastructure railways, ports
  • Best case scenario is at least a decade away

  • Resource rich with a scarce population
  • Rich Legacy of mining
  • Shared commonwealth traditions
  • Thriving mining industry
  • Proactive, business friendly government

The Indian coke market scenario
  • Integrated steel plants are the biggest
    consumers, accounting for about 70 of the market
  • Among the secondary steel producers, only Sesa
    Kembla had captive coke plant in 2004 (0.28 mtpa)
  • Today more than ten have gone in for captive coke
    plants (capacity gt 4 mtpa)
  • There is a distinct move towards captive coke
    plants among the secondary steel producers

In the merchant coke making domain
  • Gujarat NRE Coke is the largest listed player
    with captive mines in Australia and plants in
    Gujarat and Karnataka
  • Ennore coke is on the expansion mode and has
    announced plans to acquire coking coal assets in
  • Saurashtra Fuels has two Met Coke Plants, one
    at Porbandar having current installed capacity of
    140, 000 MTPA and the other at Mundra having
    current installed capacity of 900,000 MTPA,
    making the total capacity of the company more
    than 1 million tons per annum.
  • BLA Industries is also a key player in the
    domain with a capacity of about 168,000 MTPA
  • Others are in the unorganised sector with small
    capacities located in clusters around Jamshedpur
    and Orissa.

It is in this space that we want to foray
  • Global Coke Limited

Back to India
  • China and India are where all the action will be
    in the near future
  • Democratic compulsions robs India of Chinas
    agility. The same also accords it with unique
    advantages, providing it with sure footed
  • India is the only country world over to post a
    positive overall growth in crude steel production
    at 1.01 per cent for the January-March period of
  • The recovery in steel production has been aided
    by the improved sales performance of steel
    companies. The steel sector grew by 5.3 per cent
    in May 2009.

  • A Credit Suisse Group study states that India's
    steel consumption will continue to grow by 16 per
    cent annually till 2012, fuelled by demand for
    construction projects worth US 1 trillion.
  • The World Steel Association has forecast a 2 per
    cent growth in the country's steel consumption in
    2009, making it the only major economy to post an
    increase in a year that will see global
    consumption of the metal fall by around 15 per
    cent. India is expected to consume 53.5 MT of
    steel in 2009.
  • The scope for raising the total consumption of
    steel is huge, given that per capita steel
    consumption is only 35 kg compared to 150 kg
    across the world and 250 kg in China.

  • A host of steel companies have lined up major
    investment proposals. Furthermore, with an
    expanding consumer market, the Indian steel
    industry is likely to receive huge domestic and
    foreign investments.
  • According to the Investment Commission of India
    investments of over US 30 billion in steel are
    in the pipeline over the next 5 years.
  • Arcelor-Mittal, the largest steel maker of the
    world, is planning to set up a captive port near
    Paradip in Orissa. The port be used to serve two
    mega integrated steel plants of the company
    proposed in Orissa and Jharkhand.
  • Tata Steel has raised US 500 million by issuing
    'global depository receipts' (GDRs) aiming at
    expansion of its Jamshedpur plant and overseas
    mining projects.
  • Japanese steel major, Kobe Steel, has decided set
    up a subsidiary in Kolkata to market its steel
    production machinery in India.
  • Steel companies have committed US 122.50 million
    for setting up sponge iron units in Koppal and
    Bellary in Karnataka.
  • SAIL will invest US 724.12 million to set up a
    4-million ton per annum steel mill at its Bhilai
    Steel Plant.

All these factors point at one direction
  • The looming coke criticality in India a
    situation that will need to be addressed and it
    is this emerging scenario in which Global Coke
    is positioning itself the emerge as a key player.

Global Meltdown
  • What begun as a banking sector crisis in the
    United States, soon engulfed the world as one
    economy fell after the other

  • While the bottom fell off China and India
    continued to remain resilient
  • Both economies bucked the trend
  • Both talked of increased spending in the core
  • To boost demand leading to a recovery.

  • The Asian Development Bank on 22/09/09 raised
    its forecast for China's economic growth in 2009
    to 8.2 percent, from its previous forecast of 7.0
    percent contained the Asian Development Outlook
    2009 released in March.
  • Unveiling the Asian Development Outlook 2009
    Update in Hong Kong, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
    Chief Economist Jong-Wha Lee said the bank also
    lifted the growth forecast for developing Asia's
    largest economy in 2010 to 8.9 percent from 8.0
  • "The 8 percent growth target for 2009 set by the
    (Chinese) government at the start of year now
    looks within reach ... and, in 2010, it will be
    in sight of the country's long-run sustainable
    growth range of about nine percent," Lee told
  • The surge in bank lending and fixed asset
    investments pushed the growth forecast for China
    in 2009 by 1.2 percentage points, Lee said.
  • The Chinese economy grew by 7.1 percent in the
    first half of 2009, driven by investment and
    consumption, which contributed 6.2 and 3.8
    percentage points of the growth, respectively.
    These were offset by a 2.9 percentage points
    decline contributed by net exports, according the

  • The World Bank on 23/09/09 approved four projects
    worth US4.3 billion to India, designed to
    support the Governments infrastructure agenda
    and bolster its economic stimulus program.
  • After a period of high economic growth which
    reached 9.7 percent in 2006-07 the onset of the
    global financial crisis in 2008 saw Indias
    growth rate fall to about 5-6 percent in the
    fourth quarter of 2008-09. Although there is
    uncertainty about the pace of the economic
    recovery, current trends suggest that a growth
    rate of between 5.5 and 6.5 percent for 2009-10
    is realistic.
  • The US2 billion Banking Sector Support Loan will
    provide budgetary support to the Government of
    India, helping it maintain its broad economic
    stimulus program by enhancing the capital of
    select public sector banks. As a result of the
    global financial crisis, private and foreign
    banks have slowed their lending and deposit
    taking, increasing demand on public sector banks.
    This loan will help maintain credit growth
    levels, support social banking and employment
    growth, and help strengthen the economic recovery

  • Sustaining high growth and making it more
    inclusive is one of Indias most formidable
    challenges. Central to this is the need to
    improve its physical infrastructure. Indias
    roads, railways, ports, airports, communication,
    and above all, power supply, are urgently in need
    of investment. The US1.2 billion loan to the
    India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd. (IIFCL)
    is designed to support its role to catalyze
    private financing for public-private partnerships
    in (PPPs) in infrastructure and stimulate the
    development of a long-term local currency debt
    financing market.

The key is in the core sector
  • While China will focus on her interiors for
  • China has issued 30 bln yuan bond to finance
    railway expansion (September 23,2009 )
  • China's Ministry of Railways (MOR) has begun to
    raise 30 billion yuan (4.41 billion U.S. dollars)
    to support railway construction through floating
    the first batch of bonds this year on the
    inter-bank bond market.
  • The bond issue comprised 20 billion yuan of
    10-year bonds and 10 billion yuan of 15-year
    bonds, with a bidding yield rate range of 4.8
    percent to 5 percent, said the MOR Tuesday.
  • Proceeds would be used to construct 32 new rail
    lines including a passenger line linking the two
    northeastern cities of Dalian and Harbin, which
    will boast a speed of 350 kilometers an hour,
    said the MOR.
  • China plans to extend its rail network to 100,000
    km by 2020 from 76,600 km in 2006, at an
    estimated 2 trillion yuan cost.

  • Will have to ramp up steel production and
    consumption way beyond the current levels.
  • Massive Infrastructure spending will in its wake,
    create demand for more and more steel

  • India's economy will continue to improve in the
    2009/10 fiscal year (April-March) as stimulus
    packages have helped spur demand, but a full
    economic revovery will still take time - finance
  • Growth for the fiscal year would exceed 6
    percent, Pranab Mukherjee told a conference,
    despite a poor monsoon.
  • India, Asia's third-largest economy, grew 6.7
    percent in 2008/09, slowing from rates of 9
    percent or higher in the previous three years as
    the global downturn hit harder than expected.
  • "If the present trend continues, second quarter
    GDP would be better than the first quarter,"
    Mukherjee said.
  • The economy grew 6.1 percent in the April-June
    quarter from a year earlier, picking up from an
    annual rate of 5.8 percent in the previous

Steel Times India
  • Contrary to popular belief, progress in some of
    the major plants in the pipeline have stalled.
  • The reasons are many
  • Economic downturn had forced a rethink
  • Land acquisition being the major drawback
  • The sluggishness has been a boon in disguise

Indian Companies have used the downturn
  • To refocus on the resource side and re-organise
  • Acquisition of sick units and amalgamation has
    been a key happening (Case Study Global Coke)
  • Direct mine acquisition / strategic overseas
    investments / move into new markets (Mongolia,
    Mozambique) / investment in development of
    infrastructure have taken precedence all with
    one goal

Supply Security
  • Of quality coking coal

Another important factor
  • Has been the elimination of middlemen
  • As producers are now in direct contact with mine
  • This moving away from the spot market
  • Will ultimately be beneficial as long term
    associations will eliminate the steep
    fluctuations in pricing bringing stability in its

(No Transcript)
Global Coke Limited- timeline
  • March 1999 incorporated as a private limited
    company in Kolkata. West Bengal
  • October 2007 acquired a sick unit in Jamnagar
    Gujarat with a 144,000 mtpa coke oven plant
  • 2007 2009 made heavy investments, made the
    plant operational and achieved a turn around
  • March 2008 sales TO of Rs 37.88 crores
  • March 2009 sales TO up 545 to Rs 206.40
  • August 2009 converted into a public limited
    company with the main object of doing business in
    coal and coke

Plants Capacities
  • Jamnagar
  • Existing capacity 144,000
  • Expansion 156,000
  • Total 300,000
  • Power From
  • waste heat 12 MW
  • March 2010
  • March 2011
  • Goa
  • Existing 144,000
  • Expansion 156,000
  • Total 300,000
  • Power From
  • Waste Heat 24 MW
  • October 2009
  • March 2011

Consistent quality, above board dealings
participative management have ensured repeat
orders by satisfied customers steady business
  • Hindusthan Zinc
  • Ispat Industries
  • Birla Copper (Hindalco) Ltd.
  • Jindal Stainless Ltd.
  • Rock Wool (India) Ltd
  • Tata Chemicals Limited
  • Nirma Limited
  • SAL Industries
  • United Phosphorous

  • Professionally managed by an independent Board
    of Directors that include ex bankers, bureaucrats
    and professionals

  • Unique customer base which provides a cushion
    during the down turn in the steel cycle.
  • Nearness to port provides logistical advantage
  • Major customers within a small radius
  • Long term relationship with Australian
  • Second Unit acquired in Goa Expansion completed
    in the first unit
  • Plants for co generation of power being set up
  • providing supply security


Future plans
  • Setting up of co generation plants to produce
  • Foray into shipping and logistics
  • Singapore operations to provide better grasp over
    emerging opportunities
  • Acquisition of overseas coal blocks

Mine to Market integration
  • To enter into the public domain and enlisting
  • Integrate forward into steel making and or ferro
  • Integrate backward into mining
  • Use co generated power for further creation of
    wealth for all stakeholders

Or Mission
  • To be a premier resource company that is a
    socially conscious corporate citizen in the
    business of wealth creation in an ethically moral
    way. An eco friendly entity, an equal opportunity
    employer and a proud contributor to Indias steel

Global Coke Limitedan ISO 9001 2008 Certified
Registered Corporate Office 204, Elgin
Chambers,1 A, Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, Kolkata
700 020, West Bengal,INDIA Phone (91)-33- 2486
6039/40 Fax (91)-33- 2486 6041 E-mail
info_at_globalcoke.in Website www.globalcoke.in Jam
nagar Administrative Office Prasham Building, K.
R. Gandhi Marg, Rajkot 360 001, Gujarat,
INDIA Phone (91)-281- 2490 223/4
Fax(91)-281- 2490 226 Goa Administrative
office 2G,Seshaghor, 20EDC Complex, Patto, Panaji
403001,Goa. Phone 91 832 2437751
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