Title: The Hemoglobinopathies
1Chapter 11
21. Study Questions2. Homework Assignment3.
Exam for Unit 1
3The Hemoglobinopathies
- In Chapter 11 you will be introduced to the
various hemoglobinopathies. You will learn about
the pathophysiology, clinical signs and symptoms,
laboratory test results, and treatments for these
disorders. Be sure you learn the peripheral
blood characteristics that make each
hemoglobinopathy unique. Also, remember which
amino acid substitution creates which abnormal
4Introduction to Hemoglobinopathies
5Introduction to Hemoglobinopathies1 of 3
- Qualitative abnormalities in globin structure,
usually involving beta-chain. - Most arise from single amino acid substitution.
Example is substitution of valine for glutamic
acid in sixth position of beta chain producing
Hemoglobin S (sickle cell anemia). - Rarely see multiple substitutions.
- May or may not cause abnormal laboratory test
6Introduction to Hemoglobinopathies2 of 3
- Hemoglobin variant abnormal hemoglobin caused
by abnormal globin chain structure. - Hemoglobinopathy condition produced by
hemoglobin variant. Confirmed by lab tests. - Qualitative globin chain abnormality amino acid
sequence wrong. - Quantity of hemoglobin produced normal.
7Introduction to Hemoglobinopathies3 of 3
- Most hemoglobinopathies caused by single point
change in amino acid sequence in globin chain.
Abnormalities caused by - Substitution
- Deletion
- Addition
- Hb variants follow Mendelian genetics.
8Broad Classification System for Hemoglobin
- Qualitative
- Hemoglobins differ in sequence of amino acids
composing globin chain. - Disorders called hemoglobinopathies.
- Quantitative
- Characterized by decreased production of
hemoglobin resulting from decreased synthesis of
one particular globin chain. - Called thalassemia (Chapter 12).
9Better Classification System has Five Categories
- 1. Abnormal hemoglobins without clinical
significance. - 2. Aggregating hemoglobins (sickle cell anemia).
- 3. Unbalanced synthesis of hemoglobin
(thalassemia). - 4. Unstable hemoglobins.
- 5. Hemoglobins with abnormal heme function.
- Began by using letters of alphabet, soon ran out
of letters. - Changed to using names of places. Use
combination of letter plus a place name. For
Example, HbCHarlem. - Description of variant can include chains and
substitution. For example, homozygous Hb S is
a2ß2S or a2ß26Val or a2ß26Glu-Val.
11Laboratory Tests and Findings
- Laboratory findings are variable. Depends upon
which hemoglobinopathy is being tested. - Tests include
- Sickle Cell Screening (Dithionite Test)
- Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
- Supravital stains for Heinz bodies
- Hb F and Hb A2 quantitation
12Dithionite Test for Sickle Cell
- Screening test for Sickle Cell Disease
- Fast
- Cheap
- Fairly accurate
- Procedure
- RBCs are lysed by saponin.
- Sodium dithionite binds and removes O2.
- HbS precipitates out.
- Solution becomes turbid.
13Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
- Use EDTA whole blood. Make a hemolysate by
lysing RBCs. - Cellulose acetate is support medium.
- Perform electrophoresis using buffer at pH 8.4.
- Stain is Ponseau S.
- Confirm with citrate agar electrophoresis at
acidic pH. - Textbook page 174
14Alkali Denaturation Test for Fetal Hemoglobin
- HbF resists denaturation by alkali.
- Spectrophotometric analysis.
- Calculated as total hemoglobin.
- Use whole blood EDTA.
- Hemoglobin F less than 1 after 1 year of age.
15Sickle Cell Anemia and Sickle Cell Trait
16Introduction to Sickle Cell Anemia
- Is worldwide disorder.
- Autosomal co-dominant Both Hemoglobin A and
Hemoglobin S produced. - AS is sickle cell trait.
- SS is sickle cell disease. Patient is homozygous
for HbS (SS). Results in very severe anemia. - Probably originated in Africa.
- Hb S is point mutation for sixth amino acid in
Beta chain. Valine substituted for glutamic
acid. One benefit for AS persons is increased
resistance to malaria.
17Incidence of Sickle Cell Disease
- 1 of 375 African-American live births have
hemoglobin SS (Sickle Cell Disease) Have 85
chance to live to age 20. - 8-10 of American blacks carry the Hb S trait
(heterozygous). - Affects more than 50,000 Americans.
- In Africa, half of infants with sickle cell
disease die in the first year of life.
18Pathophysiology of Sickle Cell Anemia 1 of 5
- SS cells may look normal when fully oxygenated
Sickling occurs when O2 decreased. - Other causes of sickling include decrease in pH
and dehydration of patient. - Cells become rigid, impeding blood flow to
tissues. Tissue death, organ infarction, and
pain result. - Sickling is reversible up to a point.
- Have both extravascular hemolysis and
intravascular hemolysis.
19Pathophysiology of Sickle Cell Anemia 2 of 5
- Usually diagnosed early in life.
- Have all physical symptoms of anemia.
- Growth and sexual maturation slower.
- Crisis very painful. Anything that
deoxygenates blood acts as trigger (exercise,
illness and airplane flights). Sickle cells get
stuck in capillaries.
20Pathophysiology of Sickle Cell Anemia 3 of 5
- Have three types of crises
- Aplastic crisis associated with infections
which causes temporary suppression of
erythropoiesis. - Hemolytic crisis Results in exaggerated anemia.
- Vaso-occlusive crisis Associated with severe
pain. Is hallmark symptom of sickle cell anemia.
21Pathophysiology of Sickle Cell Anemia 4 of 5
- Hands and feet swell (dactylitis), fingers grow
at different rates. - Joint pain in arms and legs first. May affect
lungs. Have chest pain and abdominal pain. - Spleen enlarges cells become trapped. Have
decreased blood volume (hypovolemia), and shock.
Repeated splenic infarcts cause splenic
dysfunction, increasing susceptibility to
22Pathophysiology of Sickle Cell Anemia 5 of 5
- Organs Affected
- Liver Enlarges, malfunctions, jaundice,
hyperbilirubinemia. - Heart Cardiomegaly, iron deposits.
- Spleen Enlarges leading to infarction and
fibrosis. Eventually shrivels and becomes
nonfunctional. - Skin Develop ulcers.
- Kidney Hematuria and eventual failure.
- Lungs Infarction.
- Brain Strokes.
23Peripheral Blood Findingsin Sickle Cell Anemia
- Hb 6-8 g/dL severe anemia.
- Marked aniso and poik.
- Sickle cells and Target cells.
- Ovalocytes and Schistocytes.
- NRBCs with Polychromasia.
- Increased Retics.
- Basophilic Stippling.
- Howell Jolly Bodies and Pappenheimer Bodies.
- Leukocytosis with left shift and Thrombocytosis.
24Special Hematology Tests in Sickle Cell Anemia
- Electrophoresis Hb S present.
- Sickling Test Positive.
- Osmotic Fragility Decreased.
- Sed Rate Decreased.
25Chemistry Testsin Sickle Cell Anemia
- LDH increased.
- Bilirubin Indirect and total both increased.
- Haptoglobin decreased.
26Treatment and Prognosis for Sickle Cell Anemia
- Improving.
- Prevent crisis.
- If crisis keep hydrated. Alleviate pain.
- Treat infections with antibiotics. Keep warm.
Blood transfusion if needed. - Prophylactic penicillin treatment prevents most
deaths due to pneumococcal infections. - RBC exchanges are beneficial.
- Developing anti-sickling agents (hydroxyurea)
which increases amount of Hemoglobin F in red
cells. Decreases amount of sickling that occurs
during crisis. - Bone marrow transplants in children show promise.
- Future treatment may include gene therapy.
27Sickle Cell Trait
- Heterozygous AS with more HbA than HbS, so
condition is compensated for. - Normal life, except if have severe hypoxia or
respiratory infection. - Patient often has normal life span.
28Laboratory Findings in Sickle Cell Trait
- Normal CBC Few target cells or sickle cells may
be present. - Sickle solubility test positive.
- Electrophoresis Both A and S present.
29Hemoglobin C Disease
30Introduction to Hb C Disease
- Amino acid substitution of lysine for glutamic
acid at sixth position of Beta chain
(a2ß26Glu-Lys). - Is homozygous CC.
- HbC crystals on peripheral blood.
- Second most common variant after HbS.
- Found almost exclusively in Black population.
- Chronic hemolytic anemia with associated
splenomegaly and abdominal discomfort.
31Laboratory Findings in Hb C Disease
- Mild to moderate anemia (8-12 g/dL), splenomegaly
and abdominal discomfort. - Numerous target cells, few microspherocytes,
schistocytes, and folded cells. - May see hexagonal or rod-shaped crystals ("bar of
gold). Usually intracellular. Are elongated
with blunt ends and parallel sides. - Retic count 4-8 (slightly increased).
- Electrophoresis Most hemoglobin is HbC no HbA
present may or may not have increase in Hb F.
32Hemoglobin C Trait (AC)
- No symptoms no anemia.
- Target cells frequent finding.
33Treatment for Hb C
- Splenectomy may be beneficial for symptomatic CC
homozygous persons. - AC heterozygous persons are usually asymptomatic,
so no treatment required.
34Hemoglobin D Disease
35Hb D Disease
- Homozygous and heterozygous forms.
- Migrates with HbS upon electrophoresis, but does
not cause sickling of RBCs. - Many variants All are rare forms.
- Both heterozygous and homozygous states are
asymptomatic. - No clinical (physical) abnormalities.
36Hemoglobin E Disease
37Hb E Disease
- ß chain variant lysine substituted for glutamic
acid in 26th position in beta chain
(a2ß226Glu-Lys). - Heterozygous and homozygous forms.
- Third most common variant of hemoglobin. Occurs
with greatest frequency in Southeast Asia. - Frequently occurs with Beta thalassemia.
- No clinical symptoms.
38Laboratory Findings in Hb E Disease
- Similar to Hb D.
- Mild, microcytic, hypochromic hemolytic anemia.
- Many target cells.
- Electrophoresis shows E band. Normal Hb F, no Hb
A. - May protect against malaria.
39Hemoglobin SC Disease and Other Combinations
40Introduction to Hb SC Disease and other
- May have combinations of abnormal hemoglobins.
- Occurs when have HbS gene from one parent and HbC
gene from other parent (Hb SC). - 1 in 835 American blacks have sickle C disease
(SC). - Patients generally less anemic and better
prognosis than SS patients.
41Laboratory Findings in SC Disease
- Sickle cell symptoms including splenomegaly.
- Positive for anemia. Mild if present.
- See target cells, folded, pocket-book cells, and
rare sickle cells Washington monument"
crystals (fingerlike projections) may be found. - Positive sickle solubility test.
- Electrophoresis shows equal amounts of HbC and
HbS, no HbA. Hb F normal or elevated.
42Other Combinations of Abnormal Hemoglobins
- May find HbS in combination with other abnormal
hemoglobins, such as Hb SD. - Hb SD Disease has positive solubility test.
Severity of disease between Hb SS and Hb SA. - May find combination of hemoglobinopathy and
thalassemia (Hb S/ß Thalassemia). - Can make differentiation difficult.
43Hemoglobins with Increased Oxygen Affinity
44Hb with Increased Oxygen Affinity
- Decreased delivery of oxygen to tissues.
- Hb values from normal to 20 g/dL.
- Leukocytes and platelets normal.
- Normal life span.
- No treatment.
- Often results in polycythemia.
45Hemoglobins with Decreased Oxygen Affinity
46Hemoglobins with Decreased Oxygen Affinity
- Increased release of oxygen to tissues.
- Patient may become anemic.
47Unstable Hemoglobin Disease
48Introduction to Unstable Hemoglobin Diseases
1 of 2
- More than 180 unstable hemoglobins have been
described, but most are not associated with
hemolysis. - Unstable hemoglobins are hemoglobin variants in
which amino acid substitutions or deletions have
weakened the binding forces that maintain the
structure of the molecule. - Instability may cause Hb to denature and
precipitate in the red cells as Heinz bodies.
49Introduction to Unstable Hemoglobin Diseases
2 of 2
- Most inherited as autosomal dominant disorders.
- When anemia is present, degree of hemolysis
varies considerably - Most have mild compensated anemia with mild
reticulocytosis - Some have severe, chronic hemolysis with
splenomegaly and jaundice. - Hb electrophoresis usually not very helpful in
diagnosis. Isopropanol precipitation or heat
denaturation tests are used to detect unstable Hb.
50Special Diagnostic Tests
- Isopropanol Precipitation
- Unstable Hemoglobins precipitate out within 5
minutes. - Normal Hemoglobins do not precipitate.
- Heat Denaturation Test
- Washed red cells hemolyzed with H20. Incubate.
Will denature hemoglobin. See precipitation.
Normal Hemoglobins do not precipitate. - Heinz Body Staining
- Supravital staining. Brilliant Cresyl Blue
Stain. Heinz bodies stain pale blue and are
refractile. Eccentrically located.
51Methemoglobinemia (Hemoglobin M)
52Introduction to Methemoglobinemia
- Clinical condition with methemoglobin levels
greater than 1 of total Hgb. - HbM contains ferric iron (Fe3) Cant carry
oxygen and results in cyanosis. - Three causes of methemoglobinemia
- Hemoglobin M variants (dominant inheritance)
- NADH-diaphorase deficiency (recessive
inheritance) - Toxic substance (acquired)
53Hb M
- 5 variants of Hb M which result from single amino
acid substitution in the globin chain that
stabilizes iron in the ferric form. - Patients have cyanosis, but are otherwise
asymptomatic and no treatment is given.
54Laboratory Findings in Hb M
- Blood is chocolate brown.
- Mild hemolytic anemia.
- Heinz bodies.
- M band on electrophoresis.