Airfoil Geometry Parameterization through Shape Optimizer and Computational Fluid Dynamics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Airfoil Geometry Parameterization through Shape Optimizer and Computational Fluid Dynamics


Manas Khurana. The Sir Lawrence Wackett Aerospace Centre. RMIT University. Melbourne - Australia. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit. 7th 10th ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Airfoil Geometry Parameterization through Shape Optimizer and Computational Fluid Dynamics

Airfoil Geometry Parameterization through Shape
Optimizer and Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Manas Khurana
  • The Sir Lawrence Wackett Aerospace Centre
  • RMIT University
  • Melbourne - Australia

46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and
Exhibit 7th 10th January, 2008 Grand Sierra
Resort Reno, Nevada
Presentation Outline
  • Introduction
  • Role of UAVs
  • Research Motivation Goals
  • Design of MM-UAV
  • Current Design Status
  • Direct Numerical Optimization
  • Airfoil Geometry Shape Parameterisation
  • Test Methodology Results
  • Flow Solver
  • Selection, Validation Results Analysis
  • Optimization
  • Airfoil Analysis
  • Summary / Conclusion
  • Questions

  • Multi-Mission UAVs
  • Cost Effective
  • Designed for Single Missions
  • Critical Issues and Challenges
  • Demand to Address a Broader Customer Base
  • Multi Mission UAV is a Promising Solution and
  • Provide Greater Mission Effectiveness
  • Research Motivation Goals
  • Project Goal - Design of a Multi-Mission UAV and
  • Research Goal Intelligent Airfoil Optimisation
  • Design Mission Segment Based Airfoil
  • Morphing Airfoils

Aerodynamic Optimisation
  • Design Methodology
  • Direct Numerical Optimisation
  • Geometrical Parameterization Model and
  • Validation of Flow Solver
  • Coupling of the two Methods
  • Swarm Intelligence Optimization
  • Neural Networks
  • DNO Computationally Demanding
  • Development of an ANN within DNO and
  • Integrate Optimisation Algorithm within the ANN

Geometric Representation Technique Features
  • Key Requirements
  • Flexibility and Accuracy
  • Cover Wide Design Window with Few Variables
  • Generate Smooth Realistic Shapes
  • Provide Independent Geometry Control
  • Application of Constraints for Shape
    Optimization and
  • Computationally Efficient
  • Approaches
  • Discrete Approach
  • Shape Transformations Conformal Mapping
  • Polynomial Representations and
  • Shape Functions added to Base-Line Profile

Airfoil Shape Transformations
  • Conformal Mapping Approach
  • Computationally In-Expensive
  • Joukowski Kármán-Trefftz Transformations
  • Transformation from Complex to ?-Plane and
  • Five Shape Parameters
  • xc - Thickness
  • yc - Camber towards leading edge
  • xt - Thickness towards trailing edge
  • yt - Camber towards trailing edge
  • n - Trailing edge angle
  • Conformal Mapping Restrictions
  • Limited Design Window
  • Divergent Trailing Edge Airfoils not possible
  • Failure to Capture Optimal Solution

Airfoil Shape Functions
  • Introduction
  • Analytical Approach
  • Control over Design Variables
  • Cover Large Design Window
  • Linearly Added to a Baseline Shape
  • Participating Coefficient act as Design Variables
    (?i) and
  • Optimization Study to Evaluate Parameters

Shape Function Convergence Criteria
  • Convergence Measure Requirements
  • Flexibility Accuracy and
  • Library of Target Airfoils
  • Geometrical Convergence Process
  • Specify Base Target Airfoil
  • Select Shape Function
  • Model Upper Lower Surfaces
  • Design Variable Population Size (210)
  • Perturbation of Design Variables
  • Record Fitness - Geometrical Difference of Target
    and Approximated Section
  • Aggregate of Total Fitness and
  • Geometrical Fitness vs. Aerodynamic Performance

Intelligent Search Agent Particle Swarm
  • Swarm Approach?
  • Models Natural Flocks and Movement of Swarms
  • Quick, Efficient and Simple Implementation
  • Ideal for Non-Convex Discontinuous Problems
  • Solution Governed by Position of Particle within
    N-dimensional Space
  • Each Particle Records Personal Fitness pbest
  • Best Global Fitness gbest
  • Velocity Position Updates based on Global
    Search Pattern and
  • Convergence Particles Unite at Common Location

?J. Kennedy and R. Eberhart, "Particle Swarm
Optimization, presented at IEEE International
Conference on Neural Networks, 1995.
Particle Swarm Optimization Set Up
  • PSO Structure / Inputs Definition
  • Velocity Update
  • Position Update

Standard vs. Adaptive PSO
  • c1 2
  • c2 2
  • Determine pull of pbest gbest
  • c1 Personal Experience
  • c2 Swarm Experience

  • c1 2
  • c2 2

Scaling Factors Cognitive Social (c1 c2)
  • ? w Facilitates Global Search
  • ? w Facilitates Local Search

Inertia Weight (w)
  • 0.1-10 of NDIM
  • 0.1-10 of NDIM
  • 0.1-10 of NDIM

Maximum Velocity
Particle Swarm Optimizer - Function Test
  • Definition
  • Search Domain
  • Initialization Range
  • Global Minima (Fitness)

Particle Swarm Optimizer - Function Test
  • Definition
  • Search Domain
  • Initialization Range
  • Global Minima (Fitness)

Shape Parameterization Results
  • Summary of Results
  • Measure of Geometrical Difference
  • Hicks-Henne Most Favorable
  • Legendre Polynomials Computationally Not Viable
  • Aerodynamic Coefficients Convergence
  • Geometrical Convergence Plots / Animations
  • s

Hicks-Henne Geometrical Convergence
  • s

Bernstein Geometrical Convergence
  • Aerodynamic Convergence Plots / Animations
  • s

Hicks-Henne Aerodynamic Convergence
  • s

Bernstein Aerodynamic Convergence
Shape Functions Limitations
  • Polynomial Function Limitation
  • Local Shape Information
  • No Direct Geometry Relationship
  • NURBS Require Many Control Points and
  • Lead to Undulating Curves
  • PARSEC Airfoil Representation?
  • 6th Order Polynomial
  • Eleven Variables
  • Equations Developed as a Function of Airfoil
    Geometry and
  • Direct Geometry Relationship

?H. Sobieczky, Parametric Airfoil and Wings,
in Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 68,
pp. 71-88, 1998
PARSEC Aerodynamic Convergence
PARSEC Design Variables Definition
Effect of YUP on PARSEC Airfoil Geometry
Effect of YUP on PARSEC Airfoil Aerodynamics
Shape Function Modifications
  • Airfoil Surface Bumps?
  • Aerodynamic Performance Improvements
  • Rough Airfoils Outperform Smooth Sections at Low
  • Control Flow Separation
  • Passive Active Methods for Bypass Transition
  • Reduction in Turbulence Intensity and
  • Bumps Delay Separation Point
  • Shape Functions - Further Developments
  • Local Curvature Control
  • Roughness in Line with Boundary Layer Height and
  • Control over Non-Linear Flow Features

Airfoil Surface Bumps to Assist Flow Reattachment?
?Source A. Santhanakrishnan and J. Jacob,
Effect of Regular Surface Perturbations on Flow
Over an Airfoil, - University of Kentucky,
Flow Solver Computational Fluid Dynamics
Flow Solver Validation Case 1 NASA LS(1)0417
  • Validation Data
  • CP Agreement at AOA 10?
  • Lift Drag Convergence over Linear AOA
  • Lift ? 2 Drag ? 5
  • Solution Divergence at Stall and
  • Fluid Separation Zone Effectively Captures
    Boundary Layer Transition

Flow Solver Validation Case 2 NACA 0012
  • Validation Data
  • CP Agreement at AOA 11?
  • Lift Drag Convergence over Linear AOA
  • Lift ? 5 Drag ? 7
  • Solution Divergence at Stall and
  • Fluid Separation Zone Effectively Captures
    Boundary Layer Transition

Sample Optimization Run
  • Objective Function
  • ? 2?
  • CL 0.40
  • Minimize CD
  • Optimizer Inputs ? Final Solution
  • Swarm Size 20 Particles
  • rLE 0.001 , 0.04 ? 0.0368
  • YTE -0.02 , 0.02 ? 0.0127
  • Teg -2.0? , -25? ? -19.5?
  • TEW 3.0? , 40.0? ? 29.10?
  • XUP 0.30 , 0.60 ? 0.4581
  • YUP 0.07 , 0.12 ? 0.0926
  • YXXU -1.0 , 0.2 ? -0.2791
  • XL 0.20 , 0.60 ? 0.5120
  • YL -0.12 , -0.07 ? -0.1083
  • YXXL 0.2 , 1.20 ? 0.6949
  • Results

Aerodynamic Coefficient Database Artificial
Neural Networks
  • Artificial Neural Networks Airfoil Training
  • Geometrical Inputs
  • Aerodynamic Coefficient/s Output/s?
  • Set-up of Transfer Function within the Hidden
    Layer and
  • Output RMS Evaluation

?R. Greenman and K. Roth Minimizing
Computational Data Requirements for Multi-Element
Airfoils Using Neural Networks, in Journal of
Aircraft, Vol. 36, No. 5, pp. 777-784
September-October 1999
Coupling of ANN Swarm Algorithm
  • Geometry Parameterisation Method
  • Six Shape Functions Tested
  • Particle Swarm Optimizer Validated / Utilized
  • SOMs for Design Variable Definition and
  • PARSEC Method for Shape Representation
  • Flow Solver
  • RANS Solver with Structured C-Grid
  • Transition Points Integrated
  • Acceptable Solution Agreement and
  • Transition Modeling and DES for High-Lift Flows
  • Airfoil Optimization
  • Direct PSO Computationally Demanding and
  • ANN to Reduce Computational Data

  • Viscovery Software GmbH
  • http//
  • Mr. Bernhard Kuchinka
  • Kindly provided a trial copy of Viscovery SOMine
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