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STABILIZATION OF HELICOPTER ... stabilization as a future direction of research in ... IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Vol. 3, No ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Vefa Narli

  • High Rise Rescue
  • Fire Fighting
  • Offshore
  • Construction
  • Hover
  • Vertical Take-off and Land

Transportation Modes of Helicopters
23000 lbs
40000 lbs
5000 lbs
Helicopter Sling Loading Capacities
Reference Helicopter Helicopter Weight External Load Weight Load Mass Ratio Cable Length
3 ( Handling Qualities Requirements for Military Rotorcraft, Aeronautical Design Standard) NA NA NA 0.33 NA
4 (Requirements for the Certification of Sling Loaded Military Equipment for External Transportation by Department of Defense Helicopters ) NA NA 39800 lbs (max) NA 12-16 ft
7 UH-60A 14600 lbs 1130-6384 lbs 0.07-0.30 23 ft (single) 15.83 ft - (4-legged)
7 NA NA 40000 lbs NA 3-140 ft
11 UH-60 16000 lbs 1102-4409 lbs 0.06-0.22 9.84-26.2 ft
Superior Helicopter Kaman K-1200 12000 lbs 6000 lbs 0.33 NA
Helicopter Sling Loading
  • Load is suspended beneath the helicopter
  • Free to rotate in all 3 axis
  • Long cable lines are used
  • Requires pilot effort

Literature Survey
  • Dukes, T. A., Maneuvering Heavy Sling Loads Near
    Hover, Part I Damping the Pendulous Motion,
    Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol.
    18, (2), Apr. 1973.
  • Dukes, T. A., Maneuvering Heavy Sling Loads Near
    Hover, Part II Some Elementary Maneuvers,
    Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol.
    18, (3), July 1973.
  • Poli, C., and Cromack, D., Dynamics of Slung
    Bodies Using a Single-Point Suspension System,
    Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 10, (2), Feb. 1973.
  • Cliff, E. M., and Bailey, D. B., Dynamic
    Stability of a Translating Vehicle with a Simple
    Sling Load, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 12, (10),
    Oct. 1975.
  • Nagabhushan, B. L., Low-Speed Stability
    Characteristics of a Helicopter With a Sling
    Load, Vertica, Vol. 9, 1985.
  • Sheldon, D. F., An Appreciation of the Dynamic
    Problems Associated with the External
    Transportation of Loads from a HelicopterState
    of the Art, Vertica, Vol. 1, 1977.
  • Prabhakar, A., Stability of a Helicopter
    Carrying an Underslung Load, Vertica, Vol. 2,
  • Cicolani, L. S., Kanning, G., and Synnestvedt,
    R., Simulation of the Dynamics of
  • Helicopter Slung Load Systems, Journal of the
    American Helicopter Society, Vol. 40, (4), Oct.
  • Gabel, R., and Wilson, G. J., Test Approaches to
    External Sling Load Instabilities, Journal of
    the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 13, (3),
    July 1968.

HSL Flight Tests
Stability of HSL - I
Stability of HSL - II
Stability of HSL - III
Level 1 Load maintains directional stability
throughout the maneuvers. Minimal oscillation.
Requires minimal concentration by the flight
crew Level 2 Load may oscillate, rotate.
Directional orientation is not stable. Does not
pose a threat to the aircraft. ost maneuvers.
Moderate oscillation.
  • 11

Safety - I
Manwaring, J. C., Conway, G. A., Garrett, L. C.,
Epidemiology and Prevention of Helicopter
External Load Accidents, Journal of Safety
Research, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 107-121, 1998.
Safety - II
  • The helicopter departed with a 150-foot
    long-line attached and no external load on the
    hook After lift-off, the long-line tangled in
    the trees, causing the helicopter to crash
  • An Aerospatiale 316B was moving equipment in
    mountainous terrain with a 100-foot long cable
    the cargo hook snagged on an equipment trailer
    adjacent to the take-off area. As the tension on
    the line increased, the hook broke free of the
    trailer and the cable recoiled into the main
    rotor blades, rendering the helicopter
  • During the flight to reposition the helicopter
    that was transporting seismic equipment with a
    100-foot long line, the load caught on a nearby

Literature Survey
  • Lucassen, L. R., and Sterk, F. J., Dynamic
    Stability Analysis of a Hovering Helicopter With
    A Sling Load, Journal of the American Helicopter
    Society, Vol. 10, (2), Apr. 1965.
  • - 2001 (Dynamics and Stability)
  • Stiles et al, (2004, 22,) mention sling load
    active stabilization as a future direction of
    research in his review of Helicopter AFCS.

Statement of the Problem
  • Keep the oscillations of the payload under a
    critical angle, or deviation
  • The effect of the load on the helicopter dynamics
    should not exceed more than 10 of the static
    weight of the load.
  • System should be adjustable to different line
    length and load weight and should be robust to
    10 changes of the nominal values.

Approach - I
  • Modified AFCS that stabilizes the slung load
  • Stand-alone stabilizing system
  • Cartesian mechanism
  • Spherical mechanism

Approach - II
  • Cho, S.-K., Lee, H. H., An Anti-Swing Control of
    a 3-Dimensional
  • Overhead Crane, Proceedings of the American
    Control Conference, Chicago, Illinois,
  • pp. 1037-1041, 2000.

Future Work
  • Anti-sway control of shipboard boom cranes
  • Simulations of a quadrotor suspended mass
  • Update the statement of the problem
  • Stabilization of a 3D suspended pendulum with a
    cartesian mechanism
  • Stabilization of a 3D suspended pendulum with a
    spherical mechanism
  • UH-60 helicopter MatLAB model
  • Simulations of 3D suspended pendulum attached to

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  4. Anonymous, Requirements for the Certification of
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