Title: Charging By Induction
1Charging By Induction
Overall (4)
Overall (N)
Sphere (4)
Sphere (4)
Negative rod forces electrons to the leaves -
they repel (move apart)
Grounding neutralizes the charged leaves - they
move together. Electrons do not move into the
stem as the negative rod repels them.
2Overall (4)
Overall (4)
Sphere (4)
Remove the rod (-) and the electrons move
throughout the scope again. Its overall charge
is positive so the leaves repel one another.
A negative rod repels the electrons back into the
leaves so they become neutral. They fall back
3Overall (N)
Sphere (N)
Grounding neutralizes the scope (electrons flow
into it). The entire scope in neutral so the
leaves fall back together.
By using a negative ebony rod and grounding the
electroscope we INDUCED a charge. This is
charging by induction. The process by which an
object having an electric charge produces the
same charge in a neighboring object without
actually touching it.