Title: Major Relief Features (Landforms) of Continental Areas
1Major Relief Features (Landforms) of Continental
2The brown area shows the part of the North
American continent that has been stable for over
600 million years. This region is made up of a
basement older Precambrian metamorphic and
igneous rock that is mostly covered by a
relatively thin cover of younger sedimentary
rock. Geologists call these long-stable
continental cores cratons.
3The Canadian or Laurentian Shield (Craton)
4Stable Platform area
5Old Fold Mountains
6Atlantic Coastal Plain
7Atlantic Continental Shelf
8Atlantic Continental Slope
9Young Fold Mountains Cordillera Accretionary
Belt And Volcanoes
10Nearby ocean feature - Deep Sea Trench
11Batholith igneous rock cores to mountain ranges
12Volcanoes Mount Rainier in the Cascade Range