Title: Laser and its applications
1Laser and its applications
- Prof. Dr. Taha Zaki Sokker
2Laser and its applications
- Chapter (1) Theory of Lasing
(2) Chapter (2) Characteristics of
laser beam ( )Chapter (3) Types of laser
sources ( ) Chapter (4) Laser
applications ( )
3Chapter (1) Theory of Lasing
- 1.Introduction (Brief history of laser)
- The laser is perhaps the most important
optical device to be developed in the past 50
years. Since its arrival in the 1960s, rather
quiet and unheralded outside the scientific
community, it has provided the stimulus to make
optics one of the most rapidly growing fields in
science and technology today.
4- The laser is essentially an optical
amplifier. The word laser is an acronym that
stands for light amplification by the stimulated
emission of radiation. The theoretical
background of laser action as the basis for an
optical amplifier was made possible by Albert
Einstein, as early as 1917, when he first
predicted the existence of a new irradiative
process called stimulated emission. His
theoretical work, however, remained largely
unexploited until 1954, when C.H. Townes and
Co-workers developed a microwave amplifier based
on stimulated emission radiation. It was called a
5 In 1960, T.H.Maiman built the first laser
device (ruby laser). Within months of the arrival
of Maimans ruby laser, which emitted deep red
light at a wavelength of 694.3 nm, A. Javan and
associates developed the first gas laser (He-Ne
laser), which emitted light in both the infrared
(at 1.15mm) and visible (at 632.8 nm) spectral
- Following the birth of the ruby and
He-Ne lasers, others devices followed in rapid
succession, each with a different laser medium
and a different wavelength emission. For the
greater part of the 1960s, the laser was viewed
by the world of industry and technology as
scientific curiosity.
61.Einsteins quantum theory of radiation
- In 1916, according to Einstein, the
interaction of radiation with matter could be
explained in terms of three basic processes
spontaneous emission, absorption and stimulated
emission. The three processes are illustrated and
discussed in the following
7 Before
(i) Stimulated absorption
ii) Spontaneous emission )
(iii) Stimulated emission
8)ii) Spontaneous emission
- Consider an atom (or molecule) of the
material is existed initially in an excited state
E2 No external radiation is required to initiate
the emission. Since E2gtE1, the atom will tend to
spontaneously decay to the ground state E1, a
photon of energy h? E2-E1 is released in a
random direction as shown in (Fig. 1-ii). This
process is called spontaneous emission - Note that when the release energy
difference (E2-E1) is delivered in the form of an
e.m wave, the process called "radiative emission"
which is one of the two possible ways
non-radiative decay is occurred when the energy
difference (E2-E1) is delivered in some form
other than e.m radiation (e.g. it may transfer to
kinetic energy of the surrounding)
9(iii) Stimulated emission
- Quite by contrast stimulated emission
(Fig. 1-iii) requires the presence of external
radiation when an incident photon of energy h?
E2-E1 passes by an atom in an excited state E2,
it stimulates the atom to drop or decay to the
lower state E1. In this process, the atom
releases a photon of the same energy, direction,
phase and polarization as that of the photon
passing by, the net effect is two identical
photons (2h?) in the place of one, or an increase
in the intensity of the incident beam. It is
precisely this processes of stimulated emission
that makes possible the amplification of light in
10Growth of Laser Beam
The theory of lasing
- Atoms exist most of the time in one of a
number of certain characteristic energy levels.
The energy level or energy state of an atom is a
result of the energy level of the individual
electrons of that particular atom. In any group
of atoms, thermal motion or agitation causes a
constant motion of the atoms between low and high
energy levels. In the absence of any applied
electromagnetic radiation the distribution of the
atoms in their various allowed states is governed
by Boltzmans law which states that
11- if an assemblage of atoms is in state of
thermal equilibrium at an absolute temp. T, the
number of atoms N2 in one energy level E2 is
related to the number N1 in another energy level
E1 by the equation.
Where E2gtE1 clearly N2ltN1 K Boltzmanns
constant 1.38x10-16 erg / degree
1.38x10-23 j/K T
the absolute temp. in degrees Kelvin
12- At absolute zero all atoms will be in the
ground state. There is such a lack of thermal
motion among the electrons that there are no
atoms in higher energy levels. As the temperature
increases atoms change randomly from low to the
height energy states and back again. The atoms
are raised to high energy states by chance
electron collision and they return to the low
energy state by their natural tendency to seek
the lowest energy level. When they return to the
lower energy state electromagnetic radiation is
emitted. This is spontaneous emission of
radiation and because of its random nature, it is
13- As indicated by the equation, the number
of atoms decreases as the energy level increases.
As the temp increases, more atoms will attain
higher energy levels. However, the lower energy
levels will be still more populated. - Einstein in 1917 first introduced the
concept of stimulated or induced emission of
radiation by atomic systems. He showed that in
order to describe completely the interaction of
matter and radiative, it is necessary to include
that process in which an excited atom may be
induced by the presence of radiation emit a
photon and decay to lower energy state.
14- An atom in level E2 can decay to level
E1 by emission of photon. Let us call A21 the
transition probability per unit time for
spontaneous emission from level E2 to level E1.
Then the number of spontaneous decays per second
is N2A21, i.e. the number of spontaneous decays
per secondN2A21. - In addition to these spontaneous
transitions, there will induced or stimulated
transitions. The total rate to these induced
transitions between level 2 and level 1 is
proportional to the density (U?) of radiation of
frequency ?, where - ? ( E2-E1 )/h , h
Planck's const.
15- Let B21 and B12 denote the proportionality
constants for stimulated emission and absorption.
Then number of stimulated downward transition in
stimulated emission per second N2 B21 U? - similarly , the number of stimulated upward
transitions per second N1 B12 U? - The proportionality constants A and B are
known as the Einstein A and B coefficients. Under
equilibrium conditions we have
N2 A21 N2 B21 U? N1 B12 U?
A b
by solving for U? (density of the radiation) we
obtain U? N1 B12- N2 B21 A21 N2
According to Plancks formula of radiation
18- from equations 1 and 2 we have
- B12B21
equation 3 and 4 are Einsteins relations. Thus
for atoms in equilibrium with thermal radiation.
from equation 2 and 4
Accordingly, the rate of induced emission is
extremely small in the visible region of the
spectrum with ordinary optical sources ( T?10 3
?K .(
20- Hence in such sources, most of the
radiation is emitted through spontaneous
transitions. Since these transitions occur in a
random manner, ordinary sources of visible
radiation are incoherent. - On the other hand, in a laser the induced
transitions become completely dominant. One
result is that the emitted radiation is highly
coherent. Another is that the spectral intensity
at the operating frequency of the laser is much
greater than the spectral intensities of ordinary
light sources.
21 Amplification in a Medium
- Consider an
optical medium through which radiation is
passing. Suppose that the medium contains atoms
in various energy levels E1, E2, E3,.let us fitt
our attention to two levels E1 E2 where E2gtE1 we
have already seen that the rate of stimulated
emission and absorption involving these two
levels are proportional to N2B21N1B12
respectively. Since B21B12, the rate of
stimulated downward transitions will exceed that
of the upward transitions when N2gtN1,.i.e the
population of the upper state is greater than
that of the lower state such a condition is
condrary to the thermal equilibrium distribution
given by Boltzmanns low. It is termed a
population inversion. If a population inversion
exist, then a light beam will increase in
intensity i.e. it will be amplified as it passes
through the medium. This is because the gain due
to the induced emission exceeds the loss due to
22gives the rate of growth of the beam intensity in
the direction of propagation, an is the gain
constant at frequency ?
23Quantitative Amplification of light
- In order to determine quantitatively the
amount of amplification in a medium we consider a
parallel beam of light that propagate through a
medium enjoying population inversion. For a
collimated beam, the spectral energy density U?
is related to the intensity ?? in the frequency
interval ? to ? ?? by the formula.
24 Due to the Doppler effect and other
line-broadening effects not all the atoms in a
given energy level are effective for emission or
absorption in a specified frequency interval.
Only a certain number ?N1 of the N1 atoms at
level 1 are available for absorption. Similarly
of the N2 atoms in level 2, the number ? N2 are
available for emission. Consequently, the rate of
upward transitions is given by
25and the rate of stimulated or induced downward
transitions is given by
Now each upward transition subtracts a quantum
energy h? from the beam. Similarly, each downward
transition adds the same amount therefore the net
time rate of change of the spectral energy
density in the interval ?? is given by
where (h? B? NU) the rate of transition of
quantum energy
26- In time dt the wave travels a distance dx c dt
27- in which ?? is the gain constant at frequency
? it is given by
an approximate expression is
?? being the line width
28Doppler width
- This is one of the few causes seriously
affecting equally both emission and absorption
lines. Let all the atoms emit light of the same
wavelength. The effective wavelength observed
from those moving towards an observer is
diminished and for those atoms moving away it is
increased in accordance with Dopplers principle. - When we have a moving source sending
out waves continuously it moves. The velocity of
the waves is often not changed but the wavelength
and frequency as noted by stationary observed
29- Thus consider a source of waves moving
towards an observer with velocity v. Then since
the source is moving the waves which are between
the source and the observer will be crowded into
a smaller distance than if the source had been at
rest. If the frequency is ?o , then in time t the
source emit ?ot waves. If the frequency had been
at rest these waves would have occupied a length
AB. But due to its motion the source has caused a
distance vt, hence these ?ot waves are compressed
into a length where
where nlc
31(No Transcript)
32Evaluation of Doppler half width
- According to Maxwelliam distribution of
velocities, from - the kinetic theory of gasses, the probability
that the velocity will be between v and v?v is
given by -
So that the fraction of atoms whose their
velocities lie between v and v ?v is given by
the following equation
where B m molecular weight,
Kgas constant, Tabsolute temp
33- Substituting for v in the last equation from
equation (1) and since the intensity emitted will
depend on the number of atoms having the velocity
in the region v and
then, i. e.
I(n) const .
) I
n n?
I) n) I max const
34 I)n)I max
being the half width of the spectral line it is
the width at
, then
35Calculation of Doppler width
- 1- Calculate the Dopplers width for Hg198 .
where - K1.38x10-16 erg per degree at temp300k and
5460Ao - solution
molecular weight m const. ( atomic mass m\ )
const.1.668x10-24 gm
wave number
.015 cm-1
36- 2- Calculate the half-maximum line width (Doppler
width) for He-Ne laser transition assuming a
discharge temperature of about 400K and a neon
atomic mass of 20 and wavelength of 632.8nm.
- (Ans., n1500MHz)