Allele Frequency and The HardyWeinberg Equation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Allele Frequency and The HardyWeinberg Equation


Genetic Variation Is Exhibited By All Organisms. Allele Frequency - Random Mating ... This genotype predominates when the frequency of allele a is low ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Allele Frequency and The HardyWeinberg Equation

Allele Frequency and The Hardy-Weinberg Equation
p q ? p22pqq2
Genetic Variation Is Exhibited By All Organisms
  • Allele Frequency
  • - Random Mating
  • - Hardy-Weinberg Rule/Law
  • Calculating Allele Frequency
  • Factors that Affect Allele Frequency

  • A group of animals that ______ a common gene
  • e.g. - Herd of Cattle
  • - Flock of Sheep at the OSU - Sheep Farm
  • - Steelhead in ? River

Allele Frequency
Relative _______ of a allele in a population
compared to the abundance of all the alleles of
that locus...
Random Mating
an animal in a population has the ____
probability of mating with any animal of the
opposite sex in that population.
Selective or mating, preference
exists in mate selection. Example Men with
brn. hair choosing women with blonde hair as
  • Calculating
  • Allelic Frequency
  • Genotypic Frequency

  • Example Two alleles at one locus are responsible
    for a trait. The frequency of the 1st allele
    in the population could vary, 0 100.The 2nd
    allele, 100 - the of the 1st allele.
  • The frequency of the 2 sums to 100 or 1.
  • Knowing the frequency of a recessive gene
    predicts the likelihood of its re-appearing
    in the next generation, and
  • how many carriers exist.

Number of copies of a specific allele in the
Allele frequency
Total number of alleles at that specific locus in
the population
Number of individuals with a specific genotype in
that population
Genotype frequency
Total number of individuals in that population
  • Consider a population of 100 hypothetical cows
    - tail length, normal vs short
  • 64 normal tails with the genotype TT
  • 32 normal tails with the genotype Tt
  • 4 short tails with the genotype tt

Frequency of allele t
Homozygotes have two copies of allele t
Heterozygotes have only one
(2)(4) 32
Frequency of allele t
(2)(64) (2)(32) (2)(4)
All individuals have two copies of each allele
Frequency of allele t
0.2, or 20
Hardy-Weinberg Rule / Equation
  • A mathematical expression developed
  • ________, a British mathematician
  • and _________, a German physician.
  • Explains how alleles are distributed in a
    randomly mated population.

Hardy-Weinberg Rule / Equation
  • To apply, there must be
  • mutation,
  • migration,
  • nor selection at the locus involved.
  • Population has to be large
  • p2 2pq q2 1

The Hardy-Weinberg Equation in Action!
  • A polymorphic gene exists with two alleles,
    A and a
  • The frequency of allele A is represented by p
  • The frequency of allele a is represented by q
  • p q 1
  • Hardy-Weinberg equation states that
  • (p q)2 1
  • p2 2pq q2 1

Genotype frequency of AA
Genotype frequency of Aa
Genotype frequency of aa
  • Allele frequencies p 0.8 and q 0.2, and if
    the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,
    then Genotype frequencies
  • AA p2 (0.8)2 0.64
  • Aa 2pq 2(0.8)(0.2) 0.32
  • aa q2 (0.2)2 0.04

(No Transcript)
Genotype Freq

Calculating the Allele Frequency
Count the genes (genes exist in the pairs)
Example of the the H-W Rule
Shorthorn cattle with Red (RR), Roan (Rr), and
White (rr) colors. Alleles are R r,
co-dominance . Frequencies of the alleles
present is unknown. Let p and q, frequencies
for alleles, R and r. Frequency of the RR
genotype probability (p) that an ovum contains
the R allele and (p) the sperm also contains R is
p x p p 2
Each genotype has its own phenotype
Frequency of genotype rr probability (q) that
an ovum contains the r allele and the (q) sperm
also contains r is q x q q2
Frequency of the genotype Rr - probability (p)
ovum contains allele R and the (q) sperm contains
allele r p x q pq The probability of the
opposite case (rR) is the same --- total
probability of the Rr genotype
2 x pq or 2pq Thus, p2 2pq q2
After 1 generation of random mating, genes R and
r with frequencies p and q produce offspring as
follows RR p2 Rr pq or Rr
2pq rR qp rr q2 The sum of genotype
frequencies in the new generation is RR p2 2
pq Rr rr q2
Applying Allelic Frequencies to the Equation
If p and q .7 and .3 (allele freqs.), p2
2pq q2 (genotype freqs.) p2 (.7) 2
.49 2pq .42 q2 (.3) 2 .09
H-W for Genes Expressing Inc-dominance (ea
genoty. differ. phenoty.)
Example Black(BB), blue (Bb) and white (bb) in
the chicken Total of chickens in the
population 150 ( of alleles 300
autosomes BB 95 birds ( of B alleles 190) Bb
50 birds ( of B alleles 50, of b alleles
50) bb 5 birds ( of b alleles
10) Calculate p (freq.) B Total of B alleles
in the population 190 50 240 Total of
all alleles in the population 190 50 50
10 300 or 150 x 2 300 p (B)
240/300 0.8 then q (b) 1 - 0.8 0.2
H-W for Alleles Expressing Complete Dominance
(only 2 phenoty.)
Example The presence of the white belt in
cattle, Beltgtnon-belt Total of cattle 230
of belted cattle 147 (BB and Bb are
phenotypically identical) of non belted cattle
How many Belted and nonBelted alleles are in
this herd?
The phenotype frequency (non belted cattle)
its genotype frequency, bb frequency of belted
cattle q2 Calculation of q 2 83 /
230 q 2 0.361 square root of q 2 q
What is the Frequency of p ?
The phenotype frequency (belted cattle) the sum
of BB and Bb genotype frequencies , frequency of
belted cattle p 2 2pq
From H-W Law p2 2pq q 2 1, q2
.361 p2 2pq 1 -
.361 p2 2pq .639 ......use q2 0.361
(easy way) q .601 p q 1 p 1- q, p
1 - .601 or .399
H-W for a Sex-Linked Trait Example color
blindness in humans A normal vision a
red-green color blindness XAXA norm female-not
carrier XAXa norm- carrier XaXa
color blind female XAY normal male XaY
color-blind male 1000 males and 1000 females
screened 61 males are color-blind 4 females
are color-blind
61 males are color-blind
4 females are color-blind
One allele is present in the heterogametic
organism (male in mammals), the allele frequency
genotype frequency. The frequency of the male
genotype is 61/1000 0.061 q 61 / 1000
0.061 and p 1 - q, p 1 - 0.061 0.939
Assume the same q as in the males, what are the
gene frequencies in 1000 females? A - norm
vision, a - red-green color blindness XAXA -
norm female-not carrier, XAXa - norm female,
carrier XaXa - color blind female XAY
- normal male XaY - color-blind male q
0.061 p 0.939
Assuming the same q and p as in male group, how
many females (1000) are carriers ? 1000 x 2pq
1000 x 2 x 0.939 x 0.061 114 How many are
color-blind? 1000 x q2 1000 x (0.061)2 3.7
Relationship between allele frequencies and
genotype frequencies according to the
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
This genotype predominates when the frequency of
allele a is intermediate
This genotype predominates when the frequency of
allele a is low
This genotype predominates when the frequency of
allele a is high
Factors that Affect Allele Frequency
  • Selection
  • Mutation
  • Genetic drift
  • Migration
  • Mixing Populations

Process of determining which animals breed and
produce the next generation. Natural selection -
"biology" of the animal determines the potential
to breed. Artificial selection - potential to
breed is controlled (by humans).
Example horned and polled cattle
H - polled p (H) 0.5 h - horned q (h)
0.5 Assume Random mating population, N 100
animals How many animals are HH ?
N.p2 100 x (.5)(.5) 25 Hh ?
N.2pq 100 x 2 (.5)(.5) 50 hh ?
N.q2 100 x (.5)(.5)
25 Completely dominant gene! Phenotypically,
HHHh HH 75 polled Hh
Selection against horns hh animals are
culled Population has only p2 2pq
75 animals (Selection continued) How many
alleles in new population? 2 x 75 150 How
many heterozygous animals? no. of HH
25 75 no. of Hh 50 How many alleles in
heterozygous animals? 50
What is the h allele frequency in the NEW
population? q 50/150 1/3 or .33 Frequency
of H allele in new population? p q 1 p 1
- q p 1 - .33 .67 Difference between new
and old populations Old New After 1
gen of Sel. p 0.5 p 0.67 q
0.5 q 0.33
Selection Against a Recessive Allele
  • Mutation
  • The allele undergoes a change. Mutation is
  • the original source of genetic variation and
  • causes small changes in allelic frequency per
  • Types of the mutations
  • Spontaneous -- appears without apparent
  • Induced -- caused by mutagenic agents x-ray,
    chemicals, etc.

Mutation The number of alleles in the population
can be altered by mutation. If p 0.5 q
0.5 Assume 50 of the dominant allele mutated
to a recessive form -------------- 50 of 0.5
0.25 In the new population p 0.5 -
0.25 0.25 q 0.5 0.25 0.75
Change in gf, Mutation is the only Influence
New genetic material, animals being introduced
into the mating population. Example A colony of
gray house bats exists in So. Oregon. Established
colony acquires 3 new gray bats from So.
Mississippi (someones pets escaped)
interbreeding occurs.
Genetic Drift
Random fluctuations of gf due to sampling errors,
occurs in all populations -- in small populations
large changes in allelic frequency. Example
Population of 5 animals (10 alleles) All
alleles have the same chance of being in the
gametes, the proportion of one allele may be gt
than other due to a chance. Like flipping a
coin - the more flips the better chance that the
results are 11
Example - Codominance
Cattle Roan (R and r) 40 Red, 58 Roan, 2 White
What are the gene frequencies? p and q can be
determined by adding all the alleles in the
population. (The three phenotypes are
distinguisable). How many R alleles are
present? What is the total number of alleles in
this population? p ? P 138 / 200 .69 q ?
Is This Herd in H-W Equilibrium at the Roan Locus
Allele freqs .69 and q .31 the genotypic and
phenotypic frequencies should be (pq)2
P22pqq2 Expect 48 Red 42 Roan 10
White Observed 40 Red 58 Roan 2 White
  • Are the observed numbers in agreement with the
  • How do we evaluate this in an unbiased manner?
  • Goodness of Fit Test
  • Calc X2 with 2 df _at_ .05 13.8 What is your

Example - Complete Dominance
Combs in chicken Rose, R gt Single, r
Flock contains 5 Rose combs , 95 Single
combs The allele frequencies are ? q2 (Single
comb) .95 q .975 p 1- q 1 -
.975 .025
If this flock contains 135 birds,
How many are heterozygous Rose comb? _______
birds x 2pq (2x.975x.025) _____ How many are
homozygous for Rose comb? 135 birds x p2 135 x
(.025)2 .08
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