Title: State Legislatures
1State Legislatures
- Reading SGB (Ch. 6)
- S (15-18)
2Legislative Functions
- Policymaking
- Representation
- Oversight
3What do legislatures look like?
- Names legislature, General Assembly, General
Court (MA)
4What do legislatures look like?
- Names legislature, General Assembly, General
Court (MA) - Bicameral (49), Unicameral (NE)
5What do legislatures look like?
- Names legislature, General Assembly, General
Court (MA) - Bicameral (49), Unicameral (NE)
- Upper chamber (senate, 20-67)
- Lower chamber (house of representatives, 40-400)
6What do legislatures look like?
- Partisanship
- Lower Chamber
- Dems (23), Repubs (25), Split (MT)
- Individual legislators D2697, R2674
7What do legislatures look like?
- Partisanship
- Lower Chamber
- Dems (23), Repubs (25), Split (MT)
- Individual legislators D2697, R2674
- Upper Chamber
- Dems (24), Repubs (24), Split (IA)
- Individual legislators D955, R960
8(No Transcript)
9National Conference of State Legislatures 2006
Election Maps
- http//www.ncsl.org/statevote/partycomptable2007.h
10What do legislatures look like?
- Gender (2007)
- 76.5 male, 23.5 female
- Female 1,178 Ds, 540 Rs
11What do legislatures look like?
- Gender (2007)
- 76.5 male, 23.5 female
- Female 1,178 Ds, 540 Rs
- Race (2004)
- 8 black, 3 Hispanic, Asian 1
12Legislative Districts
13Legislative Districts
- Who draws them?
- State legislature (36 states)
- Bipartisan commission (12 states)
- Governor (2 states)
14Legislative Districts
- Gerrymandering
- The process of creatively designing a legislative
district (usually for partisan advantage)
15Elbridge Gerry, MA 1811
16Gerrymandering 101
17Gerrymandering 101
Before Redistricting
18Gerrymandering 101
After Redistricting
19Racial Gerrymandering
- Vote dilution
- Methods to dilute the vote of racial minorities
- frequently used after passage of VRA in South
- Racial gerrymandering as an example
20Mississippi Congl Districts 1966
21Racial Gerrymandering to Promote Representation
of Minorities
- Supreme Court rulings once required
majority-minority districts to be drawn whenever
possible - Recent rulings have backed down from this
requirement, but still suggest race can be a
22Racial Gerrymandering to Promote Representation
of Minorities
23Single-Member vs. Multi-Member Districts
24Single-Member vs. Multi-Member Districts
- Congress all SMDs
- State and Local Govts can choose
25Single-Member vs. Multi-Member Districts
- Congress all SMDs
- State and Local Govts can choose
- 13 states (NH 74 districts)
26Single-Member vs. Multi-Member Districts
- Congress all SMDs
- State and Local Govts can choose
- 13 states (NH 74 districts)
- Political effects
- Multimember districts as a form of vote dilution
(highly concentrated pops) - Multimember districts promote the election of
female candidates (Why?)
27African-American State Legislators1970-2000
- Unequal representation
- Example NJ 1962 49,000-924,000
- Unequal representation
- Example NJ 1962 49,000-924,000
- Baker v. Carr 1962
- U.S. Supreme Court rules 14th Amendment applies
to state legislatures - Political Impact?
30Legislative Structure
- Leaders
- In each chamber
- Presiding officer - President/Speaker
- President/Speaker pro tem
- Majority and Minority leader
- Powers of presiding officer
31Legislative Structure
- Leaders
- In each chamber
- Presiding officer - President/Speaker
- President/Speaker pro tem
- Majority and Minority leader
- Powers of presiding officer
- Appoint committee members/chairs
- Controls activity on the floor
- Office space/committee budgets
- May appoint majority posts
32Legislative Structure
33Legislative Structure
- Committees
- Subcommittees
- Types
- Standing
- Joint committees
- Conference committees
34Typical Standing Committees
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40Typical Passage Rate for All Bills Introduced
41Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
42Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- Functional
- Unrestricted time to conduct business
- Adequate staff and facilities
43Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- Accountable
- Actions open and comprehensible to the public
44Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- Informed
- Effective committee structure
- Legislative activity between sessions
- Budgetary review of executive branch activities
45Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- Independent
- Independent of the executive branch
- Oversight of state agencies
- Regulates lobbyists / ethics laws
- Adequate compensation
46Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- Representative
- Diverse membership that reflects constituencies
47Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- FAIIR led to several reforms
48Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- FAIIR led to several reforms
- Frequency and Length of sessions
- Yearly sessions
- Special sessions
- Length
49Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- FAIIR led to several reforms
- Frequency and Length of sessions
- Yearly sessions
- Special sessions
- Length
- Staff professional, year-round
50Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- FAIIR led to several reforms
- Frequency and Length of sessions
- Yearly sessions
- Special sessions
- Length
- Staff professional, year-round
- Compensation
51Legislative Reform
- Citizens Conference on State Legislatures (CCSL)
- FAIIR led to several reforms
- Frequency and Length of sessions
- Yearly sessions
- Special sessions
- Length
- Staff professional, year-round
- Compensation
52Professional vs. Citizen (Amateur)
53Professional vs. Citizen (Amateur)
54Professional vs. Citizen (Amateur)
55Professional vs. Citizen (Amateur)
56Professional vs. Citizen (Amateur)
57Professional vs. Citizen (Amateur)
58Professional vs. Citizen (Amateur)
59Professional vs. Citizen (Amateur)
60The Effects of Legislative Reform
- Is legislative reform good for democracy?
61The Effects of Legislative Reform
- Is legislative reform good for democracy?
- Has legislative reform had unintended political
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67Incumbency Advantage
68Term Limits is State Legislatures
69Term Limits is State Legislatures
70Term Limits is State Legislatures
- Effects of term limits?
- Incumbency advantage decreased
- Increase in first-term legislators
71Term Limits is State Legislatures
- Effects of term limits?
- Incumbency advantage decreased
- Increase in first-term legislators
- Election of women and minorities? Not yet.
72Term Limits is State Legislatures
- Effects of term limits?
- Incumbency advantage decreased
- Increase in first-term legislators
- Election of women and minorities? Not yet.
- Shifting power to other actors
- Governor
- Interest groups (why?)