Title: Food for thought
1Food for thought
A Christian Aid assembly for 11- to 14-year olds
2- What is
- your favourite meal?
- the longest time youve gone without food?
Image Wikimedia Commons
3In Toricha, Kenya, this shepherd lost all his
livestock during the recent drought
Christian Aid/Branwen Niclas
4Elema Erero, Kenya
- Mother of six
- Most of her cattle have died
Christian Aid/Branwen Niclas
5Gumato Gollo Shama, Kenya
Christian Aid/Branwen Niclas
- Mother of two
- Relies on food aid for her one meal a day
6Evelin with her doctor, Guatemala
- Evelyn is severely malnourished
- She has a lung infection
Christian Aid/Hannah Richards
7Evelin (right) and her friend Isabel are being
treated for malnutrition by Christian partner
Christian Aid/Hannah Richards
8Kenya, east Africa
Image Wimkimedia Commons
9Children in Diid Abdhi, Kenya, collect emergency
water supplies
Christian Aid/Branwen Niclas
10Christian Aid partner CCSMKE is working
with farmers in Kenya to plant crops that can
survive drought
Christian Aid/Antoinette Powell
11Guatemala, Central America
Image Wikimedia Commons,
12Jacqueline, 12,is from Guatemala. Christian Aid
partner Bethania has helped her family set up a
kitchen garden
Christian Aid/Hannah Richards
13Jacqueline and her mother with the plants they
are growing in their garden
Christian Aid / Hannah Richards