Japanese Encephalitis: Epidemiology, Prevention and Control - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Japanese Encephalitis: Epidemiology, Prevention and Control


Japanese Encephalitis: Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Dr Monjori Mitra * * JE : Global Burden A disease of public health importance: - Epidemic potential ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Japanese Encephalitis: Epidemiology, Prevention and Control

Japanese EncephalitisEpidemiology, Prevention
and Control
  • Dr Monjori Mitra

JE Global Burden
  • A disease of public health importance
  • - Epidemic potential
  • - High case fatality
  • - Complications leading to life long
  • Previously disease of East Asia - Japan, Korea
    and China
  • Recent years spread to SEA - Thailand, Indonesia,
    India, Vietnam, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
  • Estimated 43,000 cases with 11,000 deaths and
    9,000 disabilities occur / year globally

JE in India Historical Background
1952 - First evidence of JE viral activity by
VRC (NIV) 1955 - First human case of JE
1956 - First viral isolation from mosquitoes
1958 - First viral isolation from JE case 1973
- First outbreak in Bankura Burdwan in West
Bengal 1976 - Repeat outbreak in Burdwan
1978 - Several states reported outbreaks of JE
2003 - JE prevention and control under integrated
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JE endemic areas in India
  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Assam
  • Bihar
  • Goa
  • Karnataka
  • Maharashtra
  • Tamilnadu
  • West Bengal
  • Kerala
  • Jharkhand
  • Orissa
  • Manipur
  • Punjab
  • Haryana

  • Agent
  • JE is a viral disease - an Arbovirus (Flavivirus)
  • Closely linked antigenically to other
  • Single serotype, but geographic strains differ by
    RNA sequencing
  • Neurotorpic and primarily affects central nervous
  • Host
  • JE virus is primarily zoonotic in its natural
  • Natural hosts Animals and Birds
  • - Pigs amplifier host - allow manifold virus
    multiplication without suffering from disease
    maintain prolonged viraemia.
  • - Cattle and buffaloes mosquito attractants
  • Man is an accidental dead-end host.
  • -usual age group below 15 years with no sex

  • Vectors
  • Culex tritaeniorhynchus, C. vishnui and C.
  • Breeding habit Irrigated rice fields, shallow
    ditches and pools etc.
  • Resting habit Exophilic but may rest indoor in
    extreme summer
  • Feeding habit Zoophilic and outdoor as well as
    indoor feeders
  • The average life span of mosquito is about 21
  • Flight Range long distance (1 - 3 kms or even
  • Environment
  • Mainly prevalent in rural areas
  • Outbreak is a seasonal phenomenon
  • Mosquito vector prefers large and clean water
    collections for breeding - paddy cultivation
    areas offer typical favourable situation
  • Rural setting offers the amplifier hosts in
  • Occurrence in monsoon and post-monsoon season in
    north India from May-October, in southern part
    from August to November

How Japanese Encephalitis is transmitted?
  • Transmission Cycle
  • Pig Mosquito Pig
  • Bird Mosquito Bird
  • Due to prolonged viraemia, mosquitoes get
    opportunity to pick up infection from pigs
  • After an extrinsic incubation period of 9 12
    days Infected female mosquito transmits the virus
    to other hosts
  • Man is a dead end in transmission cycle due to
    low and short-lived viraemia. Mosquitoes do not
    get infection from JE patient.

Clinical Manifestations
  • High ratio of symptomatic to asymptomatic
  • (1250 to 11000)
  • Incubation period 6-16 days
  • Course of the disease can be divided into three
  • Prodromal stage
  • - Acute onset - fever, chills, headache and
  • Acute encephalitic stage
  • - High fever (38 to 40.7o C), neck rigidity,
    photophobia, nausea, vomiting, seizures and
    altered sensorium.
  • - Variable neurological signs appear
    (cranial nerve palsies, tremors, ataxia, abnormal
    reflexes, paralysis, delirium and ultimately
  • Late stage and sequelae
  • - Active inflammation subsides, neurological
    signs stable
  • - Sequelae Parkinsonism, paralysis and
    mental retardation
  • Case Fatality Rate Exceeds 25

Case Definitions for JE Diagnosis and Reporting
  • Suspect case Acute Encephalitis Syndrome
  • Febrile illness of variable severity
    associated with neurological symptoms ranging
    from headache to meningitis or encephalitis. 
  • Symptoms can include headache, fever,
    meningeal signs, stupor, disorientation, coma,
    tremors, paralysis (generalized), hypertonia ,
    loss of coordination.
  • - (Patient with fever, altered sensorium
    lasting more than 6 hours, no skin rash and other
    known causes of encephalitis excluded)

  • Probable Case
  • A suspected case with presumptive
    laboratory results
  • Detection of an acute phase anti-viral
    antibody response through one of the following -
  • - Elevated and stable JE antibody titres in
    serum through ELISA or HI or virus
    neutralization assays OR
  • - IgM antibody to the virus in serum
  • Confirmed Case
  • A suspect case with confirmed laboratory
  • - Detection of JE virus, antigen or genome in
    tissue, blood or other body fluid by
    immuno-chemistry, immuno-fluorescence or PCR, or
  • - JE virus specific IgM in CSF or
  • - Four fold or greater rise in paired sera
    (acute convalescent phases) through IgM/IgG
    ELISA, HI or virus neutralization test

Disease Burden
  • Leading cause of viral encephalitis in Asia
  • 35,000-50,000 cases annually
  • (SourceCDC,2004)

Death and disability from JE
  • Up to 30 of all patients with JE die.
  • For those that survive the illness, more than 30
    cases are left with disability.
  • Disability is both physical and cognitive.

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  • Mainly symptomatic supportive
  • Therapeutic norms for the supportive therapy
    are not established
  • Fluid and electrolyte balance
  • Reduction of intra-cranial pressure
  • Control of convulsions, if present
  • Maintenance of airway is crucial

Preventive strategies
  • Surveillance for cases of encephalitis
  • Vector control
  • vaccination

Prevention and Control of JE
  • Early diagnosis and proper management of JE cases
  • Strengthening of referral mechanism
  • Integrated Vector Management
  • - Insecticide residual spray not recommended
  • - Reduction of breeding sources Water
    management system with intermittent irrigation
    system incorporation of neem products in rice
  • - Anti-larval operations wherever feasible
    larvivorous fish, biolarvicides
  • - Fogging with Malathion for immediate killing
    of mosquitoes during outbreak
  • - Reduction in man-vector contact personal
    protection with ITNs, repellents, clothing etc.
    and exploring possibility of segregation of pigs,
    mosquito proofing of piggeries.

  • Not an outbreak response vaccine
  • Universal vaccine for JE endemic areas
  • All children from 1 15 years should be
  • Phillipines study shows acceptable efficacy when
    coadministered with measles vaccine at 9 months.
  • Travellers vaccine in JE endemic areas when
    expected to stay for 4 weeks and should complete
    the doses prior to 1 week before travel.

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Vacine Type Strain substrate Producer Remarks on licensure marketing
Inactivated, Purified Nakayama Strain Mouse brain Biken - Japan International
Inactivated, Purified Nakayama Strain Mouse brain Green Cross - Korea Local Regional
Inactivated, Purified Nakayama Strain Mouse brain Vabiotech - Vietnam Local
Inactivated, Purified Nakayama Strain Mouse brain GPO - Thailand Local Regional
Inactivated, Purified Beijing 1 strain Mouse-brain Kaketsuken, Biken Kitasota - Japan Production stopped, bulk storage.
Inactivated, Purified P3 strain PHK or Vero cells Several - China Domestic only.
Live, attenuated SA 14-14-2 strain on PHK Chengdu - China Marketed for both domestic use and for use in Nepal, S. Korea, Sri Lanka and India. Prequalification status Product Summary File under preparation.
  SA 14-14-2 strain on PHK Wuhan, Lanzhou - China Marketed for domentic use in China only.
Under development SA 14-14-2 strain Verocells Intercell, Biological Evans - India Under various stages of development and licensing
  Beijing 1 strain Vero cells Biken - Japan Kaketsuken - Japan Submitted for licensing for paediatric use locally in Japan. International marketing plans not known.
  SA 14-14 - 2 pr M E in 17D YF backbone Sanofi Pasteur, Bharat Biotech, Panecea - India Under various stages of development and licensing

  • It is expensive vaccine, complicated dosing
    schedule, side effect of this vaccine.
  • Inactivated Mouse brain vaccine
  • 3-5 US dollars/dose
  • 9 15 US dollars/per child
  • The mouse brain vaccine manufactured by killing
    populations of mice was being manufactured by
    Central Research Institute, Kasauli.
  • SA 14 - 14-2 (Chinese live attenuated vaccine at
    affordable cost, safe, effective).
  • This vaccine was developed in China and has been
    used there since 1988.
  • it has been licensed and used in South Korea and
    Nepal and licensed in Sri Lanka.
  • It also appears feasible that a single dose of
    vaccine will provide life-long protection.

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Prevention and Control of JE
  • Behaviour Change Communication for community
    participation and inter-sectoral convergence
  • Capacity building through training on case
    management and control of JE
  • Vaccination of children in JE endemic areas
  • (1 and 15 years)
  • Operational research
  • Monitoring and Evaluation

Gaps and Challenges of the Prevention and Control
of JE
  • Outdoor habit of the vector variation in vector
  • Scattered distribution of cases spread over
    relatively large areas
  • Role of different reservoir hosts
  • Specific vectors for different geographical and
    ecological areas
  • Immune status of various population groups is not
    known making it difficult to delineate vulnerable
    population groups.

Gaps and Challenges of the Prevention and Control
of JE
  • Difficulties in segregation of pigs
  • Inadequate surveillance
  • Efficient rapid diagnostics for field use not
  • Inadequate epidemic forecasting preparedness
  • Lack of supervision monitoring.
  • Limited inter-sectoral convergence and community
  • JE immunization programme-supply of vaccines and
    cold chain arrangements, cost factor, coverage.

National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme
  • Vision
  • A well-informed and self-sustained, healthy
    India free from vector borne diseases with
    equitable access to quality health care
  • Mission
  • Integrated and accelerated action towards
    reducing mortality on account of Malaria,
    Japanese Encephalitis, Dengue by half and
    elimination of Kala-azar by 2010 and elimination
    of Lymphatic Filariasis by 2015

Strategies of National Vector Borne Disease
Control Programme
  • 1. Parasite Elimination and Disease Management
  • Early case detection and complete treatment
  • Strengthening of referral services
  • Epidemic preparedness and rapid response
  • 2. Integrated Vector Management
  • for Transmission Risk Reduction
  • Indoor residual spraying in selected high risk
  • Use of insecticide treated bed nets
  • Use of larvivorous fish
  • Anti larval measures in urban areas
  • Minor environmental engineering

Strategies of NVBDCP
  • 3. Supporting Interventions
  • Behaviour Change Communication
  • Public Private Partnership
  • Human Resource Development through Capacity
  • Operational Research
  • Monitoring and Evaluation through periodic
    reviews/field visits and web based Management
    Information System

  • A one time mass campaign targeting all children
    in the age group of 1-15 years in the districts.
  • Followed by integration of the JE vaccine into
    the Routine Immunization Program to cover the new
    cohort (children attaining more than 1 year of
    age) in the districts covered previously under
    the JE vaccination campaign. These children would
    be administered the JE vaccine between 1-2 years
    of age along with the DPT booster dose, under the
    Routine Immunization Programme.
  • A special campaign has been planned for 2010 in
    selected districts in the country to cover left
    outs and new cohorts.
  • Age distribution pattern of the lab confirmed JE
    cases will be reviewed to further inform strategy.

JE vaccination coverage 2006-2009
Year No. of Districts covered till date Total Population Target Population - 1-15 years Total JE vaccination canpaign coverage JE vaccination campaign Reported coverage
2006 11 29420139 9708646 9308688 88.30
2007 27 65934009 21758223 18431087 85
2008 22 57772199 20040262 16881941 84.20
2009 30 45032191 27161011 17441254 64.21
  90 198158538 78668142 62062970 78.89
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