Title: IEEE 802'11 Physical Layer
1IEEE 802.11 Physical Layer
Project Group WS 03/04 - SS04Mobile Ad-Hoc
Networks Based On Wireless LAN
2Where is the Physical Layer situated?
3What is IEEE 802.11?
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- Develop international standards for 802.x suite
of networking protocols - 802.11
- Family of standards set forth by IEEE to define
specs for WLANs - Local, high-speed wireless connectivity for
fixed, portable and moving stations - Defines
- Medium Access Control (MAC)
- Physical Layer (PHY) Specs
4PHY MAC Layer Transparency
5IEEE 802.11 Protocol Architecture (PHY Layer)
Propogation Method
Data Rates supported
Propogation Medium
- What 802.11 PHY involves
- Types of signal propagation
- Infra-Red vs. Radio Waves
- Focus on RF Transmission
- Channels
- Frequency bands legislation
- Antennas
- Factors at PHY layer affecting WLAN performance
- Focus on Protocol
- IEEE 802.11 System Architecture
- IEEE 802.11 PHY Layer
- Components
- Services
- IEEE 802.11 Protocol Architecture
- 802.11 DSSS
- 802.11b
- 802.11g
7Frequencies used for communications
- IEEE 802.11 allows for propagation of data via
- Radio wave transmission in UHF and SHF bands
- Infrared transmission
8Infrared Transmission
- 850 - 950 nanometer range
- Uses diffuse (reflected) light or directed light
if LOS exists between sender receiver - Senders LEDs or laser diodes
- Receivers photodiodes
- Data rates supported 1 and 2 Mbps
- Advantages
- Cheap senders receivers
- Integrated into almost all mobile devices
- PDAs, laptops, mobiles have an infra-red data
association (IrDA) Interface - No licences needed
- Electrical devices dont interfere with
transmission - Disadvantages
- Usable broadcast range of about 10 m
- Quite easily shielded gt cannot penetrate walls
- For good transmission quality and high data
rates, LOS typically required - IR PHY will operate only in indoor environments.
9Radio Wave Transmission
- Mainly use 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz region of the
unlicensed ISM band - Max. broadcast power of 1000 mW in USA, 100 mW in
Europe 10 mW/MHz in Japan - Transmitted data superimposed (modulated) on a
carrier wave - Demodulated and extracted at receiving end
10Radio Wave Transmission
- Methods exist to split available bandwidth into
separate channels - Senders Receivers Antennas
- Data Rates depends on IEEE 802.11 spec used
- Range from 1 to 54 Mbps
- Advantages
- Previous experience with Wide Area Networks (e.g.
microwave links) and mobile cellular links - Transmission covers larger areas, and can
penetrate walls (thinner) - Radio does not need LOS if frequencies not too
high - Disadvantages
- Shielding not simple gt radio transmission can
interfere with other senders or electrical
devices can destroy data - Limited ranges of licence-free bands available
worldwide, not same in all countries
- What they do
- Radiation and reception of electromagnetic waves
- Coupling of wires to space for radio transmission
- Antenna specs
- Radiation pattern measurement of radiation
around an antenna - Gain maximum power in direction of the main lobe
compared to power of an isotropic radiator (with
same average power) - The higher the sensitivity (or gain) of an
antenna (measured in dBi), the lower the signal
strength needs to be in order to be received - dBi (dB isotropic) The gain an antenna has over
a theoretical isotropic (point source) antenna. - The higher the power of the antenna, the further
distance the signal will travel
12Types of Antennas
- Isotropic radiator equal radiation in all
directions (3D) - theoretical reference antenna
- Real antennas are dipoles
- shape of antenna proportional to wavelength
- Omnidirectional vs. Directional
- Omnidirectional propagates signal at equal power
in all directions - Directional antennas propagate the signal in a
single direction - capable of extending the range of signal by
concentrating the signal power in that direction - Multi-element antenna arrays
- Grouping of 2 or more antennas
- Antenna Diversity
- receiver chooses antenna with largest output
- Diversity Combining
- combine output power to produce gain
- The Laws of Radio Dynamics
- Higher data rates shorter transmission range
- Higher power output increased range lower
battery life - Higher frequency radios higher data rates
shorter ranges - Real antennas always have directive effects
(vertically and/or horizontally) - Signal strength decreases by the square of a
given distance - The signal strength of WLANs is restricted by
legislation - PCMCIA Card Antennas
- Omnidirectional (but have directional properties)
- Mostly Half-duplex
14Factors affecting WLAN performance
- Interference
- Cause higher loss-rates
- Acts like noise
- Unprotected from outside signals
- Many sources
- Electrical appliances, analog TV, surveillance
- Home RF, Bluetooth ISM band interference
- Any products transmitting in same frequency
- Distance (range)
- 100-300m open air 20-100m office
- Depends on propagation path and strength of the
transmitting antenna - Also, sensitivity of receiving antenna
- Obstacles between the antennas affect the ranges
and make them shorter - Data rates signal strength affected
- Propagation
- characteristics dynamic unpredictable
- time-varying and asymmetric
- fading (frequency dependent)
- reflections
15Factors affecting WLAN performance
- Multipath propagation
- Reflections of signals can change signal
strength, affecting data throughput - Depend on number of reflective surfaces, distance
from transmitter to the receiver, product design
and radio technology - Can take many different paths between sender and
receiver due to reflection, scattering,
diffraction - Time dispersion signal is dispersed over time
- Phase shifting
- Distortion
- Dynamic Topology
- Well-defined coverage areas do not exist
- Small changes in position or direction may result
in dramatic differences in signal strength - Similar effects occur whether a STA is stationary
or mobile (moving objects may impact station-
to-station propagation) - Bandwidth can vary greatly with clustering to and
removal of nodes from a Service Set - Unreliable propagation medium
- Lack of full connectivity may produce hidden
16Spread Spectrum Technology
- Problem of radio transmission
- Frequency dependent fading can wipe out narrow
band signals for duration of interference - Solution spread the narrow band signal into a
broad band signal using a special code - Protection against narrow band interference
- Alternatives Direct Sequence, Frequency Hopping
17DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
- XOR of signal with pseudo-random number (chipping
sequence) - Many chips per bit (e.g. 128) result in higher
bandwidth of signal - Signal is spread using an 11-bit chipping code
called Barker Code - Spreads signal across a larger segment of
available spectrum - Introduces processing gain that provides good
noise and interference rejection - Continuous transmission allows higher data
- Advantages
- reduces frequency selective fading
- Disadvantages
- precise power control necessary
tb bit period
tc chip period
18DSSS (Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
19DSSS Channelization
- Single channel occupies 22MHz wide segment of
spectrum, with side lobes - Output power at side lobes typically below
noise threshold - A channel is referenced by its centre frequency
- Channels are separated by 5 MHz, and as a result
adjacent channels overlap and interfere with each
other. - APs on adjacent channels cannot be used in close
proximity to one another - The minimum useable channel separation is 3
allowing, for example, channels 1, 4, 7, 10 and
13 to be used in close proximity (channel 13 is
only available in Europe) - The recommended channel separation is 5, allowing
adjacent APs to use channels 1, 6 and 11
20DSSS Channelization
- FCC (US), IC (Canada), and ETSI (Europe) specify
operation from 2.42.4835 GHz - For Japan, operation is specified as 2.4712.497
GHz - France allows operation from 2.44652.4835 GHz
- Spain allows operation from 2.4452.475 GHz
21IEEE 802.11 System Architecture
- First some definitions .........
- Station (STA)
- IEEE 802.11 compliant device containing PHY
interface to wireless medium - The nodes of the wireless network
- Access Point (AP)
- Provide stations with a connection point to other
wireless/wired networks - Basic Service Set (BSS)
- Set of stations and access points within the same
radio coverage - Disribution System (DS)
- Connects several BSSs via access points, forming
a single network - Extended Service Set (ESS)
- The extended wireless coverage area made possible
via a DS - Independent Basic Service Set (IBSS)
- A self contained BSS with no access to a DS (PG
MANET!) - Portal
- Logical point at which frames from a non-IEEE
802.11 network enter the DS of an ESS, and vice
22IEEE 802.11 System Architecture
Infrastructure network
23IEEE 802.11 Physical Layer
- Physical Medium Dependant (PMD) sublayer
- Modulation encoding/decoding of the
transmission frame - Interfaces directly to wireless transmission
medium - Each PMD sublayer may require the definition of a
unique PLCP - Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP)
sublayer - Provides carrier sense signal called Clear
Channel Assessment (CCA) - Common PHY Service Access Point (SAP) for
interfacing MAC sublayer - Map MPDU into a framing format suitable for
sending/receiving user data and management data
between STAs using associated PMD system.
24Service Access Points
- Across which defined primitives are exchanged
- Double arrows show interactions that are not
defined explicitly within IEEE 802.11 standard - Specific manner in which Management Entities
integrated into layers also not specified
25Clear Channel Assessment (CCA)
- Algorithm used to determine if channel is clear
- Measure RF energy at antenna
- determine if strength of received signal below
specified threshold - or different carrier type than 802.11
transmitters - Channel then declared clear MAC layer can be
given clear channel status for data transmission - CCA Modes
- CCA Mode 1 Energy above threshold
- CCA reports a busy medium upon detection of any
energy above the ED threshold. - CCA Mode 2 Carrier sense only
- CCA reports a busy medium only upon detection of
a DSSS signal (above or below the ED threshold) - CCA Mode 3 Carrier sense with energy above
threshold - CCA reports a busy medium upon detection of a
DSSS signal with energy above the ED threshold
26Clear Channel Assessment (CCA)
- Energy detection status given by PMD primitive,
PMD_ED - Carrier sense status given by PMD_CS
- The status of PMD_ED and PMD_CS is used to
indicate activity to the MAC through the PHY
interface primitive PHY-CCA.indicate - A busy channel is indicated by PHY-CCA.indicate
of class BUSY - A clear channel is indicated by PHY-CCA.indicate
of class IDLE - Should a loss of carrier sense occur in middle of
reception, the CCA indicates a busy medium for
the intended duration of the transmitted frame
27PLCP State Machines
- 3 State machines
- Carrier Senses determine the state of the medium
- Transmit send the data frame
- Receive receive the data frame
28Carrier Sense Function
29Transmit Function
30Receive Function
31IEEE 802.11 Physical Layer
- PHY Layer Management Entity (PLME)
- Channel choice/tuning
- Admin of PHY MIB
- Management Information Base (MIB)
- Hierarchical data structure
- describes all "objects" that device can report
status of set value of - Managed objects represent resources of a system
- may be monitored and modified by a (remote)
manager - MIB contains name, object identifier, data type
and whether objects values can be read from
and/or written to - Managed objects of a system usually defined in
multiple MIB definitions
32IEEE 802.11 Physical Layer
- Station Management Entity (SME)
- Interacts with both MLME and PLME (layer
independent) - coordination of all management functions
- gathering of layer-dependent status from layer
management entities - setting the value of layer-specific parameters
- Exact functions not specified in IEEE 802.11
standard - Used mainly for STA association with AP
- Perform _at_ AP
- establish AP/STA mapping and enable STA
invocation of distribution system services (DSSs) - Otherwise transmission not allowed
33IEEE 802.11 DSSS Frame Format
- PPDU PLCP protocol data unit
- During transmission, MPDU prepended with a PLCP
Preamble and Header to create the PPDU - At the receiver, PLCP Preamble and Header are
processed to aid in demodulation and delivery of
MPDU - Entire PLCP Preamble and Header transmitted using
1 Mbit/s DBPSK modulation - All transmitted bits are scrambled using
feedthrough scrambler
34IEEE 802.11 DSSS Frame Format
- Synchronization (SYNC) field
- Consists of 128 bits of scrambled 1s
- Field allows receiver to perform necessary SYNC
operations - Also provides for
- gain setting
- energy detection
- antenna selection
- frequency offset compensation
- Start Frame Delimiter (SFD) field
- 1111001110100000
- Indicates start of PHY-dependent parameters
within PLCP Preamble
35IEEE 802.11 DSSS Frame Format
- SIGNAL field
- Indicates to PHY the modulation used for
transmission (and reception) of the MPDU - 0A for 1 Mbit/s DBPSK
- 14 for 2 Mbit/s DQPSK
- Data rate signal field value x 100 kbit/s
- SERVICE field
- Reserved for future use
- Value of 00 signifies IEEE 802.11 device
36IEEE 802.11 DSSS Frame Format
- LENGTH field
- Unsigned 16-bit integer
- Indicates time (in µS) required to transmit the
MPDU - Header Error Check (HEC) field
- SIGNAL, SERVICE, and LENGTH fields protected with
a CCITT CRC-16 Frame Check Sequence (FCS) - All FCS calculations made prior to data scrambling
37IEEE 802.11b High Rate DSSS Frame Format
- Extension of IEEE 802.11 DSSS format
- PLCP service data units (PSDU)
- Each MPDU corresponds to a PSDU carried in a PPDU
- Additionally provides 5.5 Mbit/s and 11 Mbit/s
data rates - Chipping rate is 11 MHz
- same as DSSS system
- provides the same occupied channel bandwidth
- Uses same PLCP preamble and header as DSSS
- both PHYs can co-exist in the same BSS
- can use the rate switching mechanism as provided.
38DSSS High Rate DSSS Convergence
- For the 2, 5.5, and 11 Mbit/s specs
- PSDUs converted to and from PPDUs
- During transmission, PSDU appended to PLCP
preamble and header to create PPDU - At receiver, PLCP preamble and header processed
to aid in demodulation and delivery of PSDU - Two different preambles and headers are defined
- Long Preamble Header
- mandatory supported
- interoperates with the current 1 Mbit/s and 2
Mbit/s DSSS spec - Short Preamble Header
- optional
- where maximum throughput is desired
- expected to be used only in networks of like
39High Rate DSSS Optional Services
- Mode replacing CCK modulation with packet binary
convolutional coding (PBCC) - HR/DSSS/short mode
- Allows data throughput at higher rates (2, 5.5,
11 Mbit/s) to be significantly increased by using
a shorter PLCP preamble - Can coexist with DSSS, HR/DSSS, or HR/DSSS/PBCC
under limited circumstances - different channels
- with appropriate CCA
- Channel Agility
- Overcomes inherent difficulty with static channel
assignments (a tone jammer) - Can also be used to implement IEEE
802.11-compliant systems interoperable with both
FH and DS modulations
40High Rate DSSS Long Frame Format
- Same format as IEEE 802.11 DSSS Frame
- The only exceptions are
- Encoding of the rate in the SIGNAL field
- Use of a bit in SERVICE field to resolve an
ambiguity in PSDU length in octets, when length
expressed in µS - Use of a bit in SERVICE field to indicate if
optional PBCC mode is being used - Use of a bit in the SERVICE field to indicate
that transit frequency and bit clocks are locked
41High Rate DSSS Long Frame Format
- SIGNAL field
- Supports four mandatory rates
- Represent rate in units of 100 kbit/s
- 0A for 1 Mbit/s
- 14 for 2 Mbit/s
- 37 for 5.5 Mbit/s
- 6E for 11 Mbit/s
42High Rate DSSS Long Frame Format
- SERVICE field
- 3 bits defined to support HR extension
- Rightmost bit (bit 7) used to supplement LENGTH
field - Bit 3 used to indicate whether modulation method
is CCK lt0gt or PBCC lt1gt - Bit 2 used to indicate that transmit frequency
and symbol clocks are derived from same
oscillator - Locked clocks bit set by the PHY layer
- An IEEE 802.11-compliant device shall set values
of bits b0, b1, b4, b5, and b6 to 0
43High Rate DSSS Short Frame Format
- Short Synch field
- Consists of 56 scrambled 0 bits.
- So receiver can perform necessary SYNC
- Start Frame Delimiter (SFD) field
- Time reverse of long PLCP SFD field
- 0000 0101 1100 1111
- Not detected by non-compliant receivers
- SIGNAL field
- Only 1 Mbit/s removed
- Remaining fields same as HR DSSS Long Frame
44WiFi Standard
- The standard for wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi)
- Given to products which have passed a rigorous
testing program for 802.11 compatibility - Most commonly associated with .11b standard
- Mission
- To certify interoperability of Wi-Fi (IEEE
802.11) products and to promote Wi-Fi as the
global wireless LAN standard across all market
segments. - 83 companies (March 20, 2001)
- 79 certified products (January 29, 2001)
- http//www.wi-fi.org/
45IEEE 802.11g standard
- Ratified in June, 2003
- New supported transmission rates
- 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 54 Mbps
- Backwards compatible with IEEE 802.11b
- Can co-exist in same WLAN network
- Uses OFDM modulation and PBCC encoding
- Additional Benefits
- Lower bandwidth than spread spectrum
- High spectral efficiency
- Resiliency to RF interference
- Lower multi-path distortion
46Factors affecting Scalability
- National international regulations
- Limits on transmit power
- Low power mobile devices running on batteries
- Licence-free operation equipment must operate in
licence-free bands - Omni antennas limited in sensitivity
- Interoperability of new legacy systems
- Must use WiFi standard
- Open air medium is significantly less secure than
wired systems - Higher delay lower bandwidth
- Interference
- Environmental factors affecting signal
propagation - Mobility reduces network stability
- Must be limits on how much bandwidth shared in
certain area - Distance between nodes affects signal strength
- Repeaters, fixed nodes with powerful antennas
- Unpredictable propagation medium methods
- What 802.11 PHY involves
- Types of signal propagation
- Infra-Red vs. Radio Waves
- Focus on RF Transmission
- Channels
- Frequency bands legislation
- Antennas
- Factors at PHY layer affecting WLAN performance
- Focus on Protocol
- IEEE 802.11 System Architecture
- IEEE 802.11 PHY Layer
- Components
- Services
- IEEE 802.11 Protocol Architecture
- 802.11 DSSS
- 802.11b
- 802.11g
48Any Questions?