Models of Generative Grammar - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Models of Generative Grammar


A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics (Blackwell, 1984) Noam Chomsky. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 1965) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Models of Generative Grammar

Models of Generative Grammar
  • Smriti

Generative Grammar
  • A Generative Grammar is a set of formal rules
    that can generate an infinite set of sentences
    that constitute the language as a whole.
  • Chomsky insisted that a grammar -
  • Must systematically describe all of the sentences
    in a language that a native speaker would regard
    as grammatical.
  • Must sort out all of the possible "good"
    sentences from all of the possible "bad" ones.
  • Must use a finite set of rules.
  • Must provide a way to account for our perceived
    ambiguity of certain sentences.

Models of Generative Grammar
  • Several models of Generative Grammar have been
    formally investigated following Chomskys initial
    discussion of
  • Finite State Grammars
  • Phrase Structure Grammars and
  • Transformational Grammars
  • Chomsky reviewed the two conceptions of grammar
  • The simpler of the two, finite-state grammars,
    are the rule systems that strung words together,
    one by one, and acknowledge no larger phrase
  • More complex than finite-state grammars are
    grammars called phrase structure grammars that
    build up phrases out of words and put the phrases
    together into sentences.

Finite State Machine
  • Suppose we have a machine
  • That has a finite number of different internal
    states -
  • One of these states is an initial state and
  • Another is a final state.
  • That switches from one state to another by
    producing a symbol.
  • That begins in the initial state, runs through a
    sequence of states and ends in the final state.

Finite State Machine (contd.)
  • Representing Grammar/machine that produces just
  • the two sentences the man comes and the man
  • come.
  • State Diagram
  • man
  • The
  • men

Finite State Grammar
  • Each node in the diagram corresponds to a state.
  • The sequence of words that has been produced is a
  • Such machine defines a certain language the set
    of sentences that can be produced in this way.
  • Language produced by such a machine is called a
    finite state language.
  • Machine that produces such a language is called a
    finite state grammar.
  • FSG is the simplest type of grammar which, with a
    finite amount of apparatus, can generate an
    infinite number of sentences.

Properties of Finite State Grammars
  • Such grammars allow transition from one state to
  • Each state represents the grammatical
    restrictions that limit the choice of the next
  • We can have any number of closed loops of any
  • Machines that produce languages in this manner
    are also known as finite state Markov processes.

Problems with FSGs
  • As all languages are not finite state languages,
    it is impossible to produce all and only the
    grammatical sentences of a language.
  • There are processes that FSGs are not equipped to

Context Free Grammar
  • In both linguistics and computer science, we are
    not merely interested in whether a string is
    grammatical or not, we want to know why it is
  • CFG is a finite collection of rules which tells
    us that certain sentences/strings are grammatical
    and what their grammatical structure is.
  • A context free grammar is one in which all the
    rules apply regardless of the context i.e. they
    would be of the type Rewrite X as Y, no further
    conditions being specified.

An example of CFG
  • Here's a simple context free grammar for a small
    fragment of English
  • S -gt NP VP
  • NP -gt Det N
  • VP -gt V NP
  • VP -gt V
  • Det -gt a
  • Det -gt the
  • N -gt woman
  • N -gt man
  • V -gt shoots

Ingredients and properties of this grammar
  • What are the ingredients of this grammar?
  • It contains three types of symbol
  • -gt An instruction to rewrite whatever symbol
    appears to the left of the arrow as the symbol or
    string of symbols that appears to the right of
    the arrow.
  • Symbols written like S, NP, VP, Det, N, V. These
    symbols are called non-terminal symbols. Each of
    these symbols is shorthand for a grammatical
  • Symbols in italics a, the, woman, man, and
    shoots. A computer scientist would probably call
    these terminal symbols and linguists would
    probably call them lexical items.
  • Why Context Free?
  • As only single non-terminals occur on the left
    side of the rules.

Rule explanation
  • This grammar contains nine rules.
  • Each rule consists of a single non-terminal
    symbol, followed by -gt, followed by a finite
    sequence made up of terminal and/or non-terminal
  • We interpret each rule X Y as the instruction
    rewrite X as Y.
  • For example, rule (2) rewrites the symbol VP as
    the string of symbols Verb NP, and defines Verb
    NP to be a construction of the type VP.
  • The symbol S (for "sentence") is designated as
    the initial symbol.
  • It is necessary to begin with a rule that has the
    initial symbol on the left.
  • Thereafter any rule may be applied in any order
    until no further rule is applicable.

Context Free Grammar (contd.)
  • Consider the string of words a woman shoots a
  • Is this grammatical according to our little
  • And if it is, what structure does it have?
  • The following tree answers both the questions
  • Such a tree is called a parse tree, and it gives
    us two sorts of
  • information
  • 1. Information about strings 2. Information
    about structure

Problems with CFGs
  • A context free language is a language that can be
    generated by a context free grammar.
  • Some languages are context free, and some are not
    e.g. it seems plausible that English is a context
    free language.
  • Some dialects of Swiss-German are not context
  • It can be proved mathematically that no context
    free grammar can generate all (and only) the
    sentences that native speakers find acceptable
  • For such dialects, one needs to employ additional
    grammatical mechanisms, not merely context free

Phrase Structure Grammar
  • It builds up phrases out of words and put the
    phrases together into sentences.
  • The kind of structural description assigned by a
    phrase-structure grammar is, in fact, an
    immediate constituent analysis of the sentence.
  • It assigns to each sentence that it generates a
    structural description.
  • It makes use of phrase structure rules.

Phrase Structure Grammar (contd.)
  • It enables us to express patterns of
  • It provides a structural description to
    characterize the notion of grammaticality.
  • It provides a way to capture our intuitions about
    the constituent structure of sentences
  • It also provides a way to explain, or account
    for, our perceived ambiguity of certain sentences
    e.g. mistrust wounds
  • S S
  • NP VP VP
  • N V V
  • Mistrust wounds Mistrust

An example of a Phrase Structure Grammar
  • It generates and thereby defines as grammatical
    such sentences as "The man will hit the ball"
  • An example of a PSG (associated with
    constituent analysis)

Derivation of a given sentence
  • Interpret each rule X Y as rewrite X as Y.
  • Derive the sentence the man hit the ball using
    the given grammar
  • The numbers at the right of each line refer to
    the rule of the grammar used in constructing that
    line from the preceding line.

Representation using a Tree Diagram
  • The derivation of the last sentence using a Tree
  • S
  • NP
  • Det N Verb

  • Det N
  • The man hit the
  • Such a tree does not tell in what order the rules
    have been applied.
  • Given a derivation of the sentence, its tree
    diagram can be constructed but not vice versa.
  • A tree diagram retains just what is essential in
    the derivation for determining the constituent
  • The sequence of words can be traced back to a
    single point of origin S

Inadequacies of PSG
  • Although Chomsky found phrase-structure grammar
    to be necessary, he
  • argued that this was not sufficient.
  • It under-generates i.e. fails to generate all the
    grammatical sentences of the language e.g.
  • He burst into a loud cry and left the room.
  • The man was bitten by the dog.
  • Did the dog bite the man?
  • Was the man bitten by the dog?
  • 2. It over-generates. It blindly allows many
    sentences as grammatical which are in fact
    ungrammatical e.g.
  • The boy died Bill.
  • The men would put the book.
  • Not all cases of ambiguity are accounted for by
    such Grammar.
  • To account for such phenomena, the grammar must
    also include special transformational rules that
    grab phrases or pieces of phrases and move them
    around in specified ways.

  • Noam Chomsky. Syntactic Structures. The Hague
    Mouton Co., 1957
  • David Crystal. A Dictionary of Linguistics and
    Phonetics (Blackwell, 1984)
  • Noam Chomsky. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax
    (Cambridge, MA MIT Press 1965)
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