Title: Thermal Engineering
1Thermal Engineering
2Some Links
Paper on the importance of testing http//www.aero
photogrammetry A Photogrammetry System for Use
in Thermal Vacuum Testing http//esapub.esrin.esa.
it/bulletin/bullet81/bouman81.htm Paper on
vacuum vs in air testing http//techinfo.jpl.nasa.
gov/practice/1409.pdf Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory Thermal Vacuum Chamber and Solar
Simulator http//ce-www.harvard.edu/technical_reso
urces/solar_simulator.html JPL http//etl-web.jp
l.nasa.gov/ MARIE instrument testing http//mari
e.jsc.nasa.gov/Testing.html Mars Lander
-MAR-00/ Test procedure http//sprg.ssl.berkele
3More Links
22nd Space Simulation Conference, Oct. 2002
nce.htm Radarsat http//www.ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca/cc
Voyager http//voyager.jpl.nasa.gov/image/assem
bly.html Ball Aerospace http//www.ball.com/aero
space/fac_tvac.html Johnson Space
Center http//lmso.houston.external.lmco.com/seat
/testfacilities/pages/thermal.htm IMAGE
spacecraft http//pluto.space.swri.edu/IMAGE/slid
e/slide_13.html Spacecraft Thermal Control NASA
paper http//trs.nis.nasa.gov/archive/00000152/01/
4Why Test?
- Testing is a lot of work
- Testing is expensive
- Takes a lot of preparation
- Not very flexible
- Limited range of cases and conditions
- Actual operational range and environment may not
be possible to recreate under test conditions - Results are difficult to interpret
- May be dangerous
A x T q
- All thermal analysis comes down to setting up
this system of equations and trying to solve it,
usually numerically. May contain non-linear
elements - From where does the coefficient matrix come?
- Sometimes from first principal physics
- Other analysis
- Usually from testing
- In general what we put in A is pretty "soft"
- Contact resistances
- Heat transfer coefficients
- Materials properties
- Only cases which is even near to be deterministic
are - Some types of radiation interchange in a vacuum
- Conduction in a continuous solid
- q often also has a high uncertainty
- EEs aren't interested in predicting thermal
losses, only performance. - Analysis predicts end up with "margins" added on
to them
- Analysis and Testing have to work together in the
design process - Testing feeds into A and then the model has to
be correlated against test results - In an ideal world, testing and analysis would
continue in a ye until the results of each close - In real life might have one retest
- Big assumption
- A correlated model can make predictions for
conditions that can't be tested. - After a test, the "margins" are reduced?
- Tests have to be designed so that so that test
data can be used to correlate models - Location of instrumentation is the great
challenge of testing. - Soft parts of the model should be identified
before the test. - Besides correlation, testing is also used to
validate workmanship and performance. - Testing can be performed on engineering units or
production hardware.
- Preparation is everything
- Requirements flow down
- Reviews
- Safety concerns
- Personnel
- Hardware
- Instrumentation
- Test fixturing
- Timelines
- Logbooks
- Data logging
- Document