Title: Computer Aided Design CAD tools
1Computer Aided Design CAD tools
System Description Languages (System C)
Hardware Description Languages, Schematic
Editors (verilog, VHDL)
Logic Synthesis Tools (Synopsys)
Physical Synthesis Tools (Place Root)
Tape out and Manufacture
2HW Courses
HY225 ??????s? ?p?????st?? HY425 ????te?t?????
?p?????st?? HY534 ????t. ?eta??????
?a??t?? HY220 ???ast???? ??f. ?????µ. HY120
??f?a?? S?ed?as? HY590.24 ???????µ?? CAD
e??a?e??? HY422 ??sa???? st? VLSI
3Design Verification
4Verification - Simulation
Consistency same testbench at each level of
Slower Simulation - Closer to reality
5Automated Verification - Golden Model
Test Vectors Generator (C, perl)
Test Vectors
Golden Model (C, perl)
Testbench (verilog)
Design under test (verilog)
Result Vectors
Result Vectors
No then test failed, check why
Yes then test passed, run new
6Verification Mixed Mode
Testbench (verilog)
Design under test
RTL blocks (verilog)
Accurate simulation/verification just for some
specific blocks. No need for the whole design.
gate-level blocks (verilog)
7Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools
8EDA tools (contd)