Title: Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures -
1Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures -
- Part 1-4 General actions
- Wind actions
- Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Scheuermann
- General
- Design situations
- Wind velocity and velocity pressure
- Wind actions
- Structural factor cs cd
- Pressure and force coefficients
- Terrain effects
- Procedures for determine the structural factor cs
cd - Vortex shedding and aeroelastic instabilities
- Dynamic characteristics of structures
- Wind map
3EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsGeneral
- National Annex (NA)
- - values/and or classes where alternatives are
given - in the Eurocodes
- - values to be used where a symbol only is given
- - country specific data, e.g. snow map or a wind
map - - the procedure to be used when alternative
procedures are given - - decisions on the application of Informative
Annexes - - reference to non-contradictory Annexes
4EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsGeneral
- This part is applicable to buildings and civil
engineering works (land-based structures) with
heights up to 200 m - Certain aspects necessary to determine wind
actions on a structure need to be provided in the
National Annex. Default values and methods are
given in the main text, where the National Annex
does not provide information. - This part does not give guidance on local thermal
effects on the characteristic wind, e.g. strong
arctic thermal surface inversion or funnelling
or tornadoes - This part does not give guidance on the following
aspects - wind actions on lattice towers with non parallel
chords - wind actions on guyed masts and guyed chimneys
- torsional vibrations, e.g. tall buildings with a
central core - vibrations where more than the fundamental mode
needs to be considered.
EN 1993-3-1
5EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsDesign
- The relevant wind actions shall be determined for
each design situation identified in accordance
with EN 1990 Ultimate limit state
?Q 1,5
recommended values of ? factors for buildings ?0
0,6 ?1 0,2 ?2 0,0
6EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsDesign
- Other actions such as snow, traffic or ice
which will modify the effects due to wind should
be taken into account (see also EN 1993-1-3, EN
1991-2 and ISO FDIS 12494 - The changes of structure during stages of
execution such as different stages of the form
of the structure, dynamic characteristics etc -
should be taken into account (see EN 1991-1-6) - Where in design windows and doors are assumed to
be shut under storm conditions, the effect of
these being open should be treated as an
accidental design situation - Fatigue due to effects of wind actions should be
considered for susceptible structures
7EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind velocity
and velocity pressure
- Basic values the fundamental values of the
basic wind velocity vb,0 is the characteristic 10
minutes mean wind velocity, irrespective of wind
direction and time of year, at 10m above ground
level in open country terrain with low vegetation
such as grass and isolated obstacles with
separations of at least obstacle heights
(category II).
The basic wind velocity shall be calculated
with vb cdir ? cseason ? vb,o where vb is
the basic wind velocity, 10m above ground, cat.
II vb,0 is the fundamental value of the basic
wind velocity cdir is the directionsl factor
(recommended 1,0) cseason is the season factor
(recommended 1,0)
8EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind velocity
and velocity pressure
? 1,5
9EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind velocity
and velocity pressure
- Mean wind
- Variation with height
vm(z) cr(z) ? c0(z) ? vb
c0(z) is the orography factor ,
taken as 1, - cr(z) is the roughness factor
kr ? ln (z / z0) for
zmin ? z ? zmax cr(z)
cr(zmin) for
z ? zmin
10EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind velocity
and velocity pressure
11EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind velocity
and velocity pressure
- Wind turbulence intensity Iv(z)
for z min ? z ? z max
for z ? z min
12EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind velocity
and velocity pressure
- Peak velocity pressure qp(z)
- is recommended with 1,25 kg/m³
13EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind velocity
and velocity pressure
- Peak velocity pressure qp(z)
14EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind actions
- calculation procedures
- peak velocity pressure qp
- wind pressures w, e.g. for cladding , fixings and
structural parts - wind forces Fw on structures, e.g. for overall
wind effects
15EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind actions
- wind pressure on surfaces
we qp(ze) ? cpe
wi qp(zi) ? cpi
ze,i is the (decisive) reference height for the
external/internal pressure cpe is the pressure
coefficient for the external/internal pressure
16EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind actions
Fw,e cs cd ? ? we ? Aref Fw,i ? wi ?
Aref Ff,e cfr ? qp(ze) ? Aref
where. cs cd is the structural factor cfr is the
friction coefficient Aref is the reference area
of the structure or structural element
17EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind actions
Fw cs cd ? cf ? qp(ze) ? Aref resp. Fw
cs cd ? ? cf ? qp(ze) ? Aref
where. cs cd is the structural factor cf is the
force coefficient for the structure or structural
element Aref is the reference area of the
structure or structural element
18EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsStructural
factor cs cd
- Determination of cs cd
- For buildings with a height less than 15 m, the
value of cs cd may be taken as 1 - For facade and roof elements having a natural
frequency greater than 5 Hz , the value of cs cd
may be taken as 1 - For framed buildings which have structural walls
and which are less than 100m high and whose
height is less than 4 times the in-wind-depth,
the value of cs cd may be taken as 1 - For chimneys with circular cross-sections whose
height is less than 60 m and 6,5 times the
diameter, the value of cs cd may be taken as 1
19EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsStructural
factor cs cd
20EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure and
force coefficientsGeneral
- Choice of aerodynamic coefficient
- Pressure coefficients for buildings and circular
cylinders for internal and external pressures - Net pressure coefficients for canopy roofs,
free-standing walls, parapets and fences - Friction coefficients
- Force coefficients for signboards, structural
elements with rectangular cross section,
structural elements with sharp edged section,
structural elements with regular polygonal
section, flags etc.
21EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure and
force coefficientsGeneral
- Asymmetric and counteracting pressures and forces
22EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure
coefficients for buildings
- Vertical walls of rectangular plan buildings
23EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure
coefficients for buildings
- Vertical walls of rectangular plan buildings
24EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure
coefficients for buildings
25EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure
coefficients for buildings
Duopitch roofs
26EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure
coefficients for buildings
27EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure
coefficients for buildings
28EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure
coefficients for buildings
29EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure
coefficients for buildings
- The internal pressure depends on the size and
distribution of the openings - It should be taken into account if the openings
are larger than 0,1 and not - larger than 30 of the face area
- In certain cases the internal pressure may be
handled as an accidental load
30EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsPressure
coefficients for buildings
- Pressure on walls or roofs with more than one
skin - The wind force is to be calculated separately on
each skin - The permeability ? of a skin is defined as the
ratio of the total area of the opening to the
total area of the skin. A skin is defined as
impermeable if ? is less than 0,1 - If only one skin is permeable, then the wind
force on the impermeable skin should be
determined from the difference between the
internal and the external wind pressure
31EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsForce
coefficients for canopy roofs
32EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsForce
coefficients for canopy roofs
33EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsFree standing
walls, parapets, fences and signboards
34EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsFriction
l 2b or 4h
35EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsStructural
- Structural elements with rectangular sections
- Structural elements with sharp edged sections
- Structural elements with regular polygonal
cf cf,0 ?r ?A
36EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsCircular
- External pressure coefficients
37EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsCircular
cf cf,0 ??
38EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsSpheres
39EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsLattice
structures and scaffoldings
cf cf,0 ??
40EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsFlags
41EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsEffective
slenderness ? and end-effect ??
? A/Ac
42EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsAnnex A
(informative) Terrain effects
- Illustrations of the upper roughness of each
terrain category
43EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsAnnex A
(informative) Terrain effects
- Illustrations of the upper roughness of each
terrain category
44EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsAnnex A
(informative) Terrain effects
- Numerical calculation of orography coefficients
vm mean wind velocity at height z above
terrain vmf mean wind velocity above flat
terrain co vm/vmf
45EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsAnnex A
(informative) Terrain effects
- Numerical calculation of orography coefficients
46EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsAnnex A
(informative) Terrain effects
- Neighbouring structures Displacement height
47EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsProcedures
for determining the structural factor cscd
48EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsProcedures
for determining the structural factor cscd
49EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsProcedures
for determining the structural factor cscd
- Background factor B²
- conservative B² 1
50EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsProcedures
for determining the structural factor cscd
- Resonance response factor R²
- Peak factor kp
51EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsProcedures
for determining the structural factor cscd
- Number of loads for dynamic response
52EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsProcedures
for determining the structural factor cscd
- cscd values for different types of structures
53EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsVortex
shedding and aeroelastic instabilities
Kraftwerk Ferrybridge, GB, am 5. Nov. 1965
Einsturz von 3 Schalenkühltürmen aus Stahlbeton
54EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsVortex
shedding and aeroelastic instabilities
- Criteria for vortex shedding
vcrit,i ? 1,25 vm where vcrit,i is the
critical wind velocity for mode i vm is the
characteristic 10 minutes mean wind velocity at
the cross section where vortex shedding
55EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsVortex
shedding and aeroelastic instabilities
Fw(s) m(s)(2?ni,y)² ?i,y(s) yF,max
where m(s) is the vibrating mass of the
structure per unit length ni,y is the
natural frequency ?I,y(s) is the mode shape
of the structure normalised to 1
at the point with the max. displacement yF,max
is the maximum displacement over time of the
point with ?I,y(s) equal to 1
56EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsVortex
shedding and aeroelastic instabilities
- Galloping
- Interaction effects
vCG ? 1,25 vm with vCG 2 Sc n1,y b /
57EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsDynamic
characteristics of structures
- General
- natural frequencies
- modal shapes
- equivalent masses
- logarithmic decrements of damping
58EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsDynamic
characteristics of structures
for multi-storey buildings with a height larger
than 50m
59EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsDynamic
characteristics of structures
- Logarithmic decrement of dumping
? ?s ?a ?d
60EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind map
Historische Orkane 1976 Capella 1984
Münchener Hagelsturm 1990 Winterstürme Daria
(Jan), Vivian (Febr), Wiebke
(Febr), Gesamtschaden in Preisen
von 1990 25 Mrd. DM
1999 Lothar
Modell für einen Europa Orkan zur Prognose des
Sturmrisikos in Deutschland und den
Benelux-Staaten (Münchner Rück)
61EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind map
62EUROCODE 1 Part 1-4 Wind actionsWind map