Breast Infection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Breast Infection


... but some abscesses contain anaerobic organisms. Tuberculous Mastitis tuberculosis more commonly reaches the breast ihrough lymphatic spread from axillary, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Breast Infection

Breast Infection
Wirsma Arif Harahap Surgical Oncologist Oncology
Division Surgery Department
  • Affects women between the ages of 18 and 50
  • In the adult lactational or nonlactational.
  • Infection can also affect the skin overlying the
    breast, and occurs either as a primary event or
    secondary to a lesion in the skin, such as a
    sebaceous cyst, or a more generalized condition,
    such as hidradenitis suppurativa.

  • Caused by S. aureus, but it can also be caused by
    Staphylococcus epidermidis and Streptococcus
  • the patient has a history of a cracked nipple or
    a skin abrasion, which results in a break in the
    body's defense mechanisms and an increase in the
    number of bacteria over the skin ofthe breast.
  • bacteria enter the breast through the nipple and
    infect poorly draining segments.

Clinical Symptoms
  • commonly occurs following a flrst pregnancy in
    the first 6 weeks of breast-feeding or during
  • pain, erythema, swelling, tenderness, or systemic
    signs of infection. The breast is swollen,
    tender, and erythematous if an abscess is
    present, a fluctuant mass with overly- ing shiny,
    red skin.
  • Axillary lym- phadenopathy is not usually a
  • Patients can be toxic with pyrexia, tachycardia,
    and leukocytosis

  • Antibiotics given at an early stage usually
    control the infection and stop abscess formation.
  • gt 80 of staphylococci are resistant to
    penicillin, flucloxacillin or amoxicillin-clavulan
    ate are given.
  • except in patients with a penicillin sensitivity
    erythromycin or clarithromycin is usually
  • Tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, and chloramphenicol
    should not be used to treat infection in
    breast-feeding women because they enter breast
    milk and may harm the child

  • Abcess ? aspiration by usg guide.
  • a small incision (mini-inci- sion) is made over
    the point of maximal fluctuation, and the pus is
    drained .
  • The cavity can be irrigated with local anes-
    thetic solution, which produces instant pain
  • Irrigation is continued daily until the incision
    site closes. If the skin overly- ing the abscess
    is necrotic, the necrotic skin is excised, which
    allows the pus to drain.
  • Breast- feeding should be continued if possible
    because this promotes drainage ofthe engorged
    segment and helps resolve infection.
  • Beware inflamatory cancer

  • The infant is not harmed by bacteria in the milk,
    nor by flu- cloxacillin, amoxicillin-clavulanate,
    or ervthromvcin.
  • Only rarely is it necessary to suppress lactation
    with cabergoline in patients with breast

Non Lactational Infection
  • Nonlactational infections can be divided into
    those occurring centrally in the breast in the
    periareolar region and those affecting peripheral
    breast tissue

Periareolar lnfection
  • Periareolar infection is most commonly seen in
    young women the mean age of occurrence is 32
    years, and most are ciga- rette smokers.
  • Location near or beneath nipple areolar
  • Assc nipple retraction.
  • Complication abcess, mammary duct fistula

Peripheral Nonlactational Breast Abscess
  • Peripheral nonlactational breast abscesses are
    less common than periareolar abscesses and have
    been reported to be associated with a variety of
    undering disease states, such as dia- betes,
    rheumatoid arthritis, steroid treatment, and
  • S. aureus is the organism usually responsible,
    but some abscesses contain anaerobic organisms.

Tuberculous Mastitis
  • tuberculosis more commonly reaches the breast
    ihrough lymphatic spread from axillary, mediasti-
    nal, or cervical nodes or directly from
    underlying structures such as the ribs.
  • Tuberculosis predominantly affects women in the
    latter part of their childbearing years' An
    axillary or breast sinus 1s present in up to 50
    of patients.
  • The most common presenlation is that of an acute
    abscess resulting from infection of an area of
    tuberculosis by pyogenic organisms .
  • Treatment is with local surgery and
    antitubercular drug therapy.

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