Title: Structured illumination microscopy and reflection confocal
1Structured illumination microscopy and reflection
2Structured illumination
- Sample image through a grating 3X, moving the
grating each time by 1/3 pixel - Only in-focus data will have sharp fringes
- Out-of-focus data will be relatively invariant
- I ((I1-I2)2(I1-I3)2(I2-I3)2)1/2 - throws out
all the out-of-focus information - Imperial College Powerpoint
3Structured illumination illuminators
- Zeiss Apotome
- Whole microscope is approx 100K
- Grabs images 1/second, processes in real time
- Thales Optem Optigrid
- Can be added onto existing scopes
- Relative cheap (20K)
- OptiGrid
4Mathematical foundations of structured
- From a mathematical sense, we can say that we are
sampling 3-dimensional image space with a
vertical grid spacing of 1/3 pixel - This should give us a vertical resolution
comparable to X and Y - That is far better than confocal, where Z
resolution is limited to 0.8 ยต
5Extended resolution
- Standing wave fluorescence microscopy
- Principle Perform fluorescence microscopy with a
laser as illumination source - Light reflected from coverslip sets up a standing
wave - Set intensity threshold such that standing wave
only excites fluorophores at its peak
6Standing Wave Fluorescence
- Works well for very thin specimens
- For, thicker specimens, however, you get
excitation of fluorophores in other parts of the
cell by adjacent standing waves - It is possible to mathematicvally deconvolve, but
a pain!
84Pi confocal microscopy
- Instead of using reflection, split laser beam to
have two interfering beams from opposite sides of
the specimen - Significantly, the confocal aperture ensures that
you are only getting fluorescence from one
standing wave
9Leica TCS 4Pi
10Actin filaments in fibroblast by 4Pi
Gustafsson, Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 9627
11Resolution of techniques
Gustafsson, Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 9627
- Depends on phenomenon of Stimulated Emission
Depletion - If we raise a fluorophore to an excited state,
hitting it with the emitted wavelenth can revert
it to the ground state - STED microscopy shines a short ? spot in field
center, and surrounds it with a doughnut of
longer ? STED reduces the size of the spot
Stephan Hell
Resolution can be 2X confocal resolution Hells
group has demonstrated 50 nm resolution Leica is
marketing a STED microscope But Microscope is
very elaborate and expensive Pumps a lot of
energy into the specimen photobleaching and
14Reflection confocal
- Instead of setting the emission wavelength longer
than excitation wavelength, set them to the same. - Gives image contrast based on reflected (or
really, backscattered) light - Problem hard to interpret
15Reflection-enhanced backscatter confocal
- Cells plated on a specular reflective substrate
look like they were imaged in DIC when viewed by
reflection confocal
16Mode of image formation in REBCM
In other words, REBCM is an interferometric
technique that measures height above the coverslip
17Note fringes along filopodia
18REBCM can show individual microtubules
19REBCM offers increased resolution
100 nm fluorescent beads are resolved in REBCM,
but not in fluorescence