Albania: Migration and Development' Exiting from vulnerability in Global Migration System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Albania: Migration and Development' Exiting from vulnerability in Global Migration System


Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of Albania ... The number of emigrants is reaching record levels: Albania the highest migration ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Albania: Migration and Development' Exiting from vulnerability in Global Migration System

Albania Migration and Development.Exiting from
vulnerability in Global Migration System
  • Prof. Kosta Barjaba, PhD, MPA
  • Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal
    Opportunities of Albania

  • I. 12 top symptoms of Albanian migration in the
    global context

1.1. The number of emigrants is reaching record
levels Albania the highest migration flow
European country
  • 1 million emigrants out of a population of 3.4
  • 22-25 of the population
  • 35 of active population
  • 50 in Greece
  • 25 in Italy
  • 25 in the rest of EU countries (UK, Germany,
    Switzerland), US and Canada.
  • The average migration flow in developing
    countrues approximately 5-6 of the active
  • Albanian immigration flow 5-6 times greater than
    the average flow of developing countries.

1.2. The skills and economic performance of
Albanian immigrants is declining
  • The limited capacities of receiving countrys
    labor market due to structural reforms to meet
    the EU standards
  • The labor market standards are more demanding
  • Ageing factor the first generation of emigrants
    is reaching the pension age
  • The second generation is still in school or in
    the periphery of labor market

1.3. Immigrants earning continue to be lower
than natives
  • The worsening of economic performance
  • The gap between immigrants and natives is
    narrowing slowly historical experience shows
    that the immigrants-natives gap narrows only 10
    in the first two decades of migration. In 15
    years of Albanian migration the gap is narrowed
    only 7.5

1.4. Ethnic origin does matter
  • Albanian immigrants the majority of immigrant
    community in Greece and the second in Italy
  • The so-called phenomena of victimization,
    incrimination and demonization of Albanian
  • The public perception of Albanian immigrants
    mostly created by press and media
  • They expected to be closer, but they feel the
    distance the cultural neighborhood sometimes
    doesnt matter.
  • Ethnic ghettos slow the integration of immigrants
    in the host societies, but this affects only
    slightly the Albanian immigrants, as they do not
    intend to concentrate in ethnic ghettos.

1.5. Albanian immigrants harm the economic and
employment opportunities of least skilled natives
  • Most of immigrants have a poor level of skill and
  • Higher skilled and qualified immigrants are
    installed into least skilled jobs and employment

1.6. Albanian immigrants have a severe fiscal
impact on the receiving countries economy and
welfare system
  • The least skilled the immigrants, the more heavy
    the fiscal burden and fiscal effect
  • The surveys show that for the first 15 years of
    migration experience immigrants consist of a
    burden on welfare system
  • The main receiving countries, Greece and Italy,
    are reforming their welfare system and the
    immigrants burden causes serious implications

1.7. Net economic gains from immigration in
European receiving countries are significant
  • As Albanians enter the labor market in Greece and
    Italy, the wage of native workers falls. Workers
    lose because immigrants drug wages down
  • But the native-owned firms gains, as they are
    able to hire workers at lower wages. Employers
    gain because immigrants drug wages down
  • Native consumers gain because the lower labor
    market costs lead to cheaper goods and services
    offered to population

1.7. Net economic gains from immigration in
European receiving countries are significant
  • Immigration induces a substantial redistribution
    of wealth, away from workers who compete with
    immigrants, and toward employers and other users
    of immigrants services. In this perspective,
    immigration can be viewed as an income
    redistribution program, a transfer of wealth from
    those who compete with immigrants toward those
    who use immigrant labor, products and services
  • Immigration may benefit or harm the receiving
    countries even through externalities products
    and services born by immigrants cuisine,
    cultural products etc. But in this perspective
    the impact of Albanian immigrants is
    insignificant, as Albanian cuisine and other
    products and services are not expanding in
    receiving countries
  • In the US the immigration net gain is less than
    0.1 of GDP.

1.8. Illegality versus legality Migration of
Albanians started as illegal and is transformed
into a legal migration
  • Albania was unprepared to manage the flow
  • The neighbor receiving countries were unprepared
    to manage the flow
  • Agreement with Greece in 1996Agreement with
    Italy in 1997
  • Domination of legal versus illegal immigrants
    started in 1998
  • During 1998-2005 around 70 0000 Albanian illegal
    immigrants per year were legalized in both
    countries, Greece and Italy
  • During 2003-2006 the rate legal-illegal was 1.5-1
    in Greece and 3-1 in Italy

1.9. Active versus passive immigrants passive
immigrants anormal rate
  • High level of family migration, conditioned and
    favored by cultural, linguistic and geographic
    vicinity, as well as by the low cost of migrating
    in neighbor countries
  • High level of migration of minors, accompanied
    and non accompanied
  • High level of females migration, conditioned and
    favored by the easiness of entering the labor
    market, especially in domestic activities no
    white widows as in the case of migration form
    other countries, but sometimes white widowers
  • High level of unemployment among immigrants

1.10. High level of brain drain brain gain
versus brain loss or brain waste
  • High level of migration of qualified people
  • Most of qualified people installed in the labor
    market sectors other from those which fit to
    their profession and qualification
  • Brain drain recognized symbolically as the
    Canada phenomena. Because of the Canada
    migratory policies favoring migration of
    qualified people
  • Severe consequences in the domestic labor market,
    economic, social and political life

1.11. Long term versus short term migration
Migration is passing from a contemporary seasonal
migration into a long term permanent one, making
use of
  • opportunities offered by migratory policies in
    the receiving countries
  • geographic vicinity which favors periodical
    return returns in the country
  • the synergy between economic and professional
    activities in the receiving country and in

1.12. Migration as survival and consumption
source versus migration as a factor of development
  • For the first 15 years, migration has served as a
    source of economic survival and consumption
  • Only recently there are efforts and actions to
    use migration as a factor of economic, social,
    cultural and political development
  • Country Strategy of Migration Management (2005)
  • Attention to voluntary and incentive return of
    the successful immigrants
  • Attention to migration remittances

II. Government of Albanias migration policies
and challenges2.1. Discouraging migration flow
  • Stabilisation of economy
  • Sustainable development
  • Creating new jobs 
  • Incentives to return migration 
  • Favoring the use of remittances in countrys

2.2. Extending and broadening the channels of
legal migration to qualified people, through
  • Implementing bilateral agreements
  • Promoting decentralized cross-border cooperation
    and migration
  • Prioritizing the vocational and educational
    training to fit to foreign labor market
  • Combating human beings trafficking and smuggling

2.3. Supporting the installment in the labor
market and integration of Albanian immigrants,
  • Negotiating with receiving countries
  • Providing information, assistance and counseling
    to immigrants
  • Endorsing the international labor migration
  • Promoting access to schooling and services to the
    second generation of immigrants
  • A critical pending issue Reciprocal recognition
    and transfer of the social insurance fees and
    payments. Negotiations in progress with Italy,
    Greece, Canada, and other countries

2.4. Promoting the voluntary and incentived
return migration of successful immigrants,
  • Legal incentives
  • Banking incentives
  • Fiscal incentives
  • Financial incentives
  • Albania 1 EURO Initiative Albanian immigrants
    and Diaspora as beneficiaries

2.5. The better use of financial, human and
social capital of migration as a factor of
  • Financial capital or remittances from USD 152
    million in 1992 to USD 1 billion in 2006
  • Human capital the most active, dynamic,
    qualified, and youngest population
  • Social capital values gained through migration
    experience professional, cultural,
    organizational, managerial, discipline and work
  • Remittances 15-20 of GDP
  • Remittances finance about 60 of countrys trade
  • Remittances competing with foreign direct
    investments in the country

2.6. The synergy and correlation between
migration, trade, and investment policies
  • Migration remittances as a source of investment
  • Immigrants target of economic and trade

2.7. Challenges for bilateral cooperation in the
field of migration
  • Demilitarization of migration policies. Migration
    dichotomy an economic and social phenomena and
    not a public safety, public order and police
  • Immigrants versus refugees and asylum-seekers
    shifting in priorities toward economic and labor
  • Migration policies towards business oriented

III. Remittances a top priority and
3.1. Promoting the participation of financial
institutions in Albania and receiving countries
in the transfer of remitances, through
  • Cooperation with receiving countries for the use
    of formal channels of transfer of remittances
  • Promoting immigrants access to financing SME and
    traditional economic activities

3.1. (Continues)
  • Strengthening financial and MTO and institutions
  • Promoting the role of the Post Offices in
    financial services
  • Transfers of remittances may generate bank loans
    for financing economic activities or other
    financial products

3.2. Increasing the financial products for
immigrants and diversifying remittances generated
  • Immigrants demand for financial products is
  • Immigrants savings in 2004 USD 5 billion or 70
    of Albanias GDP
  • Remittances can be used for financing
  • housing,
  • small infrastructure projects
  • privatization of public strategic assets
  • job creation

3.3. Orienting and directing remittances for
productive investment purposes
  • During the first 15 years of migration
    remittances uased for consumption purposes
  • It led to increase of countrys trade deficit in
    2004 it reached 25 of GDP
  • Collaboration and synergy with the privat sector
    to attract immigrants savings from the banks in
    receivinmg countries

3.4. Increasing the access of Albanian
immigrants to bank and financial services in
receiving countries
  • Promoting banks cooperation
  • Public (immigrants) awareness compaigns
  • Banks and MTOs building trust

3.5. Coordination with receiving countries
governments to channel the aid to Albania through
incentiving succesful returned immigrants
  • Developing new programmes
  • Revisiting the existing agreeements, programmes,
    and projects

3.6. Albanian banks to open new branhes in
receiving countries
  • Actually, onlu ABA has opend 2 branches in Greece
    (Athens and Thessaloniki)
  • Albanian banks will enable providing more
    services to immigrants in receiving countries and
    in Albania
  • Online banking services
  • Saving and investment products
  • Business loans
  • Prepaid cards
  • Dedit cards
  • Counseling and assistance

3.7. Support to micro-finance institutions wich
enter and operate in the remittances market and
  • Political support
  • Legal support
  • Institutional support

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