Title: The International Classification of Impairments, Disability, and Handicap
1The International Classification of Impairments,
Disability, and Handicap
- Body functions and structure
- Defined as the physiological functions of body
systems and anatomical parts of the body - Impairments are problems or limitations in body
functions and structures - Examples range of motion, balance, strength,
sensory abilities, etc. - In the OPPM model, impairments are classified as
client factors...
2ICIDH-2 (continued)
- Activity is defined as the performance of a task
or action taken by an individual - Activity limitations are difficulties encountered
in the performance of activities - Examples walking, ADL, leisure activities
- In the OPPM, activities are a combination of
occupations, performance skills, and activity
3ICIDH-2 (continued)
- Participation refers to an individuals
involvement in life situations - Participation restrictions are problems with the
manner or extent of involvement in life
situations - Participation in the OPPM is referred to as
engagement in meaningful occupations in context
or contexts
4In both the ICIDH-2 and OPPM...
- The important outcome is participation
- Performance skills and activity limitations may
or may not impact on participation - The focus of occupational therapists needs to
move beyond body function and body structure
concerns to participation in meaningful
5For example, clinicians often focus on changes in
range of motion and strength without concern how
these changes may or may not affect occupational
performance and ultimately, participation in real
world settings
6Considerations of Outcomes or Economic
7The earlier question - Does what you do produce
- The current question - Do the results that you
produce make a difference?
8Economic Evaluation
- Do the services we provide reduce or
- compensate for disability?
- Do these services result in a higher quality
- of life?
- Which services produce the best results in
- the least amount of time with the least
- resource consumption?
- Do the outcomes attained through these
- services hold down the overall costs of health
9Four Considerations
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Quality
- Value
10Effectiveness1) procedures which most
accurately and consistently define impairments
and disabilities2) procedures which produce the
expected increase in functional status most
11Efficiency1) treatment that is absolutely
necessary2) takes the least amount of time to
identify, define, andtreat impairments and
12Quality1) Procedures which are most specific
and effective to a diagnostic group2)
procedures which have the highest correlation
with greatest functional gains3) procedures
which require the least frequency, intensity, and
duration of treatment and which have the greatest
13Value1) greater ability of patientsto
participate after treatment2) highest patient
satisfaction3) holds down costs
14How are charges for occupational therapy services
arrived at? What is taken into consideration
when deciding upon amounts?
- Break into your groups
- Make a list of factors that affect charges for
occupational therapy service units in an
inpatient rehabilitation setting - Consider these factors, and list them in order of
most important to least important in their impact
on OT costs
16Types of Economic Evaluations
- Cost consequences
- Cost minimization
- Cost effectiveness
- Cost utility
- Cost benefit analysis
17Cost Consequences Analysis
- An analysis used to describe a health service OR
to compare 2 or more health interventions - Requires a profile of costs and outcomes of
interventions (impact on health and on economic
status of client) under study
18Cost Minimization Analysis
- An analysis used to identify the cheapest
alternative when two or more services produce the
same outcome - Requires evidence from the literature must be
produced indicating both services produce the
same outcome
19Cost Effectiveness Analysis
- Used to compare costs and outcomes of two or more
services - Services must produce the same kind of outcome
- Used to study the value of each option since both
have the same targeted outcome
20Cost Utility Analysis
- Used to compare two or more services that produce
different kinds of outcomes - Consider the health status and value of that
status to the client when evaluating outcomes
21Cost Benefit Analysis
- Used to compare two or more services that produce
different kinds of outcomes - The researcher must measure and compare the
values of outcomes
22Remember value??
- 1) greater ability of patients to participate
after treatment2) highest patient
satisfaction3) holds down costs
23So where does all this fit into evidence-based
24Consider the articles you have found so far.
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Quality
- Value
25Which of the articles you have reviewed capture
any of the four elements mentioned? (slide 10)
26How can you use the evidence you have generated
to date to support any of the 4 issues discussed
and their relationship to economic issues in OT?