Title: Modeling Lime Kilns in Pulp and Paper Mills
1Modeling Lime Kilns in Pulp and Paper Mills
- Process Simulations Ltd.
- 206, 2386 East Mall, Vancouver, BC, Canada
- www.psl.bc.ca
- August 23, 2006
2Lime Kiln Issues
- Kiln efficiency
- Lower fuel costs
- Burner characteristics
- Refractory life
- Dams and rings
- Stable operation
3Computational Modeling
- Build a real size kiln model
- Use computer to solve equations
- Simulate processes in kiln
4Mathematical Models for Kiln
- Fully three-dimensional Reynolds-averaged
transport equations of mass, momentum energy, and
chemical species - Block-structure body-fitted coordinates with
domain segmentation - Two-equation k-e turbulence model
- Ray tracing model for 3D radiation heat transfer
- Gas combustion model
- Lagrangian solid fuel combustion models
5Refractory and Calcination Models
- Multi-layer refractory heat transfer model
- Heat transfer and lime calcination
- CaCO3 CaO CO2
- Heat absorbed 1.679 MJ/kg CaCO3 _at_1089K
6Modeling Output Gas Velocity
7Modeling Output Gas Temperature
8Modeling Output Gas Species Concentrations
- Other species include CO, H2O, NOx, etc.
9Modeling Output Flame Shape
10Modeling Output Refractory Temperature
11Modeling Output Shell Temperature
12Modeling Output Kiln Axial Profiles
13Modeling Output Gas Flow Animation
14Modeling Output Solid Fuel Flow Animation
15Value and Benefit of Kiln Modeling
- Optimize burner design
- Optimize kiln performance
- Evaluate alternative fuels
- Minimize Emissions
- Identify and eliminate thermal hot spots that
lead to reduced brick lining lifetime - Identify and fix problems with kiln performance
- Improve waste gas incineration
16Advantages of Kiln Modeling
- Model provides comprehensive information
throughout kiln at relatively low cost - Can evaluate what if scenarios to improve
operation - Supplements operator knowledge of lime kiln
operations - Assists mill managers in making decisions
regarding kiln retrofits/replacements - Assists in optimizing burner and kiln designs
17Modeling Application Burning Different Fuels
18Modeling Application Oil/Gas Burner Design
19Modeling Application Coal Burner Design NOx
20Modeling Application Direct Indirect Coal
21Modeling Application Burner with Different
Primary Air
22Modeling Application Burning NCG in Kilns
23Kiln Modeling Inputs Overview
- Site Survey and Measurements
- Mass and Energy Balance Calculation
- Kiln Geometry
- Refractory Lining
- Burner Design
- Lime Feed Properties
- Air Supplies
- DCS Data Analysis
24Kiln Modeling Inputs Site Survey and
- Measured streams
- - air in
- - fuel in
- - flue gas out
- - mud in
- - product out
- Measured parameters
- - flow rate
- - temperature
- - composition
25Kiln Modeling Inputs Example of Mass Balance
26Kiln Modeling Inputs Example of Energy Balance
27Kiln Modeling Inputs Kiln Geometry - Fire End
28Kiln Modeling Inputs Kiln Geometry - Front View
- Hood dimension, kiln diameter and length, tilt
angle, kiln rotation - Location and size of any openings
- Location and tilt angle of burner
29Kiln Modeling Inputs Kiln Burner Design
30Kiln Modeling Inputs Refractory Lining and
31Kiln Modeling Inputs Kiln Lime Mud
32Kiln Modeling Inputs Kiln DCS Data Display
33Kiln Modeling Inputs Kiln Operational Data
34Kiln Modeling Inputs Selected Data Windows - 1
35Kiln Modeling Inputs Selected Data Windows - 2
36Kiln Modeling Inputs Computed Secondary Air
37Kiln Modeling Inputs Averaged Mill DCS Data
38Kiln Modeling Inputs Operation Conditions -
Lime Fuel
39Kiln Modeling Inputs Operation Conditions - Air
40Kiln Modeling Inputs Flue Gas Calculation