Medieval India - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Medieval India


Muslim Invasions: 7th-11th c. ce. Delhi Sultanate: Northern ... The interaction of Mahayana philosophy and Hinduism gave rise to Tantric Buddhism or Vajrayana. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Medieval India

Medieval India
Medieval Indian Dynasties
  • Gupta Era 320-550 ce
  • Huna Invasion 455-528 ce
  • Kushan Era 5th -7th c. ce
  • Hindu Dynasties 3rd-15th c. ce
  • Rajputs Western India 7th -12th c. ce
  • Muslim Invasions 7th-11th c. ce
  • Delhi Sultanate Northern India 12th-16th c
  • Mongols under Tamerlane sack Delhi 1398-99
  • Vasco da Gama reaches India 1498
  • Mughal Empire1526-1858

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Gupta Era 320 ce 550 ce
  • Gupta dynasty was founded by Chandra Gupta I
  • Development of Mahayana Buddhism
  • Classical Golden Age in north India
  • Cave paintings at Ajanta
  • Shakuntala, Jataka, Panchatantra and Kamasutra
    were written
  • Aryabhattas Astronomy.

Mahayana Buddhism
  • Buddhism split into two sects, Mahayana and
    Hinayana (Theravada).
  • Mahayana laid stress on the concept of the
    Bodhisattva or one destined to be the Buddha'
    and also conceived of Eternal Buddhas who
    resemble gods or deities.
  • Hinayana regarded the Buddha as a man and had a
    doctrine, Theravada, stressing the salvation of
    the individual.
  • The interaction of Mahayana philosophy and
    Hinduism gave rise to Tantric Buddhism or

  • During the 4th century c.e. in a remote valley,
    work began on the Ajanta Caves to create a
    complex of Buddhist monasteries and prayer halls.
  • As centuries passed, numerous Buddhist monks and
    artisans dug out a set of twenty-nine caves
  • These caves are adorned with elaborate sculptures
    and paintings

Ajanta Caves
  • The Ajanta caves depict the stories of Buddhism
    from 200 bce to 650 ce.
  • The elaborate and exquisite sculptures and
    paintings depict stories from Jataka tales .
  • The caves also house images of nymphs and

Kalidasafl. 5th c.
  • Dramatist and poet regarded as the greatest
    figure in classical Sanskrit literature.
  • 3 surviving plays Sakuntala (or Shakuntala),
    Vikramorvasi, and Malavikagnimitra.
  • These court dramas in verse (nataka) relate
    fanciful or mythological tales of profound
    romantic love
  • 2 epics, Raghuvansa and Kumarasambhava, mingle
    delicate descriptions of nature with battle
  • The other poems of Kalidasa are shorter and
    almost purely lyrical.

Aryabhatta (476-550?)
  • Hindu astronomer and mathematician
  • Known to Arabs as Arjehir
  • 499 calculated pi as 3.1416
  • 499 calculated the length of the solar year as
    365.358 days.
  • Postulated that the Earth was a sphere rotating
    on its own axis and revolving around the Sun
  • Discovered the exact cause of eclipses.

Invasion of the Huna455-528
  • An agricultural people, called Huna by the
  • In 425 they invaded Persia. After a series of
    wars (503-13) they were driven out of Persia,
  • The Huna invaded India and succeeded in
    extending their domain to include the Ganges
  • They overthrew the Gupta empire but were
    eventually driven out of India in 528 by a Hindu
  • The Huna influenced society by altering the caste
    system and disrupting the hierarchy of the ruling

Kushan Eraca. 5th-7th c. ce
  • Indo-Scythian nomads entered in Afghanistan, NW
    India, the Punjab and Pakistan
  • Adapted Greco-Roman sculpture to Buddhist imagery
  • First anthropromorphic Buddha images iconic
  • Created first Bodhisattva figures enlightened
    beings who choose to remain on earth to help
  • Connected to spread of Mahayana Buddhism to
    China, Japan and Korea

Bodhisattva (as prince). Gandharan region ca.
2nd century
HinduismSanatana DharmaThe Everlasting Way
OMthat which hath no beginning or end
Hinduismall-embracing structure of thought
  • All creation linked in huge web of being
  • Transmigration of souls through various life
  • Proper behavior linked to purgation and renewal
  • Dharma the duty of the believer

  • God is Infinite.
  • The Infinite manifests in billions of ways.
  • Hinduism believes not only in One God, but also
    in His Supreme Personality. This personality is
    manifested in different forms around us and
    within us perpetually. Therefore, the Infinite
    manifests in billions of ways to help mankind
    visualize the Divine Being. This belief of
    Hinduism is often confused with polytheism.
  • That the Supreme can be worshipped in any form is
    a unique concept in Hinduism.
  • Hinduism worships multiple forms of the one God.

Hindu Concept of Time
  • The transcendence of time is the aim of every
    Indian spiritual tradition.
  • Time is often presented as an eternal wheel that
    binds the soul to a mortal existence of ignorance
    and suffering.
  • "Release" from time's fateful wheel is termed
  • Hindus believe that the universe is without a
    beginning or an end . 
  • The universe is projected in cycles.
  • Each cycle is divided into four yugas (ages of
    the world).

Shiva dancing
BRAHMAN Universal PowerATMAN Individual
Manifestation of the Universal Spirit
  • Brahman is the indescribable, inexhaustible,
    omniscient, omnipresent, original, first, eternal
    and absolute principle who is without a
    beginning, without an end , who is hidden in all
    and who is the cause, source, material and effect
    of all creation known, unknown and yet to happen
    in the entire universe.

Major Hindu Manifestations
  • BRAHMAN divine source of all being
  • Brahma/Sarasvati, the creator
  • Vishnu/Lakshmi, the preserver benevolence,
    forgiveness, love
  • Shiva/Kali, the destroyer disease, death, the
  • Ganesha, god of wisdom, writing, elephant-headed

  • God of knowledge and the remover of obstacles
  • He has four hands, elephant's head and a big
  • His vehicle is a tiny mouse.
  • The combination of his elephant-like head and a
    quick moving tiny mouse vehicle represents
    tremendous wisdom, intelligence, and presence of

Avatars of Vishnu
  • Vishnu sleeps on the coils of the giant
    multi-hearded serpent, Ananta. As the lord
    sleeps, he dreams the cosmos into reality.
  • Vishnu is the Protector of dharma (righteousness)
    and the guardian of humanity.
  • Vishnu has 10 avatars or incarnations. He assumes
    these and comes down to earth in order to help

Rama and Sita
  • Rama is the 7th avatar of Vishnu.
  • Lord Rama, the hero of the Ramayana, is one of
    the most adored gods
  • He is always holding a bow and arrow indicating
    his readiness to destroy evils.
  • More commonly he is pictured with his wife Sita,
    his brother Lakshmana and his devotee Hanumana

  • Krishna is the 8th avatar of Vishnu.
  • The mythology around Krishna is the most colorful
    and the richest in lyricism, adventure and in
    love in all its forms.
  • Krishna is central to the Mahabharata, the
    Sanskrit epic that is eight times longer than the
    Iliad and the Odyssey put together.
  • Krishna is a loyal ally of humans and always
    helps his friends. His worship is popular all
    over India and there are many sacred shines to
  • In Hinduism there is a concept known as Bhakti.
    Bhakti is the emotional attachment and love of a
    devotee for his or her personal god. This is
    common in the worship of Krishna.        

The Bhagavad-GitainThe Mahabharata Krishna
and Arjuna
Hindu Dynasties3rd-15th c.
  • Confused political scene especially in South
  • Warlike clans in Rajasthan Rajputs
  • Pallave dynasty dominates the south warring with
    Cholas, Cheras, Pandyas
  • Christianity and Zorastrianism introduced into
  • Turkish raids 1000-1206
  • Decline and disappearance of Buddhism in India
    around 13th c.

  • Princely members of the Kashitrya warrior caste
  • Ruled northern and western India 7th-12th c. in
    local kingdoms, often at rivalry with each other
  • Champions of dharma and devotees of Siva and
  • Predominantly Hindu, but tolerated all worship
    within their realms
  • Prolific fort and palace-builders

  • The temples at Khajuraho were built during the
    Chandella dynasty, which reached its apogee
    between 950 and 1050.
  • Only about 20 temples remain they fall into
    three distinct groups and belong to two different
    religions Hinduism and Jainism.
  • They strike a perfect balance between
    architecture and sculpture.
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site

Khajurao Temple
Bhakti Poetry
  • Bhakti mystical devotion to god
  • Lyric poetry spoken and sung by poet-saints
  • Tamil hymns (6th-9th c) earliest bhakti poetry
    focused on Shiva and Vishnu
  • Tradition of bhakti poetry spread throughout
    India and its 16 major languages
  • Popular and populist poets came from all castes,
    including untouchables and women
  • Belief that mysticism was the highest path to
    release from karma
  • Highly personal and individual a form of
    spiritual autobiography

Mahadeviyakka12th c
  • Princess who left her royal husband
  • Wandered naked through countryside total
    devotion to Siva meant giving up conventional
    coverings society required for females
  • 350 poems express her passionate thoughts on God,
    love and the world

Mahadeviyakka12th c
  • You can confiscate
  • money in hand
  • can you confiscate
  • the bodys glory?
  • Or peel away every strip
  • you wear,
  • but can you peel
  • the Nothing, the Nakedness
  • that covers and veils?
  • To the shameless girl
  • wearing the White Jasmines Lords
  • light of morning,
  • you fool,
  • wheres the need for cover and jewel?

Muslim Incursions
  • 711 -- Arabs take Sind
  • 11th c. -- Invasions of Muslims from Central
    Asia led to political dominance of Muslims in N.
    India and introduction of Persian culture and
    Islam into South Asia
  • Development of Sufism

Delhi Sultanate
  • 1192-1526 Turko-Aghan chieftains establish
    sultanate at Delhi and dominate N. India
  • Multiple Muslim dynasties rule Northern India
    from the 13th-16th centuries.
  • The Sultans based their laws on the Qur'an and
    the sharia and permitted non-Muslim subjects to
    practice their religion if they paid jizya or
    head tax.
  • Temporarily successful in insulating the
    subcontinent from the potential devastation of
    the Mongol invasion  in the 13th century.
  • "Indo-Muslim" fusion left lasting monuments in
    architecture, music, literature, and religion.

Delhi Sultanate13th-16th c.
TimurLang (Tamerlane) sacks Delhi
  • Mongol ruler who attempted to reclaim Genghis
    Khans empire
  • Attacked India and conquered Delhi after
    slaughtering 100,000 captives

Vasco da Gama reaches India 1498
  • Opened the Indian or Cape Route for regular
    sailings between East and West
  • Expansion and consolidation of Portugese empire
    and trade, dissemination of Portugese culture and
  • Portugese settlements in Goa and Cochin
  • 1524 Da Gama named Portugese viceroy in India by
    King John III.

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Moghul Empire(Islamic) 1526-1858
  • Unification of N. India and parts of S. India
    under its rule
  • Amalgam of Persian and Indian culture created in
    courts and territories
  • Establishment of trading outposts in India by
  • 1609 Dutch
  • 1612 English
  • 1674 French

Moghul Dynasty I (1526-56)
  • Founded by Babur
  • 2nd Classical Age of North India
  • Delhi flourishes as Imperial Capital
  • Amalgamation of Turko-Iranian culture

Moghul Dynasty II (1556-1627)
  • Akbar consolidates and builds strong empire
  • Akbar commissions illustrated Persian
    translations of Sanskrit epics, The Ramayana and
  • Jahangir succeeds his father
  • 1600 Elizabeth I of England gives charter for
    trade to East India Company

King Akbar
  • Rajput http//
  • Khajuraho http//
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