Principles of carcinogenesis-1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Principles of carcinogenesis-1


Title: Principles of carcinogenesis-1 Author: Nanyang Polytechnic Last modified by: NYP Created Date: 7/20/1998 10:07:14 AM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Principles of carcinogenesis-1

Principles of carcinogenesis-12
  • Dr D Ponraj
  • Bioscience/SHS/NYP

  • Carcinogenesis
  • Its the process which results in the
    transformation of normal cells to neoplastic
    cells by causing permanent genetic alterations
    (it strictly applies to malignant tumours).
  • Oncogenesis It includes the causation of all
    tumours, benign and malignant
  • Carcinogen Its an agent known or suspected to
    participate in the causation of tumours (and
    called carcinogenic agents).
  • Genetic alterations are absolutely fundamental in
    carcinogenic process

Identification of carcinogens
  • Epidemiological studies (colorectal cancers,
    oesophagial Ca)
  • Assessment of occupational risks (scrotal Ca in
    chimney sweeps)
  • Direct accidental exposure (throtrast in
    angisarcoma of liver, Chernobyl nuclear reactor
  • Carcinogenic effects on lab animals
  • Transforming effects on cell cultures
  • Mutagenicity testing in bacteria

Main classes of carcinogens
  • 1. Chemicals
  • 2. Viruses Genetic- oncogenes
  • 3. Ionising radiation non-ionising radiation
  • 4. Hormones, mycotoxins and parasites
  • 5. Miscellaneous agents (asbestos metal like
  • Genetic

Cellular molecular events in carcinogenesis
  • Its a multistep process
  • May require a initiating (polycyclic hydrocarbon)
    and promoting (croton oil) agent. If an agent
    possess both these agents its called complete
    carcinogen, if it has only one action its called
    incomplete carcinogen
  • Growth persists even in the absence of the
    causative agent.
  • Genetic alteration of oncogenes and tumour
    suppressor genes (Ca colon).

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Chemical carcinogensis
  • Direct-acting compounds
  • which do not require chemical transformation for
  • They are highly reactive electrophiles (have
    electron-deficient atoms) that can react with
    neuleophilic (electron rich) sites in cell.
  • Indirect-acting compounds or procarcinogens
    which require metabolic conversion in vivo to
    produce the ultimate carcinogen capable of
    transforming cells.

Chemical carcinogens
  • 1. Polycyclic hydrocarbons
  • the first carcinogen discovered in soot, a tary
    residue of coal combustion.
  • Responsible for scrotal ca in chimney sweeps of
  • The most active component is benzoalphapyrene
    and dibenzanthracene.
  • Benzopyrene in tobacco smoke is the most
    important carcinogenic agent.

  • 2. Cigarette smoking
  • Including cigar and pipes-is associated
  • with Ca lung, oesophagus, bladder, oropharynx.
  • Passive smokers also affected
  • Inhaled polycyclic hydrocarbons (tars) are
    converted in the liver to an epoxide by a
    microsomal enzyme, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase.
  • This epoxide (ultimate carcinogen) is an active
    compound that combines with guanine in DNA,
    leading to neoplastic transformation.
  • 10 pack years an increase in 10 times for
    cancer for some one who smokes a pack of
    cigarette a day

3. Aromatic amines
  • Such as benzidine and naphthylamine is associated
    with bladder cancers.
  • They are mostly procarcinogens and enters through
    skin, lung (leather and dye industries) or
  • Cause cancer in animals, but varies in different
    species of animals tested. Controlled by FDA.
  • Detected by measuring urine levels.

  • 4. Cyclamates and Saccharin
  • These are artificial sweeteners used in
  • No carcinogenic effect in humans but have
    carcinogenic effect in animals.
  • 5. Azo dyes
  • These are dyes used for colouring of food
    (scarlet red butter yellow).
  • They were shown to cause liver cancer in animals.

6. Aflatoxins
  • Its the most potent carcinogen known.
  • Its a toxic metabolite produced by the fungus
    Apergillus flavus, known to cause liver cancer in
    man. In Africa, dietary intake of large amounts
    of aflatoxins have shown to result in
    hepatocellular carcinoma.
  • Ingested aflatoxin is oxidised in the liver to an
    ultimate carcinogen that binds with guanine in
    the DNA of hepatic cells.
  • First the liver goes for acute liver cell
    necrosis followed by regenerative hyperplasia and
    possibly cancer.

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  • 7. Nitrosamines
  • Their ability to react with both nucleic acids
    and cytoplasmic macromolecules provides a
    theoretical basis for carcinogenic action.
  • Nitrosamines are derived mainly by conversion of
    nitrites in stomach.
  • Nitrites are ubiquitous in food because of their
    common use as preservatives, mainly in processed
    meat, ham, bacon, sausage...

  • Better refrigeration of food for past 20 years
    has decreased use of preservatives and hence
  • The high incidence of gastric cancer in Japan is
    thought to be due to high intake of smoked foods
    which contain more polycyclic hydrocarbons than
    to high nitrosamine levels.

8. Asbestos
  • Crocidolite, the variety of asbestos having the
    finest diameter fibres (lt0.25 mm), presents the
    greatest hazards
  • Asbestosis also leads to fibrous proliferation in
    the pleura, where it results in fibrous plaques
    that are reliable radiological indicator.
  • It results in 2 types of cancer
  • a.Malignant mesothelioma, which involves the
    pleura, peritonium and pericardium
  • b. Bronchogenic Carcinoma this risk is greatly
    magnified by smoking

  • 9. Betel leaf
  • Associated with oral cancers, common in India,
  • The carcinogenic agent is either Areca nut or the
    crushed limestone or tobacco that is commonly
    chewed along with betel leaf
  • 10. Anticancer drugs
  • Leukaemia is the most common neoplastic disorder
    associated with alkylating agents, such as
    cyclophosphamide, busulfan, chlorambucil.
  • These interfere with nucleic acid synthesis in
    normal cells and may cause oncogenic mutation

11. Other industrial carcinogens
  • Heavy metals
  • nickel, chromium, and cadmium show an increased
    incidence of lung cancer
  • Arsenic exposure,
  • in agricultural workers exposed to arsenic
    -containing pesticide, is associated with skin
    cancer and to lesser extent, lung cancer
  • Vinyl chloride,
  • a gas used to manufacture PVC, has been shown to
    induce malignant vascular neoplasm in liver

Viral Genetic Oncogenesis
  • Dr D Ponraj
  • Bioscience/SHS/NYP

  • Cluster of cancer cases in space and time suggest
    a viral aetiology
  • Tumours associated with viruses tend to be more
    common in youth
  • Immunosuppression favours viral oncogenesis
  • Viruses implicated in human carcinogenesis
    include EB virus (Burkitts lymphoma) and HPV
    (cancer cervix)

Types of oncogenic virus
  • Both DNA and RNA viruses can cause neoplasia.
  • DNA viruses insert their nucleic acid directly
    into the genome of the host cell.
  • The replication is sporadic or absent
  • However, DNA may persist and produce an oncogene
    like effect

  • RNA viruses require RNA-directed DNA polymerase
    (reverse transcriptase), an enzyme that causes
    production of a DNA copy of the RNA viral genome.
  • Some RNA viruses contain built-in oncogene that
    directly activates cell.
  • Others insert adjacent to an endogenous cellular
    oncogene that directly activates the cell.

RNA viruses
  • Only few are implicated in human neoplasms
  • HTLV-I Japanese T cell leukaemia was first
    described in Japan.
  • HIV associated with B cell lymphoma. (In
    patients with AIDS Kaposi sarcoma is the
    commonest malignancy)
  • All others mostly cause cancer in experimental
    animals (eg mouse mammary tumour virus MMTV)

DNA viruses
  • HPV subtypes 16 18 are the common cause of
    malignancy in 85 of in invasive squamous cell
  • They suppress tumour suppressor gene Rb and P53.
  • Cotransfection with ras gene results in full
    malignant transformation.
  • Normally HPV cause anogenital warts.

Epstein-Barr virus
  • Discovered first in cell cultures from Burkitts
    lymphoma, a B-cell lymphoma endemic in Africa. It
    also cause infectious mononucleosis.
  • It also results in nasopharyngeal Ca.
  • EB virus is not the sole cause of Burkitts
    lymphoma, its one of the multistep factor in
    development of Burkitts lymphoma.
  • It involves mutation affecting N-ras oncogene
    and t(814) translocation.

  • Hepatitis B virus
  • liver cancer
  • Herpes simple virus
  • Ca cervix

Genetic mechanism
  • Cancer now is increasingly regarded as a genetic
  • Some times they are consistently associated with
    chromosomal defect (eg, Philadelphia chromosome
    in CML)
  • There are two mechanisms leading to tumour
  • 1.Loss or inactivation of recessive inhibitory
    genes- Tumour suppressor genes.
  • E.g. P53 (guardian of genome), Rb1,APC...

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  • 2. Enhanced or abnormal expression of dominant
    stimulatory genes-Oncogenes.
  • They govern the neoplastic behaviour of cells.
  • More than 600 such genes have been identified
  • Based on their function they are classified into
    4 types
  • eg (ras, myc, sis, erb)
  • Both mechanisms operate in most tumours (e.g. Ca
    colon), but inactivation of tumour suppressor
    genes explain inherited predisposition of
    development of tumour (e.g. retinoblastoma).
  • Note A 3rd category of genes that control
    apoptosis are also involved in tumour growth.

Mechanisms of genetic mutation
Mutations that "turn on" the oncogenes
stimulate growth. Mutations that result in loss
of tumor suppressor genes and their products
inhibit growth.
Apoptosis (programmed cell death)
  • It is an energy-dependent process for deletion of
    unwanted individual cells. It has a role in
    morphogenesis, organ size.
  • Individual cell deletion in physiological growth
  • Reduced apoptosis contributes to cell
    accumulation in neoplasia
  • Increased apoptosis results in excessive cell
    loss (atrophy)
  • Activated or prevented by several stimuli
  • Mechanism of cell death is different from necrosis

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Modes of inheritance
  • Autosomal dominant (only one copy of genes need
    to be inherited, thus both hetero homozygous
    are affected)
  • Autosoaml recessive (both copies of genes must be
    abnormal, thus homozygous individuals are
  • Sex chromosome (X)- linked (defective gene is in
    the X chromosome, males are sufferers, females
    are carriers)

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