Title: Age-Structured Matrix Models
1Age-Structured Matrix Models
1, 2
- Abdessamad Tridane
- MTBI Summer 2007.
1.Adapted from lecture by Dr. Robert Schooley,
University of Illinois 2. Figures from Akcakaya
et al. 1999. Applied Population Ecology
2Lecture Outline Age-structured Matrix Models
- Incorporating age-specific survival and fecundity
into population growth models using matrix
- Calculating age-specific survival and fecundity
from a multi-year census.
- Setting up and projecting a Leslie Matrix
- Lambda for age-structured population
3- Exponential and logistic-type growth models
assume that population has no age or size
- However, survival and reproduction often differ
among individuals of different ages.
- Consideration of age-specific vital rates can be
critical in many areas of wildlife conservation
translocations and reintroductions, harvesting,
population viability analysis (PVA), habitat
protection and enhancement.
4General approach
Nt 1 ? Nt
5- Focus on birth-pulse models
- Model both sexes or only females (e.g., fecundity
is the number of daughters per adult female).
- Assume no variation among individuals within an
age class
6Example using hypothetical data for helmeted
- Riparian forests of Victoria, Australia
- Pairs occupy territories within colonies
- Dramatic decline following European settlement
and habitat clearing
7Data from multi-year census
8(No Transcript)
9Calculating Survival Rates
10- Means of three yearly estimates.
- Use for mean matrix and deterministic projection
- Can use variation among estimates to add
11Calculating Fecundity
- Fecundity for a given year is number of offspring
produced in that year that survive to the next
year divided by number of potential parents in
that year.
- Age-specific fecundity is average number of
offspring per individual of age x at time t that
are counted at time t1.
12Calculating average fecundity
- If fecundity varies among age classes, then need
to use different approach (e.g., counts of
fledglings per nest).
13Age-specific fecundities should be estimated as
the average over all individuals in age class,
not just the breeding ones.
14The Leslie Matrix
- Fecundities are elements of the top row.
- Survival rates are elements of the subdiagonal.
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16A Composite age class consists of all individuals
of a certain age or older
17Full matrix
New matrix with composite age class
18Matrix Projection
- First, consider the equations for projecting age
class abundances
19Projection with the Leslie matrix
(Example calculations on board)
20Initial population growth depends on initial age
21Stable age distribution
22- Repeatedly multiplying an age distribution by a
Leslie matrix eventually will produce a stable
age distribution.
(aka dominant right eigenvector of projection
matrix in matrix algebra)
- A stable age distribution for a population that
is neither increasing nor decreasing is termed a
stationary age distribution.
23Lambda of a Structured Population
- After a population reaches a stable age
distribution, it will grow exponentially with
rate equal to lambda.
- Lambda is termed the dominant eigenvalue of the
projection matrix.
- Lambda is a long-term, deterministic measure of
growth rate of a population in a constant
- The stable age distribution and lambda are
independent of the initial age distribution they
depend on the projection matrix.
24Reproductive Value
- Another useful measure that can be calculated
from a Leslie matrix is reproductive value (aka
dominant left eigenvector).
- Reproductive value is the relative contribution
to future population growth an individual in a
certain age class is expected to make.
- Reproductive value equals the number of offspring
an individual of a given age class will produce,
expressed relative to newborns (i.e., first age
class always equals 1.0).
- Both survival rates and fecundities affect
reproductive values.
25Reproductive values for the common frog
Pre-juveniles 1.0 Juveniles
60.8 Adults 271.0
How could reproductive values be useful in
wildlife conservation and management decisions?
26Reproductive value for sparrowhawks with
27Timing of sampling the Leslie matrix
- Fecundity values for the matrix are products of
survival rates and fertility rates, and
calculation depends on timing of census relative
to breeding season.
- Sx are survival rates (Mills uses Px)
- Mx are fertility rates (mean number of offspring
per individual of age x)
28Pre-breeding census
Fx mxS0
29Post-breeding census
Fx Sxmx
30Stage Structure
- Age is not always the best indicator of
demographic change.
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32Transition Matrices and Loop Diagrams
- Lets start with a Leslie matrix for an
age-structured model - (helmeted honeyeater)
33- A common type of stage-structured model
- Individuals can remain in current stage during
time step or transition to next stage
- No stage skipping or reversals
Lefkovitch matrix
34(No Transcript)
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36Density Dependence
- Adding density dependence to structured models is
more complicated than for non-structured models
because many variables are potentially density
dependent (age-specific survival and fecundity)
and not just the growth rate.
- 1. Which vital rates are density-dependent?
- 2. How do those rates change with density?
- 3. Which classes contribute to the
density-dependence? (For instance, is juvenile
survival influenced by total density or by
juvenile density?)
- Additional problem we rarely have long-term
demographic data to detect and estimate type of
density dependence
37Several approaches
1. Assume that total abundance affects all
elements of stage matrix proportionately (method
used in RAMAS Ecolab).
2. For territorial species, use territory size to
estimate limit for number of breeders and model
with Ceiling Model. This makes transition from
pre-reproductive to reproductive classes
3. Choose one (or a few) vital rates for which
data exist and model these rates with specific
density-dependent functions (e.g., Ricker,
Beverton-Holt). Assume other rates are
38Adding Demographic Stochasticity
- We use same approach as for models without age
structure - determine whether each individual survives or
reproduces using statistical distributions
such as binomial or Poisson.
- But now we must track fate of individuals
separately within age classes.
39Adding Environmental Stochasticity
- We estimate temporal variations in vital rates
from past observations and use these to predict
future population sizes.
- At each time step, before doing the matrix
multiplication, we randomly sample the matrix
elements (or vital rates) from statistical
distributions with appropriate means and standard
40Additional Considerations
- Estimates of environmental stochasticity may
include sampling variation. Ideally, the sampling
variation should be stripped off so that pure
process variance is used in projections.
- Are vital rates correlated with each other?
RAMAS Ecolab assumes a positive correlation. For
instance, in a bad year all survival rates and
fecundities are below average.
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