Cryptology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A stream cipher XORs a plaintext stream with a key stream to create a ciphertext ... The random key stream can be produce by a ... WW1 The American Effort ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cryptology

Lecture Five
  • Dr. Richard Spillman
  • Pacific Lutheran University

Last Lecture
  • History
  • More Transpositions
  • Double Column Transposition
  • Computer Based Encryption
  • Stream Ciphers
  • LFSR
  • One Time Pad
  • Cellular Automata

Review Stream Cipher
  • A stream cipher XORs a plaintext stream with a
    key stream to create a ciphertext stream

The random key stream can be produce by a LFSR,
Cellular Automata,or another random process
(such as a modification of a block cipher)
  • History
  • RC4 Algorithm
  • Introduction to Block Ciphers
  • DES and AES (and others)
  • Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers

WW1 The American Effort
  • Soon after the American declaration of war in
    April 1917, Herbert O. Yardley sold the war
    department on the idea of starting a cryptologic
    service called MI-8
  • David Stevens, 32, an English instructor at
  • Thomas A. Knot, 37, an associate professor of
    English at UC
  • Charles H. Beeson, 47, associate professor of
    Latin at UC
  • Bliss Luquiens, 41, professor of Spanish at Yale
  • MI-8 became involved in many activities including
  • cryptography
  • secret inks
  • shorthand translation

Secret Inks
  • The Germans used several kinds of secret inks
    which could be developed by exposure to heat or
    by special chemicals
  • Allied chemists responded with a reagent that
    brought out secret writing of any kind because it
    could detect the fibers of paper which had been
    disturbed by a wetting action
  • Germans responded by writing in a sympathetic ink
    and then moistening the entire sheet
  • Allies responded with a chemical streak test that
    would detect whether the paper surface had been
    dampened - who but a spy would dampen paper?
  • Eventually, both sides discovered a general
    reagent that would detect any ink under any
  • MI-8s secret ink division, however, was testing
    over 2,000 letters a week and discovered 50 of
    major importance including the plans of one spy
    to import high explosives inside the hollow
    figures of saints and the Virgin Mary

Cryptographic Section
  • MI-8s cryptographic section was very successful
  • One of their most important solutions involved
    the case of the only German spy condemned to
    death in the US during WWI.
  • Captured in January 1918 in Mexico by a US agent,
    he had a cipher letter
  • Broken by Dr. John Manly who went on to become
    one of the worlds leading authorities on Chaucer
  • After a marathon 3-day effort he broke down the
    12 step transposition cipher

The American Black Chamber
  • After Armistice, Yardley sold both the State
    Department and the War Department on jointly
    setting up a permanent cryptography organization
  • it became known as the American Black Chamber and
    was established on July 15, 1919 in NYC
  • its first task was to solve the codes of Japan
    and by 1921, they were regularly reading Japanese
  • In the summer of 1921, they solved telegram 813
    of July 5th from the Japanese ambassador in
    London to Tokyo which contained instructions
    about the upcoming naval disarmament conference

Conference Results
  • Japan was demanding a tonnage ratio of 10 t0 7
    with the US when the Black Chamber read what
    Yardley called the most important telegram he
    ever solved (0.5 represents 50,000 tons of ship -
    a battleship and a half)
  • It is necessary to avoid any clash with Great
    Britain and America, particularly America, in
    regard to the armament limitation question. You
    will to the upmost maintain a middle attitude and
    redouble your efforts to carry out our policy.
    In case of inevitable necessity you will work to
    establish your second proposal of 10 to 6.5. If,
    in spite of your utmost efforts, it becomes
    necessary in view of the situation and in the
    interests of general policy to fall back on your
    proposal no. 3, you will endeavor to limit the
    power of concentration and maneuver of the
    Pacific and to make an adequate reservation which
    will make clear that this is our intention in
    agreeing to a 10 to 6 ratio.
  • What do you think the Americans settled for with

The End of the Black Chamber
  • Between 1971 and 1929, the American Black Chamber
    solved more that 45,000 telegrams involving the
    codes of
  • Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Cuba, England,
    France, Germany, Japan, Liberia, Mexico, Peru,
    USSR, Spain, ...
  • They even started on the codes used by the
  • It all ended on Oct 31, 1929 after Henry L.
    Stimson, Hoovers Secretary of State received
    some solutions from the Black Chamber. He said
    Gentlemen do not read each others mail

  • RC4 was developed by Ron Rivest of MIT (one of
    the developers of RSA a cipher that will be
    covered later)
  • It is perhaps the most widely used stream cipher
    in the world
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Lotus Notes
  • the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol to
    protect Internet traffic
  • the Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP) system used
    to protect wireless links.
  • One advantage of RC4 is that it can be easily
    implemented in software.

  • RC4 uses an arrangement of the numbers 0 to 255
    (8 bits each) in an array S which changes over
  • It consists of two processes
  • A Key Scheduling Algorithm (KSA) to set up the
    initial permutation of S
  • A pseudo-random generation algorithm (PSGA) to
    randomly select elements of S and modify the
    permutation of S

Key Scheduling Algorithm 1
  • KSA begins by initialing S such that S(i) i for
    i 0 to 255.
  • A secret key is constructed by selecting a set of
    numbers which are loaded into a key array K(0 to
  • The usual process is to select a short sequence
    of numbers and repeat them until K is filled

Key Scheduling Algorithm 2
  • The key array is used to randomize S based on the
    following algorithm

for i 0 to 255 do
j j S(i) K(i) (mod 256)
swap(S(i), S(j))
  • Once the KSA has completed the initial
    randomization of S, the PRGA takes over and
    selects bytes for the key stream by selecting
    random elements of S and modifying S for the next
  • The selection process relies on two indices i and
    j which both start at 0.
  • The following program is run to select each byte
    of the key stream

swap (S(i), S(j))
  • A simple example of RC4 will be constructed using
    3 bit representations (the numbers range from 0
    to 7) and mod 8 operations (instead of mod 256).

Initialize S
Select key 5, 6, 7
S Array
K Array
Use the key to randomize S
Final S Array
i 1 j 5
i 0 j 0
Swap 0 and 5
Swap 1 and 4
j (5 S(1) K(1)) mod 8
j (0 S(0) K(0)) mod 8
j (0 0 5) mod 8 5
j (5 1 6) mod 8 4
Random Numbers
  • Now, the S array is ready to be used to produce a
    sequence of random numbers.
  • With i and j starting at 0, RC4 calculates the
    first random number as follows

i (i 1) mod 8 (0 1) mod 8 1
j (j S(i)) mod 8 (0 S(1)) mod 8
(0 4) mod 8 4
Swap S(1) and S(4)
t (S(i) S(j)) mod 8 (S(4) S(1) mod 8
(1 4) mod 8 5
k S(t) S(5) 6
Using CAP
  • CAP uses RC4 to implement a stream cipher

Block Ciphers
Cipher Structures
Block Cipher
  • Todays most widely used ciphers are in the class
    of Block Ciphers
  • Define a block of computer bits which represent
    several characters
  • Encipher the complete block at one time

Modes of Operation
  • Before examining the details of any specific
    block cipher algorithm, it is useful to consider
    how such algorithms are used
  • There are 3 operational modes
  • Electronic Code Book (ECB)
  • Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
  • Output Feedback Mode (OFM)
  • These modes have become international standards
    for implementing any block cipher

Electronic Code Book
  • Simplest mode of operation
  • each block is enciphered into a ciphertext block
    using one key

Problem if Mi Mj then Ci Cj
Cipher Block Chaining
  • The input to each block stage is the current
    block XORed with the previous stage cipher block

Output Feedback Mode
  • The block cipher is used as a stream cipher
  • it produces the random key stream

General Structure
  • In 1973, Feistel suggest a form of product
    cipher that has become the architecture of choice
    for almost all symmetric block ciphers in use
  • The overall process involves several stages of a
    substitution followed by a transposition.
  • The master key is subdivided into a set of
    subkeys one for each stage.
  • At each stage the data block is divided into a
    left and a right segment, the segments are
    swapped, and one segment is mixed with subkey for
    that stage.
  • Another name for this type of cipher is a
    substitution-permutation (SP) cipher.

Feistel Cipher
  • A single stage of the Feistel cipher looks like

Creates the subkeyfor each stage
Cipher Evaluation
  • Any new cipher must be secure against attacks but
    as ciphers become more complicated (such as the
    class of block ciphers) how can we be reasonably
    confident that they can protect our valuable
  • The real answer to this problem is that we can
    never be sure that a cipher is secure.
  • The best way to gain some confidence in a new
    cipher is to allow the security community to test
  • There are some features that a cipher must
    possess if it is to be accepted by the users.
  • First, of course, the key space must be large
    enough to make a brute force attack impossible or
    at least to expensive to mount.

Algorithm Strength
  • Algorithm strength is a subjective judgment call.
    Several factors are considered including
  • The plaintext cannot be derived from the
    ciphertext without use of the key.
  • There should be no plaintext attack that is
    better than a brute force attack.
  • Knowledge of the algorithm should not reduce the
    strength of the cipher.
  • The algorithm should include substitutions and
    permutations under the control of both the input
    data and the key.
  • Redundant bit groups in the plaintext should be
    totally obscured in the ciphertext.
  • The length of the ciphertext should be the same
    length as the plaintext.
  • Any possible key should produce a strong cipher,

Avalanche Condition
  • One of the most important strength criteria is
    the avalanche condition there should be no
    correlation between any input bits or key bits
    and the output bits.
  • This is important because if someone started
    trying different keys, they should not be able to
    tell if they are close (within a few bits) to the
    actual key.
  • There are two versions of the avalanche
  • Strict plaintext avalanche criterion (SPAC) each
    bit of the ciphertext block should change with
    the probability of one half whenever any bit of
    the plaintext block is complemented.
  • Strict key avalanche criterion (SKAC.) for a
    fixed plaintext block, each bit of the ciphertext
    block changes with a probability of one half when
    any bit of the key changes.

DES Example
Input ........................................
....................... 1 Permuted
.............. 1 Round 1 .....................
1 Round 2 .................................
.......................... 5 Round 3
.............. 18 Round 4
......... 28 Round 5
........... 29 Round 6
....... 26 Round 7
....... Round 8 ..............
...................... Round
9 .......................
.......... Round 10 ..........
Round 11 ......................
........... Round 12
........ Round 13 .............
........................ Round
14 ..........................
............ Round 15 ...........
Round 16 .......................
............. Output
DES, AES, and Others
Data Encryption Standard
  • In the mid-70s the US government decided that a
    powerful standard cipher system was necessary.
  • The National Bureau of Standards put out a
    request for the development of such a cipher.
  • Several companies went to work and submitted
    proposals. The winner was IBM with their cipher
    system called Lucifer.
  • With some modifications suggested by the National
    Security Agency, in 1977, Lucifer became known as
    the Data Encryption Standard or DES.
  • It has since been replaced by the Advanced
    Encryption Standard (AES)

Basic Structure
  • DES works on 64 bit blocks of plaintext using a
    56 bit key to produce 64 bit blocks of
  • It is a substitution-permutation cipher with 16
    SP stages.
  • The key for DES is an arbitrary 56 bit string of
    0s and 1s
  • there are 256 possible strings (greater than
  • often it is given as a 7 letter word
  • DES expands this key to 64 bits by adding 8
    additional 0s and 1s
  • bits 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, and 64 are added
    so that each 8 bit block has odd parity (odd
    number of 1s)
  • the key is divided, shifted, and shuffled 16
    times to form 16 different (but related) subkeys
    each of which is 48 bits long

Key Generation
  • Each of the 16 stages uses a 48 bit subkey which
    is derived from the initial 64 bit key.
  • The key passes through a PC-1 block (Permuted
    Choice 1) which extracts the original 56 bits
    supplied by the user.
  • The 56 bits are divided into left and right
    halves. Each half is shifted left by 1 or 2 bit
    positions (it varies depending on the stage).
  • The new 56 bits are compressed using PC-2
    (Permuted Choice 2) by throwing out 8 bits to
    create the 48 bit key for the given stage.

DES Stages
  • Each stage of DES is performs the same set of
    operations using a different subkey acting on the
    output of the previous stage.
  • Those operations are defined in three boxes
    called the expansion box (Ebox), the substitution
    box (Sbox), and the permutation box (Pbox).

Example Stage
The E-Box expands (from 32 to 48 bits) and
The E-Box output is XORed with part of the key
There are 8 S-Boxes and each one accepts 6 bits
of input and produces 4 bits of output
The P-Box is a simple permutation
Finally, the left side is XORed with the result
and both sides are passed on to the next round
  • The EBox expands its 32-bit input into 48-bits by
    duplicating some of the input bits.

Note the duplication
  • The SBoxes are the real source of the power of
  • There are 8 different Sboxes
  • Each Sbox accepts 6-bits of input and produces
    4-bits of output.
  • An Sbox has 16 columns and 4 rows where each
    element in the box is a 4-bit block usually given
    in its decimal representation.

Working with the S-Boxes
  • Each 6-bit input to an S-Box is divided into a
    row and a column index.
  • The row index is given by bits 1 and 6 and the
    bits 2 to 5 supply the column index.
  • The output of the S-Box is the value stored at
    the addressed row/column

Input 0 1 1 1 1 0
Output 1 0 1 0
  • After the S-Box operation there are just 32-bits
    remaining which are rearranged according to the
    permutation table

Final Step
  • The final operation places the original RHS
    32-bits on the LHS and XORs the original LHS with
    the 32-bit output of the Pbox
  • This process is repeated 16 times using a
    different subkey each time

DES Implementations
  • DES could be used in any one of the three
    standard block cipher implementation modes OFM,
    CBC, or ECB.
  • However DES is no longer a secure cipher.
  • Hence, alternative implementations of DES have
    been suggested in an effort to improve its
    overall security. The most common is called
  • Triple-DES comes in two versions, one uses three
    keys and the other only uses two keys.
  • The three key version first encrypts the message
    with Key1, decrypts the result with Key2, and
    finally encrypts that with K3
  • The two key version uses the same steps where K3

Using CAP
  • CAP provides an implementation of DES

RunAvalanche tests
CAP also provides a simple version of DES
  • S-DES (Simplified-DES) was developed by Dr.
    Edward Schaefer at Santa Clara University in
  • It is simple enough so that you can explore the
    operation of DES and some of its weaknesses.
  • It operates on 8-bit data blocks (in other words,
    single characters) using a 10-bit key (only 210
    1024 possibilities) and two stages

S-DES Structure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 6 3 1 4 8 5 7
  • In spite of the simplifications, S-DES looks much
    like our basic DES.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 1 3 5 7 2 8 6
S-DES S-Boxes
  • The function F on the prior slide contains an
    EBox, PBox and 2 SBoxes (much like DES)
  • The two S-Boxes are given by

The input is a 4 bit value
The first and last bits define the row The
middle bits define the column
The output is a 2 bit value
S-DES Key Generation
  • The key generation mechanism begins with a 10-bit
    key which is permuted by PC-1 into the order 3 5
    2 7 4 10 1 9 8 6.
  • It is separated into 2 five bit segments and each
    segment is left shift by one bit.
  • PC-2 selects and rearranges 8 bits from the two
    five bit segments the bits in order are 6 3 7 4
    8 5 10 9. The result is subkey 1.
  • The two segments are now left shifted twice and
    PC-2 is applied again to produce subkey 2.

Using CAP
  • CAP implements S-DES and in the process
    illustrates the key generation method.

Status of DES
  • When IBM first proposed DES it had a 128 bit key
  • NSA required that the key be reduced to 56 bits
  • There have been several successful attacks on DES
  • June 1997 Using the internet 14,000 to 78,000
    computers broke DES in 90 days
  • Jan 1998 Using the internet again it only took
    39 days
  • July 1998 a 210,000 machine called deep crack
    was built and it broke DES in 56 hours

Advanced Encryption Standard
  • Since DES was becoming less reliable as new
    cryptanalysis techniques were developed, the
    National Institute of Standards and Technology
    (NIST) put out a notice in early 1999 requesting
    submissions for a new encryption standard. The
    requirements were
  • A symmetric block cipher with a variable length
    key (128, 192, or 256 bits) and a 128-bit block
  • It must be more secure than TripleDES
  • It must be in the public domain royalty free
    world wide
  • It should remain secure for at least 30 years
  • Fifteen algorithms were submitted from ten
    different countries.

Submitted Algorithms
Australia LOKI97 Belgium RIJNDAEL Canada
CAST-256 DEAL Costa Rica FROG France DFC
RC6 SAFER TWOFISH UK, Israel, Norway
Selection Process
  • NIST relied on public participation
  • algorithm proposals
  • cryptanalysis
  • efficiency testing
  • AES Timetable
  • Round 1 Aug. 20 - April 15, 1999
  • Submit papers for 2nd AES conference Feb 1, 1999
  • Second AES conference March 22-23, 1999
  • Announcement of (about) five finalists
  • Round 2 analysis of finalists 6-9 months
  • Third AES Conference
  • Selection of AES Algorithm

AES Finalists
  • MARS (IBM)
  • RC6 (Rivest, et. al.)
  • Rijndael (top Belgium cryptographers)
  • Serpent (Anderson, Biham, Knudsen)
  • Twofish (Schneier, et. al.)

And the winner was . . .
Introduction to Rijndael
  • One of the fastest and strongest algorithms
  • Variable block length 128, 192, 256 bits
  • Variable key length 128, 192, 256 bits
  • Variable number of rounds (iterations) 10, 12,
  • Number of rounds depend on key/block length

Rijndael Structure
  • The general structure of Rijndael is shown below
  • Rather than using just a substitution and a
    permutation at each stage like DES, Rijndael
    consists of multiple cycles of Substitution,
    Shifting, Column mixing and a KeyAdd operation.

Initial Step
  • The process begins by grouping the plaintext bits
    into a column array by bytes.
  • The first four bytes form the first column the
    second four bytes form the second column, and so
  • If the block size is 128 bits then this becomes a
    4x4 array. For larger block sizes the array has
    additional columns.
  • The key is also grouped into an array using the
    same process.

  • The substitution layer uses a single S-box
    (rather than the 8 Sboxes used in DES). The
    Rijndael S-box is a 16 x 16 array
  • Each element in the current column array serves
    as an address into the S-box where the first four
    bits identify the S-box row and the last 4 bits
    identify the S-box column.
  • The S-box element at that location replaces the
    current column array element.

Row Shift Operation
  • A row shift operation is applied to the output of
    the S-box in which the four rows of the column
    array are cyclically shifted to the left.
  • The first row is shifted by 0, the second by 1,
    the third by 2, and the fourth by 3

Matrix Multiply
  • Column mixing is accomplished by a matrix
    multiplication operation.
  • The shifted column array is multiplied by a fixed

Key Add
  • The final operation adds a subkey derived from
    the original key to the column array
  • This completes one round of AES

This is repeated 9 more times
Key Schedule
  • The key is grouped into a column array and then
    expanded by adding 40 new columns.
  • If the first four columns (given by the key) are
    C(0), C(1), C(2) and C(3) then the new columns
    are generated in a recursive manner.
  • If i is not a multiple of 4 then column i is
    determined by C(i) C(i-4)
    XOR C(i-1)
  • If i is a multiple of 4 then column i is
    determined by C(i) C(i-4)
    XOR T(C(i-1))
  • Where T(C(i-1)) is a transformation of C(i-1)
    implemented as 1. Cyclically shift the
    elements of C(i-1) by one byte 2. Use each
    of these 4 bytes as input into the S-box to
    create four new bytes e,f,g,h.
    3. Calculate a round constant r(i) 2(i-4)/4
    4. Create the transformed column as (e XOR
    r(i), f, g, h)
  • The round key for the ith round consists of the
    columns C(4i), C(4i1), C(4i2), C(4i3).

Key Generation Flow
  • For whats worth

We have come a long way from just shifting
letters over in the alphabet
Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers
Security of DES
  • DES has a long an interesting history full of
    speculation and controversy.
  • It all began when the National Security Agency
    (NSA) required the modification of the original
    specification for Lucifer submitted by IBM.
    Among the changes they requested was that the
    original key length of 128 bit be reduced to 56
  • This fuelled the speculation (which has never
    been verified) that NSA could break the 56-bit
    version of DES from the very beginning.
  • Since NSA wasnt talking, brute force attacks
    seemed to be the only feasible way to undermine
    the algorithm.
  • These had to wait until computer technology
    caught up with the key size to allow for high
    speed testing of all possible keys. This
    happened in the late 1990s.
  • In July of 1997, a process that borrowed time
    from more than 14,000 computers across the
    Internet was able to break a DES key in 90 days.
  • Within six months, the time to break DES in this
    way was reduced to 39 days.
  • In July of 1998 a special machine was built
    called Deep Crack that was able to break a DES
    key in 56 hours.

Weak Keys
  • One of the early discoveries was that DES had
    some weak keys.
  • These are keys that generate the same subkey for
    each round.
  • There are four such DES keys 0101 0101 0101
    0E0E 0E0E E0E0 E0E0 F1F1 F1F1
  • There are also 12 semi-weak DES keys.
  • Semi-weak keys generate only two subkeys which
    alternate rounds.

Using CAP
  • CAP provides two tools for running brute force
    attacks against S-DES
  • The first is an attack against a single key
    version of S-DES

Meet-in-the-Middle Attack
  • One level of improvement to DES is called
    Triple-DES why not simplify the process and use
  • The reason is that Double-DES is as easy to break
    as single key DES using a Meet-in-the-Middle
  • The process involves a known plaintext/ciphertext
  • If there is enough memory space available,
    encipher the known plaintext with every possible
    key and save each result.
  • Then decipher the ciphertext with every possible
    key and compare each result with the contents of
  • If there is a match, then both keys have been

Using CAP
  • CAP will implement a Meet-in-the-Middle attack on

Recent Developments
  • There are two new classes of attacks which have
    been developed specifically for SP networks
  • Differential Cryptanalysis
  • Linear Cryptanalysis
  • In addition, there is a class of unexpected
    attacks called Side-Channel Analysis

  • The S-box for DES is designed to produce random
    like outputs
  • Consider the S1 S-box

It is
B 1000
S-Box Weakness - Background
  • A weakness in the S-box concept was discovered to
    be its behavior when two different inputs are
  • If x and x are the two inputs, there are 642
    4096 possible pairs (x, x)
  • Define the S-box output to be S(x) and S(x)
  • Consider the relationship between the difference
    of the inputs and the difference of the outputs

S-Box Weakness
  • While it is expected that the output difference
    values should be evenly distributed over their
    range, it turns out they are not

NOTE the 0s
Interesting Feature
  • Consider one row of the S1 difference table

There are five output differences which never
occurif the input difference is 1 0, 1, 2, 4, 8
12 of the 64 inputs which produce a difference
of1 produce an output of A.
This is non-random behavior
Finding the Key 1
  • Say, we know two inputs to S1 (01 and 35) such
    that the differential input to box S1 is 34 and
    the differential output is D

From the differential table, there are only 8
ways 34 can map to D
From the construction of the table,those 8 ways
imply that K xor the inputmust be 06, 10, 16,
1C, 22, 24, 28, 32
Therefore K xor either 01 or 35 must beone of
these 8 values, then K must be
Finding the Key 2
  • Say, we know two other inputs to S1 (21 and 15)
    such that the differential input to box S1 is 34
    and the differential output is 3

From the differential table, there are only 6
ways 34 can map to 3
From the construction of the table,those 6 ways
imply that K xor the inputmust be 01, 02, 15,
21, 35,36
Therefore K xor either 21 or 15 must beone of
these 6 values, then K must be
Finding the Key 3
  • The actual key must be in both sets

33, 25, 23, 29, 17, 11, 1D, 07 and 14, 17,
00, 34, 29, 33
RESULT 17, 33
Try other differentials until a single key is
Linear Cryptanalysis
  • Linear cryptanalysis is a powerful tool to use
    against SP networks developed in the early 90s
  • It requires discovering an approximate linear
    relationship between the plaintext, the
    ciphertext and the key that holds more than half
    the time
  • Then guess some key bits and verify that the
    linear relationship holds - if it does then your
    guess is correct
  • Used to find a subset of key bits, then do a
    brute force attack on the remaining bits

Side Channel Analysis
  • It turns out that information about the operation
    of the underlying cipher can be leaked by
    observing certain performance characteristics.
  • These are called side channel attacks.
  • For example, when a key bit of 1 is being
    processed the chip draws more power from the
    power supply.
  • By monitoring the power drain, the key bits can
    actually be exposed.
  • There is also a timing version of this attack
    which monitors the number of microseconds it
    takes to complete the algorithm.
  • The timing values will expose parts of the key as

  • History
  • RC4 Algorithm
  • Introduction to Block Ciphers
  • DES and AES (and others)
  • Cryptanalysis of Block Ciphers
  • Differential Cryptanalysis
  • Linear Cryptanalysis
  • Side Channel Attacks
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