Title: Dynamics of Perceptual Bistability
1Dynamics of Perceptual Bistability J Rinzel, NYU
w/ N Rubin, A Shpiro, R Curtu, R Moreno
- Alternations in perception of ambiguous stimulus
irregular - Oscillator models mutual inhibition, switches
due to adaptation - -- noise gives randomness to period
- Attractor models noise driven, no alternation
w/o noise - Constraints from data ltTgt, CV
- Which model is favored?
2Mutual inhibition with slow adaptation
? alternating dominance and suppression
3Oscillator Models for Directly Competing
Two mutually inhibitory populations,
corresponding to each percept. Firing rate model
r1(t), r2(t) Slow negative feedback adaptation
or synaptic depression.
No recurrent excitation half-center oscillator
w/ N Rubin, A Shpiro, R Curtu
Wilson 2003 Laing and Chow 2003
Shpiro et al, J Neurophys 2007
4Alternating firing rates
Adaptation slowly grows/decays
WTA or ATT regime
adaptation LC model
5Analysis of Dynamics
Fast-Slow dissection r1 , r2 fast variables
a1 , a2 slow variables
a1, a2 frozen
6r1-r2 phase plane, slowly drifting nullclines
- At a switch
- saddle-node in fast dynamics.
- dominant r is high while system rides
- near threshold of suppressed populns
- nullcline ? ESCAPE.
r1- nullcline r2- nullcline
ß 0.9, I1I21.4
7Switching due to adaptation release or escape
8Noise leads to random dominance durations and
eliminates WTA behavior.
t dri/dt -ri f(-ßrj - g ai Ii ni) ta
dai/dt -ai ri
Added to stimulus I1,2 s.d., s 0.03, tn 10
Model with synaptic depression
9Noise-Driven Attractor Models
w/ R Moreno, N Rubin J Neurophys, 2007
No oscillations if noise is absent.
Kramers 1940
10LP-IV in an attractor model
11Compare dynamical skeletons oscillator and
attractor-based models
12Observed variability and mean duration constrain
the model.
13Favored noise-driven attractor with weak
adaptation but not far from oscillator regime.
14Best fit distribution depends on parameter values.
Noise dominated Adaptation dominated
I1 , I2 0.6
15Swartz Foundation and NIH.
- Experimentally
- Monotonic ltTgt vs I
- ltTgt and CV as constraints
- No correlation between successive cycles
- Models, one framework vary params.
- Mutual, direct inhibition w/o recurrent
excitation - Non-monotonic dominance duration vs I1, I2
- Attractor regime, noise dominated
- Better match w/ data.
- Balance between noise level and adaptation
strength. - Oscillator regime, adaptation dominated
- Relatively smaller CV.
- Relatively greater correlation between successive
cycles. - Moreno model (J Neurophys 2007) local
inhibition, strong recurrent excitation
monotonic ltTgt vs I.
w/ N Rubin, A Shpiro, R Curtu, R Moreno