Title: Transmission Line Theory
1Transmission Line Theory
Maj JW Paul
Refs lecture notes LFTSP 2003 Dr Smain Amari
lecture notes ACS 2003 Mr Josh Dore
2(No Transcript)
3Review - cellular systems
- What is the basic concept of cell systems?
- Frequency reuse
- What methods does it use?
- What are 3 methods to increase reuse?
- cell size - cluster size - sectorization
- can also use CDMA etc
- Why is CDMA limited?
- orthagonal pseudo-random
- How do hand-offs work?
- Frequency reuse
- Explain Hard vs Soft hand-offs
- Soft keep the same frequency
- used to reduce delay (data comms)
- What is the principle behind cloning?
- copy MIN ESN
- How can it be defeated?
- PIN - Challenge/Response - RF Fingerprint
5Todays Class
- Metallic Transmission Lines
- Types
- Losses
- High Speed Data Lines
6Transmission Lines
7Transmission Lines
- Two fundamental types
- Low Frequency
- used for power transmission
- High Frequency
- used for RF transmission
- wavelengths are shorter than or comparable
to the length of cable - Note - transmission line conductor - but only
use surface
8Types of Transmission Lines
- How many do you know of?
- Parallel Line
- Twisted Pair (Shielded Unshielded)
- Coaxial
- Waveguides
9Parallel Pair
Low loss dielectric
10Parallel Line (aka Ribbon Cable)
- Simple Construction
- Used primarily for power lines, rural telephone
lines or TV antenna cable - Freq up to 200MHz over short distances
- High Radiation Loss
- moving current Ae
- need to be aware of other metalic conductors
11Twisted Pair
metal cladding
protective dielectric
coating is paper, rubber, PVC can also have
single pair, each wrapped individually
12Twisted Pair
- Twists tend to cancel radiation loss
- Helps reduce crosstalk
- Still fairly inexpensive
- Frequency lt 100MHz
- Generally short distances
- analog 5-6 km
- digital 2-3 km
- Note - power line interference
13CAT5 Cable
- 4 pair
- terminating in RJ45
- 100MHz max frequency
- 1000 Mbps transmit rate
- Aside Wire Gauge (smaller is bigger)
14Coaxial Cable
15Coaxial Cable
- Geometry creates a shielded system
- no EM energy outside the cable
- Can support frequencies gt 100MHz
- Can support data rates gt 1GHz
- Low self-inductance allows greater BW
- Used for long-distance telephone trunks, urban
networks, TV cables - Expensive must keep dielectric dry
16Waveguides aka plumbing
- Uses a different transmission method
- Ducting not conducting
- gt1GHz
- Expensive
- May need to be filled
- Cannot turn sharp corners
- Any defects will cause significant attenuation
- Used for very high frequencies in semi-conductors
19Transmission Losses
20Transmission Theory
- Current and Voltage change with time along the
line (the signal) - superposition of waves in both directions
- but over short distances (lt?) are constant
- Energy is lost (heat - resistance) or
stored (magnetic - inductance) / (capacitive -
v Ri
Attenuation Losses
21Attenuation is ? ?
22Attenuation Distortion
- Attenuation increases with distance
- Frequency-dependent (? with frequency)
- Results in amplitude distortion
Attenuation dB
f (Hz)
23Delay Distortion
Delay ms
f (Hz)
24Characteristic Impedence
- Depends on position on line
- If line terminates with Z Z0 then the line is
matched - If not - get reflection - standing waves - no
energy is transmitted
- Crosstalk
- Plus still have noise
- (notice - no spherical attenuation)
26High Speed Lines
27Digital Channel Performance
Shannon's Equation
gives the maximum
digital capacity of an analogue channel in bps.
C B log (1SNR)
C Bit rate capacity (bps)
B Bandwidth in Hertz
SNR S/N (not in dB)
The capacity of a telephonic voice- grade line
with a SNR of 30 dB and a bandwidth of 3000 Hz
C B log (1SNR)
C 3000 log ( 1 1000)
C 3000 log (1001)
log 2
C 30 kbps
29Modem Evolution
- 1980 1200 bps
- 1984 2400 bps
- 1991 14.4 kbps
- 1994 28.8 kbps
- 1996 33.6 kbps
- 1997 56 kbps
30But High Speed?
- How do we get data rates much higher than that
predicted by Shannon? - Based on Analogue
- Data compression
- Modulation (QSPK, 16-QAM)
- But need high quality lines...
31How to get the signal back
- Repeaters, Amplifiers and Equalizers
- remember 2 km limit?
- Attenuation Equalizer adds losses to the power
frequencies then amplifies all the frequencies to
bring signal to original level - Delay Equalizer introduces more delay to the
higher frequencies to compensate for signal
delays - Line Conditioning
- Reduces effects of attenuation and delay
distortion ( but does not remove them) - provides
for more consistency across the BW. - Attenuates high-amplitude signals
- Delays faster frequency components
- C1, C2 and C4 apply to leased lines
- C3 and C5 apply to companies' switching networks
- Deals with harmonic distortion (unwanted
harmonics). - Calls for high quality circuits and switches
- Improves SNR
- D1 applies to point-to-point lines
- D2 applies to multi-point lines
34Transfer Rates
1.544 Mbps
6.312 Mbps
44.736 Mbps
274.176 Mbps
96 channels
672 channels
4032 channels
24 channels
DS0 64 kbps
(4 kHz baseband with 8 k samples/second and 8
Quantization levels)
35High-speed Race
- Regular-speed phone .056 Mbps
- Digital Subscriber Line .90 Mbps
- High-speed wireless 10 Mbps
- Cable 30 Mbps
- Satellite .40 Mbps
- Why is ADSL as fast as cable?
- What does A stand for...
- Name and describe 5 types of metallic
transmission lines - Give their advantages/disadvantages
- What causes attenuation/noise?
- How do you fix this?
38Next Class
- Fibre Optics
- note start at 0750 Friday