Title: Russia: International Monetary Reform and Currency Internationalization
1Russia International Monetary Reform and
Currency Internationalization
- Juliet Johnson
- McGill University
- December 2012
- ADB/CIGI/HKIMR Conference, Hong Kong
- The BRICS Asia, Currency Internationalization,
and International Monetary Reform
2- Fundamentally, what the world is facing today
is a serious systemic crisis, a tectonic process
of global transformation. . . . This period will
be long and painful. No illusions should be
cherished. - - Vladimir Putin, January 2012
3Key Questions
- How and why do Russian leaders want to reform the
international monetary system? - What is the potential role of the ruble in an
emerging multicurrency world? - What is the relationship between ruble and RMB
4Russia and the Global Financial Crisis
- Russia was hit hard by the crisis
- GDP growth fell from 8.5 in 2007 to -7.9 in
2009 - Blame placed on US policy and the international
monetary systems over-reliance on the US dollar - Key demands reform the international financial
architecture and diversify the international
monetary system - Work through G-20 and BRICS
5Russian Frustrations
- There is a feeling that the G20 is following in
the footsteps of the G8 there is more and more
noise, but less and less concrete results . . .
Soon there may be a new legitimacy crisis of the
G20, like the one that hit the G8. - - Russian policy expert Sergei Karaganov, 2012
6BRICS Alternatives
- Promote multiple state-based reserve currencies
- Exchange credit in BRICS currencies through their
national development banks - Create a common BRICS development bank
- Develop a regional crisis fund involving currency
swap arrangements among BRICS states.
7The Ruble in a Multicurrency World
- Russia today is a global player. We must
recognize its responsibility for the destiny of
the world and we want to participate in shaping
the new rules of the game . . . The
transformation of Moscow into a powerful global
financial center and the transformation of the
ruble into one of the leading regional reserve
currencies are the key ingredients to ensure the
competitiveness of our financial system. - - President Dmitrii Medvedev, 2008
8Economic Challenges to Ruble Internationalization
- Energy resources were 65 of Russia's total
exports in 2011 - Russia ranked 39th of 62 countries in the 2012
World Economic Forum Financial Development Report - Russia ranked 9th internationally in merchandise
exports, 17th in merchandise imports, 22nd in
commercial services exports, and 15th in
commercial services imports in 2011 - Russia ranked 133 of 174 countries in the 2012
Transparency International Corruption Perception
Index, the lowest of the G-20 and BRICS - Russia ranked 120 out of the 183 economies
assessed in the Doing Business 2012 report - Inflation in 2012 is running at 6.5-7 percent
9Source Maziad et al, "Internationalization of
Emerging Market Currencies," IMF Staff Discussion
Note SDN/11/17, 19 October 2011
10The Ruble as a Regional Currency
- Before the crisis, the idea that prevailed was
that we needed three or four global currencies,
namely the dollar, the euro, the pound sterling,
the yen, and that was it. Now it is clear that
even these four currencies are not up to the
task, that we need regional reserves. The ruble
is an absolutely perfect candidate for this
purpose . . . . Our partners such as Belarus and
Kazakhstan are saying yes, we would like to carry
out transactions in rubles. - - President Dmitrii Medvedev, 2009
11From EurAsEC to Eurasian Union?
- EurAsEC (2000) Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan - Eurasian Development Bank (2006) Russia,
Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Belarus, and
Kyrgyzstan - Customs Union (2010) Kazakhstan and Belarus
- Common Economic Space in the Customs Union (2012)
- Eurasian Economic Union - with a common currency?
12No to a Currency Union
- We decided that each country would use its
national currency. On the one hand, this is bad
because it does not let the ruble strengthen its
position, but at the same time it is good,
because each country can implement its own
economic policy. When it comes to this area we
need to take the European Unions failures into
account . . . . before we ever contemplate
introducing a common currency between Russia,
Kazakhstan, and Belarus, we would first need to
harmonize our macroeconomic and financial
policy. - - President Vladimir Putin, 2012
13Russia and the RMB
- Russian turn towards Asia under Putin 2.0
- Expanding trade in RMB on the Moscow Exchange
- VTB accepts RMB deposits as of 2011
- VTB issued dim sum bonds in 2010 and 2012
- Ruble-RMB use in bilateral trade increasing
14The Ruble vs. the RMB?
Source Cooley (2012), derived from IMF and
Direction of Trade Statistics (DOTS), 2001-2010
15Central Asian Challenges
- Russia is setting an ambitious goal to turn its
national currency into a global reserve currency.
However, even the Chinese renminbi is not yet
fully ready for that. If we talk of some reserve
currency in our region, it should be a basket of
the Chinese renminbi, the Russian ruble, and the
Kazakh tenge. We should not politicize the
issue. - - Kairat Kelimbetov, Kazakh Minister of
Economic Trade and Development, 2011
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