Vision/Mission Statement, Philosophy, Goals and Objectives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Vision/Mission Statement, Philosophy, Goals and Objectives


Title: Management of Resources in Schools School-based Management Author: user Last modified by: Dr. Foo Say Fooi Created Date: 11/6/2003 4:32:52 AM – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Vision/Mission Statement, Philosophy, Goals and Objectives

Vision/Mission Statement, Philosophy, Goals and
From Here to There
  • Vision statement
  •   Mission statement
  •   Principles/philosophy
  • Goals
  • Objectives

Vision Statement
  • A vision statement guides the organization to a
    better world
  • A vision statement must
  •        conform to the area of responsibility of
    the organization
  •       confine itself to education
  •       deal with something everyone concerned
    with the organization would like to see in the

  • A vision provides more than a picture of the
    organizations future
  • It is a critical ingredient for change
  • It represents a global, continual purpose for
    the organization
  • It electrifies and invigorates
  • It is the ultimate standard toward which all
    progress is measured
  • Its structure is less important than its effect
    on the values and behaviors of every member of
    the organization

Criteria for a great vision
  • ? Brief and memorable
  • ? Inspiring and challenging
  • ? Descriptive of the ideal
  • ? Appealing to employee, customers and
  • ? Descriptive of future service levels
  • ? Idealistic, standing above the
  • ? Enduring

Vision Statement MOE, UPM Faculty of
Educational Studies
  • The Vision of Ministry of Education is Ideal
    school generates glorious generation (Sekolah
    unggul penjana generasi terbilang)
  • The Vision of UPM is to become a university of
    international repute (Menjadi universiti
    bereputasi antarabangsa)
  • The Vision of the Faculty of Educational Studies
    is to become a world class teaching and research
    centre in the field of education and human
    resource development.

Mission statement
  • Where a vision statement points the organization
    to the future, the mission statement explains
    what the organization is all about
  • A mission statement identifies what, and for
    whom, agencies, programs or subprograms do
  • The mission statement must answer the twin
    questions of
  •        Why the organization was formed?
  •        What it is supposed to do?
  • Mission A brief, comprehensive statement of
    purpose of an agency, program or subprogram

  • When writing a mission statement, consideration
    should be given to the following
  •        Who we are?
  •        What do we do?
  •        For whom do we do?
  •        Why do we do it?
  •        Why are public resources devoted to this

Three Basic Questions
  • What are the opportunities or needs the
    organization address?
  • What does the organization do to address those
  • What principles and values guide the organization?

Mission Statement Criteria
  •        Identify the overall purpose for the
    existence of the agency (statute, rules,
    executive order etc)
  •        Identify the basic needs or distinct
    problems that the agency is designed to address
  •        Identify clients, customers (both internal
    and external) of an agency
  •        Help identify customer and stakeholders
    provided to meet these requirements, processes
    and resources used to satisfy these requirements
  • Lead to the development of performance measures
    that reflect customer and stakeholder

Defining the Mission Statement
  • Identify the original purpose of the agency
  • Why does the agency exist?
  •       What are the mandates?
  •       What functions, products/services
    are or should be, provided?
  • Reflect the customer and stakeholder base in the
  •        Use the customer/stakeholder
    identification completed during the SWOT
  • Identify current needs or distinct problems
  •        How do current expectations differ from
    the original
  • purpose of the agency?
  •       What are the primary needs/problems that
    have to be addressed?

  • Review and revise existing mission statements
    and draft new statement as appropriate, based
    upon the previous question
  • Has the mission changed? (through legislation)
  • Are the missions clearly understood by
    employees, customers and clients?
  • Applying SWOT
  • Reviewing internal strengths and weaknesses
  • Identifying external opportunities and threats

Mission Statements of World Class Business
  • Harvard University
  • We educate leaders who make a difference in the
  • Stanford University
  • Our mission is to create ideas that deepen and
    advance our understanding of management and with
    those ideas to develop innovative, principled,
    and insightful leaders who change the world
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Prepare business leaders to fuel the growth of
    industries and economies on a global scale

  • University of Chicago
  • Transform students into confident, effective,
    respected business leaders prepared to face the
    toughest challenges
  • University of California
  • Offers a superb management education to
    outstanding men and women from around the world
  • Columbia University
  • Pioneer active learning, entrepreneurial
    training and bridge research and practice

Mission Statements ofWell-known Companies
  • Wal-Mart
  • To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same
    thing as rich people
  • 3M
  • To solve unsolved problems innovatively
  • Walt Disney
  • To make people happy

Faculty of Educational StudiesUniversity Putra
MalaysiaMission Statement
  • To become a pioneering centre for knowledge and
    learning that contributes to the advancement of
    humankind in the field of education and human
    resource development.
  • Menerajui penerokaan ilmu dan kemahiran yang
    menyumbang kepada kemajuan dalam bidang
    pendidikan dan pembangunan sumber manusia.

UPM Mission Statement
  • The universitys mission is to be a leading
    center of learning and research, contributing not
    only towards the creation of wealth and nation
    building but also towards universal human
    advancement and discovery of knowledge.
  • Menjadi Pusat Pembelajaran dan Penyelidikan yang
    utama, yang memberikan sumbangan bukan sahaja
    kepada pembentukan kekayaan dan pembangunan
    negara bangsa, tetapi juga kepada kemajuan
    manusia dan penerokaan ilmu sejagat.

Mission Statement of MOE (KPM)
  • To develop a world class quality education system
    which will realize to the full potential of the
    individual and fulfill the aspiration of the
    Malaysian nation.
  • A vision without a mission is an impractical
  •   A mission without values could lead to an
    ends justifies any means
  • Your thoughts!!!

Dissemination of Vision, Mission and Educational
Goals (UPM)
  • Made known to the internal and external
    stakeholders through
  • Print media Strategic Plan 2001 2010 (Rev.
    2007), faculty guide, posters, academic
    calendars, various university publications
  • Electronic media University Website and Putra FM
  • Others In-service training, workshops, meetings,
    staff associations, and alumni activities
  • Through Corporate Communication Divisions

  • Principles are core values and philosophies that
    describe how an agency conducts itself in
    carrying out its mission
  • Philosophy deals with belief systems and tries
    to explain certain phenomena
  •        How do individuals learn?
  •        What is knowledge?
  •        Where does knowledge come from?
  •        What are values?
  • Where do values come from?

  • Principles also
  •       serve as criteria to guide
    decision-making at all levels of an agency
  •       express the common values that can be
    embraced by the whole organization
  •       are powerful instruments for changing
    organizational culture
  •       motivate employees
  • How an individual believes children learn will
    greatly determine the methods used to teach.

  • The philosophical statement of a school system
    should confine itself to answering the questions
    of belief listed above.
  • A philosophical statement should address How
    individuals learn? The type of setting that is
    conducive to learning. The larger picture of
    values and where knowledge originates.

Educational Philosophy
  • Education in Malaysia is an on-going effort
    towards further developing the potential of
    individuals in a holistic and integrated manner,
    so as to produce individuals who are
    intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and
    physically balanced and harmonious, based on firm
    belief in God. Our efforts are focused towards
    creating Malaysian citizen who are knowledgeable
    and competent, who possess high moral standards,
    and who are responsible and capable of achieving
    a high level of personal well-being and able to
    contribute to the harmony and prosperity of the
    family, the society and the nation at large.

  • The goals of an organization can never be
    achieved but are something towards which an
    organization works (Earthman, 1992)
  • Goals are the desired end result, generally
    after three or more year
  • The goal statements should reflect vision,
    mission, and philosophical statements

Criteria for Goals
  • Goals will be in harmony with, and clarify the
    agency vision, mission and principles/philosophy
  • Goals will address priorities and the results of
    the internal/external assessment and may be
    developed in response to strategic issues
  • Goals will remain essentially unchanged
  • Goals will normally encompass a relatively long
  • period
  • Goals will address the gaps between the current
  • and desired level of service

Faculty of Educational Studies Aim/Goals
  • To produce graduates who excel, publish quality
    research and provide professional services in the
    field of education and human resource development
    in order to meet the demands of the nation.
  • Melahirkan graduan yang cemerlang, penyelidikan
    berkualiti dan memberi khidmat profesional dalam
    bidang pendidikan dan pembangunan sumber manusia
    untuk memenuhi keperluan negara.

UPM Goals (10)
  • To produce quality graduates who are competitive
    and resilient
  • (Melahirkan graduan yang berkualiti, berdaya
    saing dan berusaha untuk terus maju.)
  • To enhance the quality of UPM students through
    inculcation of soft skills
  • (Memperkasakan pelajar UPM dengan penguasaan
    kemahiran insaniah.)
  • To transform UPM into a renowned university
  • (Menjadikan UPM sebagai Universiti Penyelidikan
    yang terkemuka.)
  • To strengthen UPM as a center of excellence in
    agriculture education and research
  • (Memperkasakan UPM sebagai pusat kecemerlangan
    pendidikan dan penyelidikan pertanian.)
  • To broaden and strengthen UPM network with
    industry and society
  • (Meningkatkan jalinan industri dan masyarakat )

  • To manage human capital and work environment
  • (Mengurus modal insan dan persekitaran kerja
    dengan cemerlang.)
  • To enhance a quality management system based on
    good practice
  • (Mengurus modal insan dan persekitaran kerja
    dengan cemerlang.)
  • To efficiently generate and manage the financial
    resources of UPM
  • (Menjana dan mengurus sumber kewangan universiti
    secara cekap dan berkesan. )
  • To make UPM fully connected based on information
    and communication technology
  • (Menjadikan universiti terhubung sepenuhnya
    dengan berasaskan ICT. )
  • To strengthen UPM through alumni involvement
  • (Memperkasakan UPM melalui Alumni )

Reflection of UPM Goals (Educational)
  • To produce quality graduates who are competitive
    and resilient
  • Learning outcome social responsibility,
    research attainment, community involvement,
    ethical values, and leadership
  • To enhance quality of UPMs students through
    inculcation of soft skills
  • Learning outcome social responsibility,
    research attainment, community involvement,
    ethical values, and leadership

  • To transform UPM into renowned research
  • Learning outcome Research attainment and
  • To strengthen UPM as a center of excellence in
    agriculture education and research
  • Learning outcome social responsibility,
    research attainment, community involvement,
    ethical values, and leadership

Behavioral Objectives
  • Objectives are specific measurable targets for
    accomplishing goals
  • There must some way to measure the
    effectiveness and efficiency of the organization
    in working towards its goals
  • They are written in terms of observable student
    behavior that can be measured by some type of

Criteria for Objectives
  • Good objectives will be SMART
  •       Specific
  •       Measurable
  •       Aggressive but attainable
  •       Results oriented
  • Time-bound (specify a relatively short time
    frame for meeting objectives from a few weeks
    to no more than a year)

Examples of SMART/Not SMART Objectives
  •        To reduce processing time.
  •        To reduce by 5 the average cost of
    processing new hires by June, 15, 2001 (SMART)
  •        To reduce highway deaths.
  •        To reduce the highway deaths rate by 10
    in FY 2001.(SMART)

Objectives of MOE
  • To produce loyal and united Malaysian.
  • To produce happy, well mannered individuals who
    have faith, knowledge and vision.
  • To prepare the nations human resource for
    development needs.
  • To provide educational opportunities for all

References for the Development of School Vision
and Mission
  • Current development in and outside the country)
  • (Perkembangan semasa di dalam dan di luar
  • Vision 2020 (Wawasan 2020)
  • National Philosophy of Education (Falsafah
    Pendidikan Kebangsaan)
  • Student potentials (Potensi murid)
  • Needs of local communities (Keperluan masyarakat

Proses pembinaan visi dan misi sekolah
  • Pendekatan Top-down vs. Bottom-up
  • Digubal secara kolektif oleh semua guru
  • Dipersetujui dan difahami oleh staf sokongan,
    murid dan ibu bapa
  • Disebarluas dengan mendokumentasikannya
  • Dipamerkan di tempat-tempat yang strategik
  • Dikaji semula dari semasa ke semasa

Kandungan Pernyataan Visi dan Misi
  • Pernyataan visi dan misi perlu mengandungi 
  •       Elemen pembentukan model murid lepasan
  •        Elemen pembentukan model sekolah
  •        Penyelesaian isu dan masalah pendidikan
    dalam konteks pembangunan bangsa dan negara

Penghayatan Visi dan Misi Sekolah
  • Guru dan staf sokongan dapat
  •       Menyatakan visi dan misi
  •        Menjelaskan visi dan misi
  •        Mempercayai visi dan misi
  •        Visi dan misi menjadi sasaran untuk
    pembangunan pengurusan dan pentadbiran
    sekolah, amalan mengajar, kokurikulum dan
    kerja komuniti

  • Murid dapat
  •        Menyatakan visi dan misi
  •        Menjelaskan visi dan misi
  •        Mempercayai visi dan misi
  • Visi dan misi menjadi sasaran untuk pembangunan
    pengurusan dan pentadbiran sekolah, amalan
    mengajar, kokurikulum dan kerja komuniti

Impak Visi dan Misi
  • Visi dan misi dapat memberi impak ke atas
    perlakuan warga sekolah
  •       Menunjukkan peningkatan prestasi dalam
    proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran
  • Menunjukkan peningkatan dalam proses
  •      Menghasilkan kualiti produk yang
  • Mewujudkan identiti budaya/etos sekolah

Key Elements of MalaysianEducation System
  • Access to education
  • Equity in education
  • Quality in education
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of management

National Education Blue Print (PIPP)
  • The Six Strategic Thrusts
  • Nation building
  • Develop human capital
  • Bridging gap in education
  • Strengthen national schools
  • Elevate the teaching profession
  • Propel excellence of educational institutions

Education NKRA
  • The four (4) thrusts
  • 72 enrolment across 4 and 5 cohorts by 2010
  • 90 literacy and numeracy by 2010 (LINUS
    screening Literacy and Numeracy Screening)
  • Target of 20 HPS (High Performing Schools) by
  • 2 of principals rewarded by 2010
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