Title: Musculoskeletal Changes Associated with Aging
1Musculoskeletal Changes Associated with Aging
2Muscular System
- Motor Unit There is a decrease in motor units
with age - The number of motorneurons dec with age
- Muscle fibers also dec with age
- Slow twitch Type I- there is a higher percentage
of this type - Fast Twitch Type II- are selectively lost to a
greater degree
3Morphological and Functional Age related Changes
- Muscle mass From age 40 to age 80 there is a
30-40 decrease in muscle mass. It is obvious by
60. - Antropometrically, there is a decrease in lean
muscle mass and an increase in fat - Muscle fiber size decreases with inactivity in
both slow and fast twitch. Since there is no
decrease in enzymes related to energy metabolism
in skeletal muscle, aerobic and anaerobic
metabolism does Not decline 2ary to aging
4Aging Joint mobility
- There is a decrease in extremes of joint ROM even
without pathology - PROM decreases with age
- Jt. Flexibility is inversely related to age.
Women lose ROM at a slower rate than men. UE
joints remain more flexible then LE - PCT stiffness contributes to dec. ROM due to
changes in collagen structure, dec. physical
5 Arthrokinesiological Changes
- There is decreased angular velocity and
displacement. - Angular velocity
- Parallels decreased overall physical activity
- Other contributing factors are decreased m
strength, meds, fear of falling
6Sensorimotor changes
- Dec. reaction times
- Inc. rate of loss of brain cells
- Altered neurotransmitter production
- Dec. perception of vibration, temp, touch,
proprioception and pressure - When these factors are put together, there is a
dec. rate or magnitude of force generated by
7Age Related joint mechanics Changes
- Arthrokinematics are affected by increased PCT
stiffness when it interferes with natural
translation of the joint. - Gains can be made by stretching
- Sometimes these reductions produce enhanced
8Effects of exercise training on muscle performance
- When engaged in programs of 6-25 weeks of
sufficient intensity, elders have shown
significant increases in strength. - 70-80 of 1 REM is considered high intensity.
- Lower intensities will also improve strength.
- Resistance exercises are better than walk/jog to
increase general ex tolerance. - There is a poor correlation between strengthening
and function
9Skeletal Changes
- Bone mineral density declines with age
- After age 60, bone density declines at a rate of
about 1/year for both sexes. - By age 90, women lose 30 cortical bone, and men
lose 20
10About Fractures
- About ½ of all hospital admissions for fractures
is secondary to hip fractures. - 90 of hip fractures result from falls
- 1/3 of all females gt 65 will have a vertebral
fracture - The forearm (radius) is the third most common
11Factors contributing to bone loss
- Dec Ca in diet
- Dec Ca absorption
- Hormonal changes
- Lack of exercise
- Gender
- Caffeine
- Genetics
- alcohol
- cigarettes
12Effects of Exercise on the Skeletal system
- Dec. bone loss. However ex must be done for 9
months to 1 year to increase bone density. It
can be strengthening or aerobic
13Bone density
- Low bone density is defined as 1.0gm/cm2. This
is also considered the fracture threshold. - Ca supplementation will not be effective in
reducing the loss occurring during the first 5
post menopausal years. - Bed rest has a more profound effect on loss of
bone then the above
14CA role in bodily functions
- M contraction
- N conduction
- Cell membrane maintenance
- Blood clotting
15Regulating Ca
- PTH- prevents hypocalcaemia. PTH makes sure the
kidney gets 9 gms of Ca/day for reabsorption at
the nephron. Osteoclastic cells are sensitive to
PTH. In the GI tract, PTH assists with Ca
absorption - Vitamin D Active Vitamin D is a hormone that is
converted first in the liver then the kidneys.
Active VitD assists in actively transporting Ca
through the system
16Regulating Ca cont
- Calcitonin, excreted by the thyroid, assists in
depositing Ca in the bone - Estrogen until menopause, protects females from
osteoporosis - RDA Ca young adults 750-1000mg., premenopausal
1000mg, preg/postmeno1500mg. - Vitamin D 400IU hopefully ½ from sun, 1/2 from
- Each day 15 of the skeleton is being remodeled.
- The osteoclast goes into the bone and excavates,
this takes 1 month, then reintroduces Ca back
to the circulation. - The osteoblast however, needs three months to
fill in that hole. - Therefore you need enough Ca and have
osteogenic stimulus provided by exercise to
sustain bone mineral density - Peak bone mass occurs at 35 years. Highest amt.
Of Ca
- Normally, external forces created by the body are
favorable for energy conservation. - In elders, when mobility becomes limited, forces
acting on the joints produced by gravity are no
longer efficacious .
19Whats different about the posture of an elder?
- Increased thoracic kyphosis
- Decreased lumbar lordosis
- Posterior pelvic tilt
- Forward head, rounded shoulders
- Flexed hips and knees
- Tight gastrocs/soleus
20REEDCO Posture Scoring
- Used to assess static posture. Score from 100
(perfect) to 0 (poor) - Allows scoring over 4 occasions.
- Provides a venue for quantifiable documentation
of improvement.
- Preventable
- Fantastic venue for promotion and wellness
throughout the lifespan - Children should be educated regarding intake,
avoidance of risk factors, exercise - Young women should be made aware during
childbearing age of the successful management and
prevention - Peri/postmenopausal women
22What is available for prevention of Osteoporosis
- Nutritional Interventions
- Physical Activity
- Bone enhancing Need a mechanical load
- Must realize they have to continue
23Osteoporosis Education
- Optimal skeletal alignment
- Avoidance of postures and positions putting a
bone at fracture risk - Avoid spinal flexion exercises
- Generally stretching the anterior structures
- Take an exercise inventory
- Type
- Frequency
- Duration
- Intensity
25Tests and Measures
- Special Attention to Posture
- Balance Functional Reach
- Gait
- Scapula m strength
- Body mechanics
- 6 minute walk test
26Acute Fracture Management
- Teach posture
- Body mechanics
- Make sure pt. Is up at least 10 minutes out of
every waking hour and gradually increase - Walking is important, rolling support if
necessary - Sit in a firm but comfortable chair
27Exercises During Recovery
- Isometric Trunk Extension
- Chin Tuck
- V exercise
- W exercise
- Money exercise
28Commonly used hip fixation devices
29Hip Fixes
30Risk Factors for Hip Fractures
- Female
- White
- Low weight
- Physical inactivity
- Cognitive impairment
- Old age
- Pyschotropic meds
- Estrogen deficiency
- High levels ETOH
- Caffeine
- Reduced m strength LE
- Impairment of postural control
- Neurological cond. CVA,PD
31Hip Fracture Sites
- Most common are intertrochanteric and femoral
neck - Intertrochanteric usually pt. Has osteoporosis
- Femoral neck circulation is a concern
- Subtrochanteric 10 of all fx. cm. Distal to
lesser trocanter
32Outcomes?Rehab Hip FX
- Functional independence is achieved more in
- 1. Pts. lt 85 years
- 2.Had no post op complications
- 3.PT BID in acute care
- 4.I in bed mob., transfers, amb with walker
33One year post op
- 92 were amb if they were amb before
- Only 41 regained prefracture status
34Case Studies
- What practice pattern?
- Which TM
- What additional considerations?
- What are the goals of your interventions and
treatment options?