Gas turbine technology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Gas turbine technology


The gas turbine continues to be the preferred choice with both military and commercial marine customers throughout the world in mechanical and electrical drive ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Gas turbine technology

Gas turbine technology MTF 171
Tomas Grönstedt
Applied mechanics
Why read the course ?
  • Head of GE Europe about Scandinavia
  • Large pool of talented people that we can tap
    on to become part of our organization. Medical
    area, power generation, aircraft engine,
    consumer finance
  • As mechanical engineer, one should know how a
    jet engine works?
  • Apply thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
  • Fun?!
  • Master thesis opportunities
  • Previous work include modelingand diagnostics
    on PW100 engine JT9D, GT10C, Space launcher
    model, Cooled cooling in gas turbines, weight
    estimation, environmental modeling
  • Aerospace is no longer composed of non-profit
  • GNP increased 3.8 between 1960-1990, revenue
    passenger miles 9.5
  • 1990ies GNP 2.4 and RPM 5.7
  • Air traffic growth triple over next 20 years.

Boeing is forecasting solid growth
Lecture 1 - overview
  • Course introduction
  • History of the gas turbine
  • Course content an overview
  • Course evaluation process
  • Revision of some elementary thermodynamics
  • Gas turbine applications I
  • Industrial gas turbines and aero derivatives
  • Land and marine transport
  • Aircraft propulsion

History of the gas turbine
  • 150 BC Hero, Aeolipile
  • 1232 - Chinese began to use rockets as weapons
    (battle of Kai Keng)
  • 1629 - Giovanni Branca developed a stamping mill

History of the gas turbine
  • 1687 - Sir Isaac Newtonannounces the three laws
    of motion
  • Every object in a state of uniform motion tends
    to remain in that state of motion unless an
    external force is applied to it (Galileos
    concept of inertia)
  • F ma
  • For every action there is an equal and opposite

History of the gas turbine
  • 1872 - Dr. F. Stolze designed the first true gas
    turbine engine
  • multistage axial compressor and turbine
  • No net power output.
  • Brayton cycle is loss sensitive! Specific work
    output w J/kg difference between two large
  • 1903 - Aegidius Elling of Norway built the first
    successful gas turbine
  • both rotary compressors and turbines - the first
    gas turbine with excess power.

The Elling turbine
The process was built as follows atmospheric air
enters through the compressor B, from which a
part of the compressed air is bled off at C,
constituting the net power output from the
engine. The rest of the compressed air passes to
the combustion chamber D, where fuel is injected,
E. The hot gases under pressure pass through a
water cooler F before it enters into the turbine
T. The steam produced in the cooler is mixed with
the combustion gases in front of the turbine. The
mixture of combustion gases and steam had a
temperature of about 400C.
The Elling Turbine
  • On the 27th June 1903 Elling wrote in his diary
  • I think I have made the worlds first gas
    turbine which has given excess power
  • In 1933 Elling propheticallywrote
  • When I in 1882 started to work on the gas
    turbine it was for the sake of the aeronautics
    and I firmly believe that aeronautics is still
    waiting for the gas turbine

History - characteristics
  • High power to weight ratio
  • Absence of reciprocating parts gt balance
    problems are few
  • Lubricating oil consumption exceptionally low
  • Reliability is high (at least it should be
    possible to make it high)
  • Obvious application ?!

History gas turbine
  • Sir Frank Whittle, England patented a design for
    a gas turbine for jet propulsion.
  • The specifications of the first jet engine were
    Airflow25 lb/s, Fuel Consumption 200 gal/hr or
    1300 lb/hr, Thrust 1000 lb, Specific Fuel
    consumption 1.3 lb/hr/lb
  • Powered the Gloster E28/39 Britain on 15 May

(No Transcript)
History of the gas turbine
  • In 1936
  • Hans von Ohain (young Ph.D. student in Germany)
    developed and patented his own engine design.
  • In 1939
  • The aircraft company Ernst Heinkel Aircraft flew
    the first flight of a jet engine propelled
    aircraft, the HE178.

Course overview
  • History, revision of thermodynamics, introduction
    and applications. Ideal cycles. Industrial
  • Real cycles. Inclusion of component losses in
    preliminary design. Elementary nozzle and
    radial compressor theory. Hand out of Design
    task 1.
  • Aircraft engines. Hand in of design task 1.
  • Turbines. Elementary theory, performance and
    cooling. Centrifugal compressors 2. Hand out of
    Design task 2.
  • Axial compressors. Tutorial using compEDU. Hand
    in of design task 2.
  • Gas turbine performance 1 and combustion. Demo
    of research linear cascade. Hand out of Design
    task 3.
  • Rya combined heat and power plant study visit.
    Hand in of design task 3.
  • Written exam, 2007-03-10. Oral Exam, 2007-03-20
    (suggested date decided by you)

Thermodynamic design
of whole engine
Design turbine
Heritage from predecessors
  • Goals 2003
  • Course should provide different learning paths
  • OH-material based on CRS nomenclature
  • Build on Thermodynamics course MTF041, Boles,
    M.A., Cengel, Y.A. nomenclature
  • Changes after 2003 course
  • Hand out design tasks earlier
  • Limit lectures to 3 hours
  • Changes from 2004 course
  • CompEDU support axial compressors, maintenance
    and overhaul
  • Design task 3 excellent for learning chapter 8
    chapter 9 but time requiring gt this year it
    REPLACES chapter 8 and chapter 9.
  • Changes from 2005 course
  • "gas turbine for beginners...
  • Study visit
  • Learning goals and continuous course evaluation
  • Changes from 2006 course
  • Replace problem 2.3 with exam problem. MATLAB is
    a learning goal. Review of design task 2. Single
    light industrial lecturer.

Continuous course evaluation
  • 2 course representatives
  • Compensation for effort
  • Mail addresses stated on course home page
  • Meeting 1
  • Last years meeting protocol
  • Planned changes are discussed
  • Goals and structure of course is discussed
  • Meeting 2
  • Week 3-4.
  • Feedback from group should be presented
  • Present feedback on homepage
  • Try to implement changes for the remaining part
    of the course
  • Meeting 3
  • Course survey handed out during week 7-8 (prior
    to third meeting)
  • Student representatives compile the results
    (prior to third meeting)
  • Evaluation meeting
  • Discuss course evaluation and exam results
  • Protocol by student representatives to be signed
    by program responsible and course responsible
  • List of changes to be implemented until next

Course PM
  • Course Events
  • Invited lecturer from Volvo Aero on Thursday
  • 12th February - Henrik Ekstrand
  • Study visit to Rya CHP plant (only mandatory
  • Design tasks
  • Either 10 bonus credits on exam
  • Entry ticket to oral exam
  • Literature Gas Turbine Theory, Cohen, Rogers,
  • First print 1951, focus on application. Still
    the best presentation of the field
  • A considerable amount of sittfläsk is needed
    to excel in this course
  • Book sections are broken down into Relevant,
    Important, Very important reading sections

First law conservation of energy
Closed system (ideal gas turbine cycles)
Control volume. Fig. 4-10. (For instance, inlet,
compressor, burner, turbine, nozzle)
Flow work is performed.define h upv instead
of u
Gustav Zeuner 1859

Basic concepts related to second law
  • Reversible process process that can be reversed
    without leaving any trace on the surroundings
    (5.7 reversible and irreversible processes)
  • Reservoir absorb finite amount of energy
    without changing temperature (5-2 thermal
    energy reservoirs)
  • Heat engine receive heat from high-temp source
    and reject to low-temp. sink. Operate on cycle.
    Produce work

The Carnot Principle
  1. The efficiency of an irreversible heat engine is
    always less than the efficiency of a reversible
    one operating between the same two reservoirs.
  2. The efficiencies of all reversible heat engines
    operating between the same two reservoirs are the

The Carnot Cycle
  1. Hard to realize in practice
  2. Standard against which real cycles can be compared

Perfect gas and ideal gas
Ideal gas gt following equation of state holds
For an ideal gas experiment has shown (Joules
experiment, U is independent of v)
Enthalpy is defined
Perfect gas and ideal gas
The specific heat at constant pressure is defined
Since the enthalpy for an ideal gas depends only
on T gt
Perfect gas gt temperature dependence is
Combining the first and second laws
The first law
Only pressure-volume work (dw-Pdv) and for
reversible changes (dqrTds)
Using ideal gas law and assuming isentropic
process (ds0 as well as dudh - (PdvvdP) - by
definition of h)
Industrial gas turbines
  • Industrial gas turbines?
  • Aircraft gas turbine is self-explanatory.
    Industrial the rest.
  • Requirements for industrial gas turbines
  • Long required life (100 000 hours between major
  • Size and weight not as critical as for aircraft
    gas turbine
  • Kinetic energy leaving the turbine is wasted

Marine and land transportation
  • Gas turbine characteristics
  • High power density
  • High fuel consumption (for low pressure ratios
    and turbine inlet temperatures) compared to
    Diesel engine
  • Poor part load performance
  • Low noise and low maintenance
  • Mainly successful in
  • naval applications
  • cruise ships
  • M1 tank

Marine and land transportation
  • Example
  • Max speed 36 knots, cruise 18 knots. Power
  • Thus, cruise power approx. 1/8 of max power
  • Combined cycles were developed to avoid part load
    gas turbine inefficiency
  • COSAG COmbined Steam And Gas
  • CODOG COmbined Diesel Or Gas
  • COGAG COmbined Gas And Gas

Uses of combined configurations
  • Only used on British military ships entering
    service between 1961 and 1973.
  • Diesel has good cruise fuel economy, but bulkier
    and larger underwater noise. Small cruise Diesel
    and a large boost gas turbine is common.
  • Frequent in destroyers (small, fast and lightly
    armored but heavily armed warship)
  • The first large vessels to use COGAG was the
    Soviet "KASHIN" class in 1964 (design
    calculations appeared on 2003 exam)

Naval ships
  • Four LM2500 GE Marine Gas Turbines (105,000 shp
    in total) are used on the DDG-51 destroyer
  • 31 knots (57 km/h)
  • American navy has more than 600 engines of
    theLM2500 type

The Millenium - why gas turbine propulsion ?
  • Lower and easier maintenance
  • Gain of volume and weight considerable (900 tons
    50 pax cabins 20 crew's cabins)
  • Lower noise and vibrations level gt better
  • Reliable, one serious breakdown for 48,800 h.
    (10 years of commercial exploitation)
  • A factor of 1000 less need for lubrication's oil!

Electric power (propulsion other) by combined
cycle (COGES type) gas turbines and steam
turbines. Two main alternators (25 MW) are driven
by two gas turbines type LM2500. Each gas turbine
is equipped with a recuperative boiler which
produces the necessary steam to drive a steam
turbine (one for the 2 gas turbines) used to
drive 9MW alternator gt The thermal output is
then 43 instead of 39 with gas turbine only.
The Millenium cruise ship
Water jets
  • Propulsive water jets range from small aluminum
    units handling powers up to a few hundred
    kilowatts to stainless steel units with ratings
    up to 50MW.
  • As shown below they can be supplied with steering
    and reversing systems or as boosters giving ahead
    thrust only
  • Water pump connected via drive shaft

M1 tank part load performance
  • Power plant AGT-1500 Turbine, 1500hp
  • Performance   Maximum speed gt 70 km/h
  • 1 efficiency at idle!!!!
  • High power-to-weight ratio
  • Use CODOG for extended range
  • LV100-5 gas turbine engine for the M1A2. The new
    engine is lighter and smaller with rapid
    acceleration, quieter running and no visible

Aircraft propulsion
  • Gas turbines are the dominating power plant for
  • Piston engines restricted to niche market (light
  • Three major types of engines
  • Turbojet (high speed flight)
  • Turbofan (medium speed flight)
  • Turboprop (low speed flight)

Turboprop the PT6Pratt Whitney Canada
Turbofan engine
Fan diameter 2.95 meters
Power A380 maiden flight
Thrust 338kN (Trent 977)
Civil turbofan (high bpr)
Turbofan engine
RM12 engine powering the Swedish GRIPEN fighter
Military turbofan (low bpr)
Learning goals
  • Understand the steps in the slides on
  • Check Cengel and Boles
  • Check revision questions on next page
  • Know several different fields of application for
    industrial gas turbines
  • What is characteristic of a gas turbine engine
    when compared with outer power plants?
  • Know the main types of aircraft gas turbine
  • Know which speed ranges that are suitable for the
    different cycles?

Revision questions - thermodynamics
  • Derive cpcvR. Hint use definitions of cp, cv, h
    and the ideal gas law.
  • Complete the step
  • Use cpcvR and
  • Explain why the gas turbine cycle is very
    sensitive to losses
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