Digitization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Production 13,500 Sq. Ft. Digitization. Micropublishing. Warehouse 24,500 Sq. Ft. ... 13,483 square feet dedicated to micrographic and digital conversion ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Digitization

Digitization Micrographic Facility
Facility and Staffing
  • Based in St. Marys County, MD, our lab has been
    providing high quality conversion services since
  • Production 13,500 Sq. Ft.
  • Digitization
  • Micropublishing
  • Warehouse 24,500 Sq. Ft.

Manufacturing Distribution Operations Summary
Digitization Operations Preservation Operations Distribution Operations
To organizations with valuable private collections To LexisNexis Editorial content creation originating from a variety of source media books, paper, microform, digital Hearings digitization - 2M pages per month searchable PDFs XML Jenkins Law Library digitization Pennsylvania Court System RB Digital Asset management Federal Agencies, Fortune 1000 OCR text conversion and correction HTML tagging Center of Excellence for high quality LN digitization One of the largest, most technologically advanced micrographic labs of its kind Archival capture of federal government and historic document collections A Kodak Certified Lab Produced 60K original camera masters and 5M archival microfiche duplicates in 2007 13,483 square feet dedicated to micrographic and digital conversion production Recent preservations - Thomas Edison Papers, Clara Barton Papers, and the Garrison Family Papers Finished goods distribution center (microfiche and print) 24,517 square feet dedicated to warehousing and distribution 20,000 shipments annually which include microfiche subscriptions, retrospective collections, print indexes, and guides to microforms
Digitization What is it?
  • Digitization isnt just scanning
  • its creating an accurate digital representation
    of the original analog content.
  • Digitization demands high quality and value.
  • digitized content must be preserved in a format
    that meets the expectations for quality,
    usability, compatibility, and longevity.
  • If the original source documents are lost or
    destroyed, will the digital version be suitable
    as a replacement?
  • The digital contents quality reflects on the
  • Digital content should add value to its analog
  • Digitization is a process, not an event.

Project Considerations Cost Drivers
  • What file format PDF, TIFF, JPEG, etc?
  • What resolution 200 dpi, 300 dpi, etc.?
  • Do you require any form of image cleanup and
  • What quality level is required? Will you OCR the
    images or just send them out for keying?
  • How much material will be scanned?
  • What is your turnaround requirement?
  • Average size of the documents (W x H x
  • Does the size vary greatly or are they fairly
  • Are the documents rare and irreplaceable?
  • Are the bindings fragile and subject to cracking
  • What is the condition of the pages thin,
    brittle, yellowed, bleed-through?
  • Average pages per document?
  • Are sample documents available for a pilot?

Digitization Process Steps
  • Document Control Document inventory and
  • Image Capture
  • Customer defines reasonable quality expectations
  • 300-600 DPI in TIFF, JPEG
  • Image Cleanup rotation, de-skew, cropping
  • Image Enhancement brightness, contrast, edge
    sharpening, bitonal, grayscale, color conversion,
    text centering, de-speckling
  • Image Segmentation retain document boundaries
    and capture metadata within the document
  • OCR
  • Industry leading OCR engines
  • "Voting" OCR technology
  • Searchable PDFs
  • Optimized with lossless or lossy compression
  • Fast Web View enabled
  • Metadata Provide descriptive, technical, and
    structural metadata in XML format

Microfiche Conversion Process
Security and Preservation
  • Security at LexisNexis
  • Proximity badge access for all employees.
  • Restricted access in secure areas of the
  • 24x7 security monitoring.
  • Micrographic Archiving and Reproduction
  • Capture source documents on silver halide
    microfilm (camera master)
  • Produce print master from camera master
  • Produce customer orders from print master
  • Archive camera masters on-site in secured vault.
  • Archive duplicate print masters at Iron Mountain.
  • Maintain an inventory of the print masters stored
    at Iron Mountain.

Unique Advantages of the St. Marys Facility
  • The process and quality are customized and driven
    by the customers content.
  • LexisNexis uses State-of-the-Art equipment to
    produce the quality that meets our customers
  • LexisNexis uses innovative imaging software
  • Our people make the difference. LexisNexis
    assigns a dedicated team to your project who are
    knowledgeable, responsive, and flexible.
  • LexisNexis utilizes Lean Manufacturing principles
    for developing a workflow process that delivers
    the highest quality, value, and efficiency.
  • Our experience and quality are our reputation.
  • Decades of experience filming and scanning
    historic and rare collections
  • NARA, Senate Library, Library of Congress,
    Supreme Court RB
  • Jenkins Law Library PA Court System RB
  • LexisNexis OSD project
  • Presidential Libraries FDR, Eisenhower, JFK,
    LBJ, Carter.
  • Thomas Edison Papers Parts 1 though 5, Clara
    Barton Papers, and the Garrison Family Papers
  • Digitization of US Serial Set collection, CRDC,
    and Congressional Hearings
  • The California, MD facility is also a Kodak
    Certified Micrographic Lab.

Benefits of Scanning with a Kirtas
  • Safe for Books Pages
  • Smart Cradle optimizespositioning for
  • Minimal binding stress
  • Keeps pages in same position
  • Sure Turn single page pick-up, gentler than the
    human hand
  • No page bending
  • Turns on binding
  • Automated and manual page turning in one system
  • For loose or torn pages
  • For foldouts
  • 300-450 dpi
  • 2 cameras
  • Dual processors
  • RoHS compliant

Kirtas Cradle and Robotic Technology
Sure Turn Page Turner Combines advanced vacuum
and robotic technology for gentle page turning
Smart Cradle V-shaped for gentle support,
maintains 110 angle, adjusts to keep pages in
same photo plane during scanning
  • 2,400 pages per hour
  • Book Sizes From 115 x 180mm to 260 x
  • Up to 100mm thick

Air flow controls to cause page separation and
lift for the robotic vacuum head
James A. RumpleVP of Imaging Manufacturing
  • Jim Rumple has nearly 40 years experience in the
    publishing industry. His career includes 30
    years with University Microfilms, Inc. of Ann
    Arbor, MI, a leader in micropublishing
    periodicals, newspapers, doctoral dissertations,
    and rare book collections. His progressively
    increasing responsibilities included Production
    Control Manager, Operations Manager, and Manager
    of Advanced Document Manufacturing.
  • In 1999 Jim joined LexisNexis (Congressional
    Information Service) as Vice President of Imaging
    and Manufacturing at the California, MD
    micrographic and imaging lab where he is
    responsible for the micrographic, distribution,
    and digitization operations. He has worked to
    transform the operation from analog photography
    to digital imaging and emphasizes lean
    manufacturing methodologies. The St. Marys
    plant has digitized several microfiche
    collections including US Serial Set (10M pages),
    Congressional Record, and Congressional Hearings
    (25M pages).
  • Jim earned a BS degree from Eastern Michigan
    University in 1992. He holds current memberships
    in AIIM, and The Association for Manufacturing
    Excellence (AME)

Lukman BazarahSenior Manager of Operations
  • Lukman Bazarahs remarkable 29-year career in
    microfilm and digital imaging continues to keep
    LexisNexis as a leading force in the preservation
    of historical documents and digital imaging
    sector of the information technology industry.
  • Beginning his career as a Camera Operator in
    1979, he worked his way through every aspect of
    Micrographic technology while gaining vast
    experience and knowledge of all aspects of
    leading edge information and digitization
  • As the Senior Manager of Operations, Lukman
    oversees a multi-million dollar revenue stream
    while leading the operations of camera mastering,
    electronic imaging, duplication, finishing
    shipping, and plant facilities.
  • A certified Microsoft recipient and alumnus of
    CSM, Lukman is a continuous change agent who is a
    member of AIIM and the Association for
    Manufacturing Excellence that challenges his
    managers to excel across current industry trends
    and brings proven successes to the LexisNexis
    Academic team.

Micah CallowayElectronic Imaging Manager
  • Micah Calloway is a career leadership
    professional dedicated to introducing and
    applying the latest technologies of image
    digitization and incorporating lean initiatives
    to maximize organizational and workflow
    efficiency while providing solutions to
    customers needs. Micah has over 10 years of
    information technology experience with seven
    years directly associated to digitization, data
    archiving, image capture, image processing and
    quality control, optical character recognition,
    and information management.
  • Micah has led the digitization production of many
    successful LexisNexis online products. His
    proven vision and versatility led the way to
    digitizing approximately 10 million pages for the
    U.S. Serial Set Digital Collection and 4 million
    pages for the Congressional Research Digital
    Collection. In 2007, Micahs department
    digitized 18 million pages for the Congressional
    Hearings Digital Collection with an averaged 92
    OCR confidence level. His team continues to
    digitize new content for both Congressional
    products and has been partnered with the Total
    Practice Solutions group for the last two years
    to digitize content for Lexis.com.
  • A Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator and
    alumnus of CSM, Micah is a continuous change
    leader who stays ahead of current industry trends
    and brings proven successes to the LexisNexis
    Academic team. Micah is a member of AIIM and the
    Association for Manufacturing Excellence.

Janet SpeakerCamera Mastering Manager
  • Janet Speaker is a career leadership professional
    and advocate of a lean and six-sigma
    environment with the vision, enthusiasm, and
    dedication to continuous workflow improvements by
    inspiring and teaching teams the mastery of
    problem-solving and, the art of versatility and
    positive change. As a the Camera Mastering
    department leader for manufacturing and
    operations management, she has proven expertise
    in Lean methodologies, Kaizen initiatives,
    strategic planning, cycle time reductions,
    personnel management, and performance
    assessments. Janet is a high-energy individual
    who is committed to providing a quality product
    with efficiency when preserving sensitive
    historical documents and, digitizing new
  • During her time with LexisNexis, Janet has
    developed, implemented and streamlined processes
    and procedures that has facilitated noticeable
    improvements and allowed for additional projects.
    Last year, Janets team was credited with
    producing over 35 historical preservation
    products (Thomas Edison, Special Studies- Iraq,
    African Americans in the Military) and over
    58,000 new print masters.
  • An alumnus of the University of Maryland
    University College at College Park, Janet holds
    her Bachelor of Science in Criminology. She is a
    member of the AIIM and Association for
    Manufacturing Excellence organizations. She has
    over 18 years of leadership experience and
    continues to use lean principles to promote
    growth and introduce new technology.
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