Title: White-tailed Deer:
1White-tailed Deer
- History and Population Research
- By Kevin Fussell
2General Information
- Odocoileus Virginianus
- Found all across the U.S.
- Lives throughout all of
- Florida
- Known for its long tail
- Buck (male) - antlered
- Doe (female) - antlerless
3General Information (contd)
- Bucks can get up to six feet long
- and three to four feet tall
- Weight ranges from 100 to
- over 300 lbs.
- One of most popular big-game animals
- Family to black-tailed and mule deer
- Ruminant (cud-chewing) animals
- Four-chambered stomachs
- Bucks antlers are composed of bone
- 1st set of antlers by 18 months
- New set each year
5Anatomy (contd)
- Vision is best at night
- See at a low resolution during daylight
- Deer have excellent hearing
- Life expectancy is 15 to 20 years
- Two purposes of coat
- Mostly thought of as woodland species
- Sometimes live in edge habitat
- Home range of about one mile
- Need cover to hide
7Social Lives
- Females exclude males after maturity
- Bucks and does travel separate
- Exception is during breeding season
- Breeding season, or rut, is between
- December and January
- A Bucks neck swells and he is
- very active during rut
8Social Lives (Contd)
- Female gestation is 200 days (7 months)
- One fawn is typical in Florida
- Sometimes up to three are born
- Fawns are able to walk within
- a few hours after birth
- In Florida, the doe
- population is larger
- than the buck pop.
- Primarily Herbivores
- Feeding habits vary from locations
- Preferred, Marginal, and
- Starvation foods
- Spring and Summer
- foods
- Winter foods
10Where the Math Comes In
11Final Population Equation
12Works Cited
Murray J.D., Mathematical Biology An
Introduction. 1989, 1993. p 1-3. httpfacstaff.uw
Whitetail Deer. p 1-3. 10/11/05.
Whitetail Deer. pg 1. 10/11/05. http//www.white
tails.com/facts.html. Whitetail Deer. p 1-3.
10/11/05. http//www.mvhs.edu/mvhsproj/deer/deer
.html. The Maryland Virtual High School. Deer
Population. P 2. 11/08/05. http//www.hsus.org/wi
ldlife/a_closer_look_at_wildlife/deer. html.
Deer. p 1-2. 10/12/05. http//www.floridaconservat
ion.org/viewing/species/wtdeer. htm. White-tailed
Deer. p 1-2. 10/12/05.