Title: Thomson Micromedex Healthcare Series HCS
1Thomson Micromedex Healthcare Series (HCS)
2Table of Contents
- Summary of Features - pg. 3
- Healthcare Series Interface - pg. 6
- Full-Text Searching - pg. 13
- Drugs Tab Compare Drug Summaries and Therapeutic
Classes - pg. 16 - Drugs/Toxicology Tabs Drug Identification and
Toxic Substance List - pg. 26 - Disease Tab - pg. 33
- Labs Tab - pg. 41
- IV Compatibility Tab - pg. 50
- Interactions Tab - pg. 63
- Patient Education Tab - pg. 72
- Formulary Handheld Tab Formulary Advisor -
pg. 80 - Formulary Handheld Tab mobileMICROMEDEX - pg.
3Healthcare Series - Summary of Features
- Available on Internet or Intranet
- Keyword (Integrated Index) Searching
- Persistent Document Outline No matter where you
scroll within a document, this 2-level outline
floats in the left margin. - Compare Drug Summaries Quickly compare specific
information such as dosage or side effects for
two or more drugs. - Therapeutic Class List Feature Navigate up and
down a drug class tree to find alternatives
within the same class or a different class.
Content is from the RED BOOK file, organized by
the Micromedex class structure. - continued
4Healthcare Series - Summary of Features
- Full-Text Search by Document Section Find the
most precise results in fewer clicks. - Multiple Single Drug Interactions Cross-check
multiple drugs in a single search. - Trade/Generic Drug Product List Easy-to-read
details on both trade and generic products.
Content from DRUGDEX MARTINDALE. - Lab Advisor Presents critical information to
help select which laboratory tests are
appropriate for a given condition and interpret
results. Includes normal ranges, test
methodology, and other laboratory-related
information. - continued
5Healthcare Series - Summary of Features
- Toxic Substance List Sort through product names,
active ingredients, and imprint codes in tabular
format. - Drug Identification Tool Search by physical
characteristics such as color, shape, pattern,
Imprint Code, and NDC Code. Includes product
images. - IV Compatibility Allows both single and multiple
drug searches. Incorporates data from Trissells
2. - Page-Specific Help
- Print-Friendly Functions
6The Healthcare Series Interface
7HealthCare Series Interface Main screen
Keyword Search page
8HealthCare Series Interface Initial Results page
For the next few examples, the user has clicked
on different links from this Initial Results
screen (a) Drug Summary Information Warfarin
Sodium (b) DRUGDEX Evaluations Warfarin and
(c) DRUGDEX Evaluations Search For Other
9Drug Summary Information Warfarin Sodium
Click on drug name or Details to go to the full
DRUGDEX monograph. Click on Tradename Listing for
the full Products list.
To arrive at these results, the user has clicked
on the Drug Summary Information Warfarin
Sodium link from the Initial Results screen.
10DRUGDEX Evaluations Warfarin
To arrive at these results, the user has clicked
on the DRUGDEX Evaluations Warfarin link from
the Initial Results screen.
11DRUGDEX Evaluations Search For Other Matches
To arrive at these results, the user has clicked
on the DRUGDEX Evaluations Search for Other
Matches link from the Initial Results screen.
12DRUGDEX Evaluations Search For Other Matches
To arrive at these results, the user has clicked
on the DRUGDEX Evaluations Search for Other
Matches link from the Initial Results screen.
13Full-Text Searchby Document Section
14Specific Topic Search performs a Full-Text
Search by Document Section Available under the
following tabs Drugs, Toxicology, Disease, and
Labs. Available only for Micromedex proprietary
documents (DRUGDEX, POISINDEX, DiseaseDex, etc.),
plus PDR and Martindale.
Because each type of document has different
document sections, this search shows One Database
at a Time. Full-Text means it searches all the
text of the document or section for the exact
words the user entered. The Main Keyword Search
is different from this it is an Index Search
which will pick up synonyms. The Full-Text search
will not pick up synonyms or related terms.
- This example is a Toxicology Specific Topic
Search. - Choose the database POISINDEX.
- Enter the term Fever.
- Choose document section(s) in which to search
Clinical Effects.
15Specific Topic Search performs a Full-Text
Search by Document Section.
The search term (fever) is highlighted in bold,
along with a few words before and after to put
the term in context for the user.
16Drugs Tab Compare Drug Summariesand
Therapeutic Classes
17Drugs Tab drop-down menu
18Compare Drug Summaries
19Compare Drug Summaries (continued)
20Compare Drug Summaries (continued)
21Therapeutic Classes - found under the Drugs Tab
22Therapeutic Classes (continued)
23Therapeutic Classes (continued)
24Therapeutic Classes (continued)
25Therapeutic Classes (continued) DrugPoints
results for Ciprofloxacin
26Drugs/Toxicology Tabs Drug Identification
andToxic Substance List
27Drug Identification IDENTIDEX can be searched
from either the Drugs or Toxicology
28Drug Identification (continued) Intermediate
results page. Click one of the Decadron results
29 Drug Identification (continued) Results page,
including drug image.
30Drug Identification / Toxic Substance Lists
(continued) Review the POISINDEX Toxic Substance
List search results for Decadron. Select
31Toxic Substance Lists (continued) Resulting
POISINDEX Product List document. Under Related
Documents, click on CORTICOSTEROIDS to go to the
POISINDEX Management document.
32Toxic Substance Lists (continued) Resulting
POISINDEX Toxicologic Management document for
33Disease Tab
34Easy access to disease information
35Disease initial results page
36Disease Best Matches Clicking Best Matches
from the Initial Results page brings up 4 Titles
and 2 Synonyms.
37Quickly pinpoint precise information
38Comprehensive, evidence-based content
39Easy-to-read algorithms
40Relevant facts presented in tables
41Labs Tab Lab Advisor
42- Lab Advisor
- Features
- Details on 500 laboratory tests
- Guidance on identifying appropriate tests and
interpreting the results - Facts to help monitor drug levels, therapeutic
levels, and side effects related to laboratory
tests - Details on medications known to cause false
positive/negative results - Guidance on collecting samples and administering
tests - Tips on minimizing patient discomforts associated
with tests - Links to details on diseases, drugs, and
toxicological substances within Healthcare Series
43Search lab test information
Entering in a keyword will produce results
specific to lab tests. Keywords can be the test
name, test name synonym, indication/ condition
for performing the test, or a drug which may
cause a drug/lab interaction.
44Results page when searched term results in
multiple results. Hepatitis was the keyword
45Specific Database Search Users can switch and
search on LOINC code (unique lab test identifier
codes) using the drop down arrow. Or, User can
type in the first few letters of the test name
and jump directly to the test using the Browse
46Specific Topic Search Users can choose to
search a term in specific sections of the
document. For example, you want to know which
tests are done using the spectrophotometry
technique. Search term is spectrophotometry
and section searched is the Test Methodology
47Results page from Specific Topic Search Search
on spectrophotometry brings back 21 test
results. User can click on test listed to open
the document.
48Customized notes tool Allows Administrator to
add notes to either the title level, or to
specific sections within the lab test document.
49Lab Monograph Example of lab test monograph
with a customized note attached.
50IV Compatibility Tab
51IV Compatibility IV Index allows for both single
drug and multiple drug compatibility searches.
The default is a single drug search. Word wheel
functionality allows for easy look up of
(hard-to-spell) drug names.
52IV Compatibility (continued) The default for
single drug search results is Solution
compatibility. Other information provided for
single drug searches is for Y-Site, Admixture,
Syringe, and TPN/TNA compatibility.
The first results screen that you see is the
Compatibility Overview. For a solution search,
common solutions are shown on the left side of
the table and other solutions tested are shown on
the right side of the screen. Solutions tested
with the drug are listed with a hypertext link so
you can click for further study details. The
compatibility key at the bottom of the screen
clearly explains the results you see in the
Overview screen. Hold your mouse over each of the
items in the key for a complete definition.
53IV Compatibility (continued)
Clicking the More Details link next to the drug
name searched will jump to the bottom of the page
(a) for summary drug information. This includes
trade names for the drug searched, other names,
and pH range.
54IV Compatibility (continued) Clicking the
hypertext-linked solution names (D5W, in this
case) will take you to the Compatibility Details
screen, with detailed information on every test
conducted with the drug you searched on and the
solution you chose.
The first column includes the drug name,
concentration and manufacturer name. The second
column includes the name of the solution and the
manufacturer. The third column shows the
compatibility indicator. The fourth column
includes information on physical compatibility,
chemical compatibility (where appropriate), and
storage. The fifth column includes a reference
link, study period, method, and container
55IV Compatibility (continued) Click on a
reference link and you will jump to the bottom of
the page to the appropriate reference information.
56IV Compatibility (continued) This is a Y-Site
search for the same drug Cefazolin Sodium.
Click the Y-Site tab to get Y-Site Compatibility
Overview information.
Note that there are several drugs tested in
Y-Site that have the Caution Variable indicator.
This indicates when these two drugs were tested
together in Y-Site, sometimes the combination was
found to be compatible and sometimes it was found
to be incompatible. In this case, the user should
click the hypertext-linked drug name to look at
the detailed results and understand what may have
caused the differing results.
57IV Compatibility (continued) Clicking Ampicillin
Sodium (Caution Variable) yields the results.
Some of the tests are compatible and some are
In cases where results may differ, a NOTES field
(red-text) provides the user with possible
reasons for the differing results. Admixture and
syringe compatibility searches work in exactly
the same manner as the Y-Site searches.
58IV Compatibility (continued) There is a separate
tab for the TPN/TNA information.
TPNs are also referred to as 2-in-1s because
they contain two major ingredients carbohydrates
and amino acids. TNAs are also referred to as
3-in-1s because they contain three major
ingredients carbohydrates, amino acids, and
lipids. The Overview screen for TPN/TNAs
includes the name of the TPN or TNA, the
compatibility indicator and delivery method, and
a Notes field that details the composition of the
TPN or TNA. A user will look at the composition
information to see which formulation most closely
matches the one used in his/her institution.
59IV Compatibility (continued) Drill down to the
Compatibility Details for TPN/TNAs by clicking
on the hypertext-linked name of the TPN or TNA.
The detailed results repeat the TPN/TNA name,
composition, compatibility indicator, and
delivery method. The rest of the information is
the full study information seen in other parts of
the product.
60IV Compatibility (continued) Performing a
multiple drug search.
Type in the first few letters of the names of
each of the drugs that you will be searching and
click Add to place them in the search box on
the right side of the screen. Select multiple
drugs at once by using the Control key and then
clicking Add. Once you have chosen your
drugs, click Check Compatibility to initiate
the search.
61IV Compatibility (continued) The default for a
multiple drug search is Y-Site Compatibility.
On the Overview screen, there are results for
every possible combination of the drugs that you
entered and their compatibility indicator.
Click the hypertext-linked name of a
combination to drill down to the detailed
results. At the top of the page, there are
hypertext-linked names of each of the drugs on
which you searched. Clicking any of these names
will initiate a single drug compatibility search
for that drug with the default being Solution.
62IV Compatibility (continued) Clicking the
hypertext-linked combination of Cefazolin Sodium
Vancomycin Hydrochloride yields the following
detailed results.
The first column includes the drug name,
concentration, and manufacturer name (this will
be linked to contact information in upcoming
releases). The second column includes the name
of the second drug, concentration, and the
manufacturer. The third column shows the
compatibility indicator. The fourth column
includes information on physical compatibility,
chemical compatibility (where appropriate), and
storage. The fifth column includes a reference
link, study period, method and container
information. Again, in cases where results may
differ, a NOTES field (red-text) provides the
user with possible reasons for the differing
results. Admixture and syringe compatibility
searches work in exactly the same manner as the
Y-Site searches.
63Interactions TabSingle and MultipleDrug
64Single Drug Interactions Enter Kaletra and click
Search. You can also enter filters and
allergies in this screen, reducing the number of
65Single Drug Interactions (continued) Choose
specific substances if necessary (in this case
its not necessary because there was an exact
match KALETRA) and click Check Interactions.
66Top left status box includes what was searched on
(including Severities and Documentation) and full
generic names. Top right box contains jump to
links to the various Single Interactions.
- Single Drug Interactions (continued) Results
page. - Click on the KALETRA link to view detailed
67Single Drug Interactions (continued) Detailed
68Multiple Drug Interactions Enter triazolam and
ritonavir and click Search. Search multiple
substances simultaneously and enter filters and
allergies to reduce the number of clicks.
69Multiple Drug Interactions (continued) Choose
specific substances using the dropdown if
necessary and click Check Interactions.
70Top left status box includes what was searched
on, full generic name, and links to Single
Interactions. Top right box contains jump to
links to the various Multiple Interactions.
Multiple Drug Interactions (continued) Results
page. Click on the TRIAZOLAM - RITONAVIR link to
view detailed results.
71Multiple Drug Interactions (continued) Detailed
results for the TRIAZOLAM - RITONAVIR
72Patient Education Tab CareNotes
73Patient Education - Searching
74Patient Education - Searching (continued)
75Patient Education - Selecting a document
76Patient Education - Selecting a document
(continued) Many documents have blank text boxes
throughout, allowing for patient-specific
information such as medications, temperature,
follow-up appointments, etc.
77Patient Education - Printing and Customizing
Documents All the documents you selected to Print
Later appear in the Print List.
78Patient Education - Printing and Customizing
Documents (continued) Customize documents by
filling in the following fields
79Patient Education - Hot Lists The CareNotes
administrator can group frequently used documents
under the Hot Lists tab, making them easier to
80Formulary Handheld Tab Formulary Advisor
81- Administrator Access for Formulary Managers
- Create one or more formularies
- Get up and running quickly by uploading your
entire formulary, including custom
notes and pricing information - Easily update a formulary using the latest RED
BOOK drug file data - Associate cost information to a drug
- Post guidelines, alerts, policies, and hyperlinks
for staff to reference - Print the formulary
- Instantly distribute changes via Internet and PDA
82Administrator Access for Formulary Managers
(continued) For in-depth Administrator training,
visit www.micromedex.com/training.
83- Formulary Access for Prescribing Clinicians
- Search for drugs by trade name, generic name, or
therapeutic class - Find therapeutic substitutions
- View prescribing notes, therapeutic interchange
notes, pharmacy procedures, and
guidelines - Link to Micromedex drug information
- Available for PDA and desktop computer
84Formulary Access for Prescribing Clinicians
85Formulary Access for Prescribing Clinicians
86Formulary Access for Prescribing Clinicians
87Formulary Handheld Tab mobileMICROMEDEX
88Download mobileMICROMEDEX to your PDA Click the
mobileMICROMEDEX link from the Formulary
Handheld tab on the Healthcare Series main
screen to retrieve the Web address and Customer
Number for your FREE download. Then simply follow
the instructions. After your initial download,
updates occur when you sync.
Download mobileMICROMEDEX anytime, anywherefrom
work, the office, or at home.
89mobileMICROMEDEX offers Drug information
Diagnosis tool Acute care information
Toxicology information Alternative medicine
information Drug interaction tool (included
with DRUG-REAX) Formulary tool (included
with Formulary Advisor)
90mobileMICROMEDEX Drug Information Covers
2,900 drugs with valuable, point-of-care
information. Searchable by trade name, generic
name, or drug class. Generic names Common
trade names Class Dosage, adult and
pediatric Dose adjustments Administration
Monitoring How supplied Indications Con
traindications Precautions Adverse effects
Drug interactions Pregnancy Breast
91mobileMICROMEDEX Diagnosis Tool Access
information on more than 1,000 disease and
conditions. Definitions Signs and
symptoms Differential diagnosis Predisposing
factors Testing Treatment
92mobileMICROMEDEX Acute Care Information 320
emergency conditions, discussing Diagnosis
Treatment Key points
93mobileMICROMEDEX Toxicology Information
Management for 200 of the most common
poisonings and drug overdoses Clinical
effects Treatment Range of toxicity
94mobileMICROMEDEX Alternative Medicine
Information Covers 300 of the most popular
herbal and dietary supplements Class Dosag
e, adult and pediatric Administration How
supplied Indications Contraindications Ad
verse effects Drug interactions Pregnancy
Breast feeding
95mobileMICROMEDEX Whats New Feature Provides
the latest news and alerts on FDA
announcements Disease information Clinical
updates from Micromedex
96mobileMICROMEDEX Drug Interaction Tool
Available in conjunction with the desktop
version of DRUG-REAX. Check a patients list of
medications (up to 32 at once) for potential
interactions. Warning information
includes Severity Documentation Onset
Adverse effect Clinical management
Probable mechanism
97mobileMICROMEDEX Formulary Tool Available in
conjunction with the desktop version of Formulary
Advisor Easily identify a drugs formulary
status with convenient point-of-care access.