Title: PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA: Spinyheaded worms
1PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA Spiny-headed worms --
most are gut parasites of fish, reptiles, birds
(sometimes mammals)
2Gut of duck
Gut of pig?
3PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA Spiny-headed worms I.
General Anatomy -- pseudocoelmic -- no gut
body surface covered with pores
4PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA Spiny-headed worms I.
General Anatomy A. Proboscis and lacunar
5PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA Spiny-headed worms I.
General Anatomy B. Reproductive system
separates sexes (dieocious) 1. Male
cement gland
copulatory bursa
6(No Transcript)
7PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA Spiny-headed worms I.
General Anatomy B. Reproductive system
separates sexes 2. Female
uterine bell
ovarian balls eggs
8PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA Spiny-headed worms I.
General Anatomy C. Life Cycle -- eggs
pass with host feces -- hatches ? acanthor
acanthor larva within egg
9PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA Spiny-headed worms I.
General Anatomy C. Life Cycle -- infects
arthropod IH ? cystacanth (often alter behavior
appearance of IH) -- eaten by DH
10PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA Spiny-headed worms
II. Taxonomy A. Neoechinorhynchus sp.
-- DH fish -- acanthor infects ostracod
(seed shrimp) ? cystacanth -- ostracod
ingested by fish
11PHYLUM ACANTHOCEPHALA Spiny-headed worms
II. Taxonomy A. Macracanthorhynchus
sp. -- DH pig human (zoonosis) IH June
beetle grub adult beetle