Title: The Seven Wastes Found in Manufacturing
1The Seven Wastes Found in Manufacturing
1. Waste of Waiting time 2. Transportation
waste 3. Processing waste 4. Inventory
waste 5. Waste of motion 6. Waste from
overproduction 7. Waste from product
defects This is the list used by Toyota.
2The Nine Wastes Defined by Cannon
1. Waste Caused by Work-in-Process 2. Waste
Caused by Defects 3. Processing waste 4. Waste
in Equipment 5. Waste in Expense 6. Waste in
Planning 7. Waste in Human Resources 8. Waste in
Operations 9. Waste in Startup
- Lean production is lean because it uses less
of everything compared with mass production. - Half the human effort in the factory
- Half the manufacturing space
- Half the investment tools
- Half the engineering effort
- Half the time to develop new products
- It is difficult to give a precise definition of
Lean manufacturing or leanness. However, there
are some desirable characteristics of Lean
Manufacturing we will talk about in this course.
5Conventional vs. Lean Manufacturing
Operational Characteristics
6Conventional vs. Lean Manufacturing
Organizational Characteristics
7A Road Map for Lean Manufacturing Journey
8Elements of Lean Manufacturing
9Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)
- Kaizen means improvement. Moreover, Kaizen
means continuous improvement in personal life,
home life, social life, and working life. When
applied to the workplace KAIZEN means continuing
improvement involving everyone-managers and
workers alike.
10Kaizen (Continuous Improvement)
- Kaizen is a culture of sustained continuous
improvement focusing on eliminating waste in all
systems and processes of an organization. Kaizen
transforms companies into "Superior Global
11Two Elements of Kaizen
- Improvement/Change for the better
- Ongoing/continuity
12Cycle of Improvement
13Kaizen Implementation Requirements
- Kaizen should be implemented by the
lower/middle level management and workers, with
the encouragement and direction from the top. The
top management responsibility is to cultivate a
Kaizen working climates and cultures in the
14Wet Blankets That Discourage Kaizen
- I am too busy to study it.
- It's a good idea, but the timing is premature.
- It is not in the budget.
- Theory is different from practice.
- Isn't there something else for you to do?
- I think it doesn't match corporate policy.
15Wet Blankets That Discourage Kaizen (contd)
- It isn't our business let someone else think
about it . - Are you dissatisfied with your work?
- It's not improvement, it's common sense.
- I know the result, even if we don't do it.
- I will not be held accountable for it.
- Can't you think of a better idea?
16Basic Tips for Kaizen Activities
- Discard conventional fixed ideas.
- Think of how to do it, not why it cannot be done.
- Do not make excuses. Start by questioning current
practices. - Do not seek perfection. Do it right away even if
for only 50 of target.
17Basic Tips for Kaizen Activities (Contd)
- Correct it right away, if you make mistake.
- Do not spend money for KAIZEN, use your wisdom.
- Wisdom is brought out when faced with hardship.
- Ask 'WHY?" five times and seek root causes.
- Seek the wisdom of ten people rather than the
knowledge of one. - KAIZEN ideas are infinite.
18Ask Why Five Times
- Then you will go 5-level deep into your
cause-and-effect diagram
195 Ss of Kaizen (in Japanese)
- 1. Seiri Distinguish between the necessary and
unnecessary and discard the later. - 2. Seiton Arrange all items in an orderly
manner. - 3. Seiso Keep Machines and working environment
clean. - 4. Seiketsu Extend the concept of cleanliness to
oneself and practice the above three steps. - 5. Stihsuke Build self discipline and make a
habit of engaging in 5S by establishing
205 Ss of Kaizen (in the west)
- 1. Sort Distinguish between the necessary and
unnecessary and discard the later. - 2. Straighten Arrange all items in an orderly
manner. - 3. Scrub Keep Machines and working environment
clean. - 4. Systematize Extend the concept of cleanliness
to oneself and practice the above three steps. - 5. Standardize Build self discipline and make a
habit of engaging in 5S by establishing
21Peoples Time in a Typical Factory
22Material Time in a Typical Factory
23Machine Time in a Typical Factory
24Waste (Muda)
- Waste is anything other than the minimum amount
of equipment, materials, parts, space, and
workers time, which are absolutely essential to
add value to the product.
253 Ms
- MUDA In Japanese muda means Waste. However, it
carries a much deeper connotation. In
manufacturing Muda refers to any activity that
does not add value.
263 Ms
- MURA In Japanese mura means irregularity.
Whenever a smooth flow of work is interrupted in
an operators work, the flow of parts or
machines, or the production schedule, there is
273 Ms
- MURI In Japanese muri means strenuous
conditions for both workers and machines as well
as for the work processes. Although muri does
not imply mura or muda immediately, it will turn
into one if left unattended.
2812 Principles of Process Improvement
- 1. Organize the workplace
- 2. Develop Quick Setup
- 3. Eliminate transportation loss
- 4. Develop fixtures for one-touch placement and
automatic ejection - 5. Introduce multi-process handling
- 6. Synchronize process
2912 Principles of Process Improvement (Contd)
- 7. Use transfer lot size of one
- 8. Introduce Jidoka (Autonomation) concepts
- 9. Introduce Poka-Yoke (mistake proof)
Statistical process control - 10. Eliminate machine troubles
- 11. Operate on Takt time (cycle time)
- 12. Standardize work procedures
30Simplify, Combine, and Eliminate
- Simplify
- setup operations
- tool access
- instructions
- design
- distinction
- material handling
- operations
31Simplify, Combine, and Eliminate
- Combine
- multi machine assignments
- load and unload operations
- separate functions and operations
- production and inspection
32Simplify, Combine, and Eliminate
- Eliminate
- Waste of Waiting time
- Transportation waste
- Processing waste
- Inventory waste
- Waste of motion
- Waste from overproduction
- Waste from product defects
- Elimination of Waste
- Equipment Reliability
- Process Capability
- Continuous Flow
- Material flows one part at a time
- Less inventory
- Reduced defects
- Lead time reduction
- Error proofing
- Stop the line quality system
- Kanban system
- Standard Work
- Visual management
- In station process control
- Level production
- Takt time
- Quick changeover
35Deming's 14 Points
- Deming's Fourteen Points is a summary of Dr.
Deming's philosophy on quality management. It
describes what is necessary for a business to
survive and be competitive today. The fourteen
points are - Create constancy of purpose toward the
improvement of products and services in order to
become competitive, stay in business, and provide
jobs. - Adopt the new philosophy. Management must learn
that it is a new economic age and awaken to the
challenge, learn their responsibilities, and take
on leadership for change. - Stop depending on inspection to achieve quality.
Build in quality from the start. - Stop awarding contracts on the basis of low bids.
- Improve continuously and forever the system of
production and service, to improve quality and
productivity, and thus constantly reduce costs. - Institute training on the job.
36Deming's 14 Points
- Institute leadership. The purpose of leadership
should be to help people and technology work
better. - Drive out fear so that everyone may work
effectively. - Break down barriers between departments so that
people can work as a team. - Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for
work force. They create adversarial
relationships. - Eliminate quotas and management by objectives.
Substitute leadership. - Remove barriers that rob employees of their pride
of workmanship. - Institute a vigorous program of education and
self-improvement. - Make the transformation everyone's job and put
everyone to work on it.