1 Samuel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1 Samuel


... models of the tumors and of the mice that are ravaging your country, and you ... sons will have to plow his fields, harvest his crops, and make his weapons and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 1 Samuel

1 Samuel
  • Covenant Box
  • Saul

1 Samuel
  • Elis sons scoundrels
  • Eli does not act on Gods warning
  • War with the Philistines
  • Capture of the covenant box
  • Follow the covenant box
  • What is all this brightness and glory about?
  • Saul Israels first king

The covenant box
  • At that time the Philistines gathered to go to
    war against Israel, so the Israelites set out to
    fight them. The Israelites set up their camp at
    Ebenezer and the Philistines at Aphek. The
    Philistines attacked, and after fierce fighting
    they defeated the Israelites and killed about
    four thousand men on the battlefield. When the
    survivors came back to camp, the leaders of
    Israel said, Why did the LORD let the
    Philistines defeat us today? Lets go and bring
    the LORD's Covenant Box from Shiloh, so that he
    will go with us and save us from our enemies. So
    they sent messengers to Shiloh and got the
    Covenant Box of the LORD Almighty, who is
    enthroned above the winged creatures. And Eli's
    two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, came along with
    the Covenant Box. When the Covenant Box arrived,
    the Israelites gave such a loud shout of joy that
    the earth shook.

The covenant box
  • The Philistines heard the shouting and said,
    Listen to all that shouting in the Hebrew camp!
    What does it mean? When they found out that the
    LORD's Covenant Box had arrived in the Hebrew
    camp, they were afraid, and said, A god has come
    into their camp! We're lost! Nothing like this
    has ever happened to us before! Who can save us
    from those powerful gods? They are the gods who
    slaughtered the Egyptians in the desert! Be
    brave, Philistines! Fight like men, or we will
    become slaves to the Hebrews, just as they were
    our slaves. So fight like men! The Philistines
    fought hard and defeated the Israelites, who went
    running to their homes. There was a great
    slaughter thirty thousand Israelite soldiers
    were killed. (1 Samuel 41-10 GN)

The covenant box
  • The messenger answered, Israel ran away from
    the Philistines it was a terrible defeat for us!
    Besides that, your sons Hophni and Phinehas were
    killed, and Gods Covenant Box was captured!
    When the man mentioned the Covenant Box, Eli fell
    backward from his seat beside the gate. He was so
    old and fat that the fall broke his neck, and he
    died. He had been a leader in Israel for forty
    years. (1 Samuel 417-18 GN)
  • Is the covenant box a good luck charm with innate

The covenant box
  • After the Philistines captured the Covenant Box,
    they carried it from Ebenezer to their city of
    Ashdod, took it into the temple of their god
    Dagon, and set it up beside his statue. Early the
    next morning the people of Ashdod saw that the
    statue of Dagon had fallen face downward on the
    ground in front of the LORDs Covenant Box. So
    they lifted it up and put it back in its place.
    Early the following morning they saw that the
    statue had again fallen down in front of the
    Covenant Box. This time its head and both its
    arms were broken off and were lying in the
    doorway only the body was left. (That is why
    even today the priests of Dagon and all his
    worshipers in Ashdod step over that place and do
    not walk on it.) (1 Samuel 51-5 GN)

The covenant box
  • The LORD punished the people of Ashdod severely
    and terrified them. He punished them and the
    people in the surrounding territory by causing
    them to have tumors. When they saw what was
    happening, they said, The God of Israel is
    punishing us and our god Dagon. We cant let the
    Covenant Box stay here any longer. So they sent
    messengers and called together all five of the
    Philistine kings and asked them, What shall we
    do with the Covenant Box of the God of Israel?
    Take it over to Gath, they answered so they
    took it to Gath, another Philistine city. But
    after it arrived there, the LORD punished that
    city too and caused a great panic. He punished
    them with tumors which developed in all the
    people of the city, young and old alike. So they
    sent the Covenant Box to Ekron, another
    Philistine city but when it arrived there, the
    people cried out, They have brought the Covenant
    Box of the God of Israel here, in order to kill
    us all! So again they sent for all the
    Philistine kings and said, Send the Covenant Box
    of Israel back to its own place, so that it wont
    kill us and our families. There was panic
    throughout the city because God was punishing
    them so severely. Even those who did not die
    developed tumors and the people cried out to
    their gods for help. (1 Samuel 56-12 GN)

The covenant box
  • The advice of the priests and magicians send a
    gift and return the covenant box
  • You must make these models of the tumors and of
    the mice that are ravaging your country, and you
    must give honor to the God of Israel. Perhaps he
    will stop punishing you, your gods, and your
    land. Why should you be stubborn, as the king of
    Egypt and the Egyptians were? Dont forget how
    God made fools of them until they let the
    Israelites leave Egypt. So prepare a new wagon
    and two cows that have never been yoked hitch
    them to the wagon and drive their calves back to
    the barn. (1 Samuel 65-7 GN)
  • Similar to the plagues of Egypt
  • How does God speak with his friends?

The covenant box
  • The people of Beth Shemesh were reaping wheat in
    the valley, when suddenly they looked up and saw
    the Covenant Box. They were overjoyed at the
    sight. (1 Samuel 613 GN)
  • The LORD killed seventy of the men of Beth
    Shemesh because they looked inside the Covenant
    Box. And the people mourned because the LORD had
    caused such a great slaughter among them. So the
    men of Beth Shemesh said, Who can stand before
    the LORD, this holy God? Where can we send him to
    get him away from us? They sent messengers to
    the people of Kiriath Jearim to say, The
    Philistines have returned the LORD's Covenant
    Box. Come down and get it. (1 Samuel 619-21
  • Why kill them for peaking?

(No Transcript)
The covenant box
  • David becomes king
  • Then we will go and get Gods Covenant Box,
    which was ignored while Saul was king. The
    people were pleased with the suggestion and
    agreed to it. So David assembled the people of
    Israel from all over the country, from the
    Egyptian border in the south to Hamath Pass in
    the north, in order to bring the Covenant Box
    from Kiriath Jearim to Jerusalem. (1 Chronicles
    133-5 GN)
  • As they came to the threshing place of Chidon,
    the oxen stumbled, and Uzzah reached out and took
    hold of the Covenant Box. At once the LORD became
    angry with Uzzah and killed him for touching the
    Box. He died there in Gods presence, and so that
    place has been called Perez Uzzah ever since.
    David was furious because the LORD had punished
    Uzzah in anger. Then David was afraid of God and
    said, How can I take the Covenant Box with me
    now? (1 Chronicles 139-12 GN)
  • Then he said, Only Levites should carry the
    Covenant Box, because they are the ones the LORD
    chose to carry it and to serve him
    foreverBecause you were not there to carry it
    the first time, the LORD our God punished us for
    not worshiping him as we should have done. (1
    Chronicles 152,15 GN)

The covenant box
  • Then King Solomon summoned all the leaders of
    the tribes and clans of Israel to assemble in
    Jerusalem, in order to take the LORD's Covenant
    Box from Zion, David's City, to the Temple. They
    all assembled at the time of the Festival of
    Shelters. When all the leaders had gathered, then
    the Levites lifted the Covenant Box and carried
    it to the Temple. The priests and the Levites
    also moved the Tent of the LORDs presence and
    all its equipment to the Temple. King Solomon and
    all the people of Israel assembled in front of
    the Covenant Box and sacrificed a large number of
    sheep and cattle---too many to count. Then the
    priests carried the Covenant Box of the LORD into
    the Temple and put it in the Most Holy Place,
    beneath the winged creatures. (2 Chronicles 52-7
  • Praise the LORD, because he is good, And his
    love is eternal. As the priests were leaving the
    Temple, it was suddenly filled with a cloud
    shining with the dazzling light of the LORDs
    presence, and they could not continue the service
    of worship. (2 Chronicles 511-14 GN)

The covenant box
  • Solomons prayer
  • Now, O my God, look on us and listen to the
    prayers offered in this place. Rise up now, LORD
    God, and with the Covenant Box, the symbol of
    your power, enter the Temple and stay here
    forever. Bless your priests in all they do, and
    may all your people be happy because of your
    goodness to them. LORD God, do not reject the
    king you have chosen. Remember the love you had
    for your servant David. When King Solomon
    finished his prayer, fire came down from heaven
    and burned up the sacrifices that had been
    offered, and the dazzling light of the LORDs
    presence filled the Temple. (2 Chronicles
    640-42 71 GN)

The covenant box
  • Why so much display of power associated with the
    covenant box?
  • The fear of the LORD is the beginning of
    knowledge. (Proverbs 17 GODS WORD)
  • What does this mean?
  • There is no fear in love perfect love drives
    our all fear (1 John 417 GN)
  • To have knowledge, you must first have reverence
    for the LORD. (Proverbs 17 GN)
  • Like a teacher with a rebellious class, God
    needed their respect and reverence so that they
    would listen.maybe even a little fear at times
  • They were on the brink of disaster

The covenant box
  • Jerusalem and the temple burned down by the
    Babylonians 586/587 BC
  • After the captivity, the Jews returned to rebuild
    Jerusalem and the temple
  • The future glory of this Temple will be greater
    than its past glory (Haggai 29, NLT).
  • Did bright lights from God ever fill the temple
  • When the foundation of the new temple was laid
  • Many of the older priests, Levites, and heads of
    clans had seen the first Temple, and as they
    watched the foundation of this Temple being laid,
    they cried and wailed (Ezra 312 GN)
  • Destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans
  • How did this later temple exceed Solomons temple
    in glory?

What is Gods glory?
  • I glorified you on earth by completing down to
    the last detail what you assigned me to do.
  • How?
  • I spelled out your character in detail to the
    men and women you gave me. (John 171-6 The
  • God has revealed power and bright lights when we
    needed it
  • Even in the OT, power and might is not the
    greatest ideal
  • Not by strength and not by power, but by my
    Spirit (Zechariah 46 RSV)
  • Elijah
  • Then the Lord passed by and sent a furious wind
    that split the hills and shattered the rocksbut
    the Lord was not in the wind. The wind stopped
    blowing, and then there was an earthquakebut the
    Lord was not in the earthquake. After the
    earthquake there was a firebut the Lord was not
    in the fire. And after the fire there was the
    soft whisper of a voice. (1 Kings 1910-13 GN)

  • When Samuel grew old, he made his sons judges in
    Israel. The older son was named Joel and the
    younger one Abijah they were judges in
    Beersheba. But they did not follow their fathers
    example they were interested only in making
    money, so they accepted bribes and did not decide
    cases honestly. Then all the leaders of Israel
    met together, went to Samuel in Ramah, and said
    to him, Look, you are getting old and your sons
    dont follow your example. So then, appoint a
    king to rule over us, so that we will have a
    king, as other countries have.
  • Samuel was displeased with their request for a
    king so he prayed to the LORD, and the LORD
    said, Listen to everything the people say to
    you. You are not the one they have rejected I am
    the one they have rejected as their king. Ever
    since I brought them out of Egypt, they have
    turned away from me and worshiped other gods and
    now they are doing to you what they have always
    done to me. So then, listen to them, but give
    them strict warnings and explain how their kings
    will treat them.

  • Samuel told the people who were asking him for a
    king everything that the LORD had said to him.
    This is how your king will treat you, Samuel
    explained. He will make soldiers of your sons
    some of them will serve in his war chariots,
    others in his cavalry, and others will run before
    his chariots. He will make some of them officers
    in charge of a thousand men, and others in charge
    of fifty men. Your sons will have to plow his
    fields, harvest his crops, and make his weapons
    and the equipment for his chariots. Your
    daughters will have to make perfumes for him and
    work as his cooks and his bakers. He will take
    your best fields, vineyards, and olive groves,
    and give them to his officials. He will take a
    tenth of your grain and of your grapes for his
    court officers and other officials. He will take
    your servants and your best cattle and donkeys,
    and make them work for him. He will take a tenth
    of your flocks. And you yourselves will become
    his slaves. When that time comes, you will
    complain bitterly because of your king, whom you
    yourselves chose, but the LORD will not listen to
    your complaints. The people paid no attention to
    Samuel, but said, No! We want a king, so that we
    will be like other nations, with our own king to
    rule us and to lead us out to war and to fight
    our battles.

  • What should God do?
  • Does God sometimes give us what we want, even if
    he knows its less than the ideal?
  • Samuel listened to everything they said and then
    went and told it to the LORD. The LORD answered,
    Do what they want and give them a king. Then
    Samuel told all the men of Israel to go back
    home. (1 Samuel 81-22 GN)

God gives in
  • Law
  • Clean unclean meats
  • Fighting
  • Divorce
  • Intercession
  • .Real life parenting.
  • .Real life medicine.

  • What kind of a king did God give them?
  • When Saul turned to leave Samuel, God gave Saul
    a new nature. (1 Samuel 109 GN)
  • Samuel called the people together for a
    religious gathering at Mizpah and said to them,
    "The LORD, the God of Israel, says, I brought
    you out of Egypt and rescued you from the
    Egyptians and all the other peoples who were
    oppressing you. I am your God, the one who
    rescues you from all your troubles and
    difficulties, but today you have rejected me and
    have asked me to give you a king. Very well,
    then, gather yourselves before the LORD by tribes
    and by clans. Then Samuel had each tribe come
    forward, and the LORD picked the tribe of
    Benjamin. Then Samuel had the families of the
    tribe of Benjamin come forward, and the family of
    Matri was picked out. Then the men of the family
    of Matri came forward, and Saul son of Kish was
    picked out. They looked for him, but when they
    could not find him, they asked the LORD, Is
    there still someone else?

  • The LORD answered, Saul is over there, hiding
    behind the supplies. So they ran and brought
    Saul out to the people, and they could see that
    he was a foot taller than anyone else. Samuel
    said to the people, Here is the man the LORD has
    chosen! There is no one else among us like him.
    All the people shouted, Long live the king!
    Samuel explained to the people the rights and
    duties of a king, and then wrote them in a book,
    which he deposited in a holy place. Then he sent
    everyone home. Saul also went back home to
    Gibeah. Some powerful men, whose hearts God had
    touched, went with him. (1 Samuel 1017-26 GN)
  • Did God chose a good king?
  • Did God help them, even though having a king was
    a bad idea?

Saul what went wrong
  • He did not trust God by waiting 7 days for Samuel
  • Fighting the Philistines
  • Saul Theres no time to consult the LORD! (1
    Samuel 1420 GN)
  • Priest Lets consult God first (1 Samuel 1436
  • Saul The Israelites were weak with hunger that
    day, because Saul, with a solemn oath, had given
    the order A curse be on anyone who eats any
    food today before I take revenge on my enemies.
    So nobody had eaten anything all day. (1 Samuel
    1424 GN)
  • Jonathan unknowingly breaks the oath May God
    strike me dead if you are not put to death! (1
    Samuel 1444 GN)
  • But the people said to Saul, Will Jonathan, who
    won this great victory for Israel, be put to
    death? No! We promise by the living LORD that he
    will not lose even a hair from his head. What he
    did today was done with God's help. So the
    people saved Jonathan from being put to death.
    (1 Samuel 1445 GN)

Saul what went wrong?
  • Saul was told to destroy the Amalekites
    completely, instead he kept the loot
  • Samuel arrives He (Samuel) heard that Saul had
    gone to the town of Carmel, where he had built a
    monument to himself (1 Samuel 1512 GN)
  • The LORD bless you, Samuel! I have obeyed the
    LORDs command. Samuel asked, Why, then, do I
    hear cattle mooing and sheep bleating? Saul
    answered, My men took them from the Amalekites.
    They kept the best sheep and cattle to offer as a
    sacrifice to the LORD your God, and the rest we
    have destroyed completely. (1 Samuel 1513-15
  • Why, then did you not obey him? Why did you rush
    to grab the loot, and so do what displeases the
    LORD (1 Samuel 1519 GN)

Saul what went wrong?
  • But Samuel replied, What is more pleasing to
    the Lord your burnt offerings and sacrifices or
    your obedience to his voice?
  • Obedience is far better than sacrifice. Listening
    to him is much better than offering the fat of
    rams. (1 Samuel 1522 NLT)

Saul what went wrong?
  • Sauls jealousy of David
  • Saul persecutes David
  • When the priest helped David
  • The king said, Ahimelech, you and all your
    relatives must die. Then he said to the guards
    standing near him, Kill the LORDs
    priests!Saul also had all the other inhabitants
    of Nob, the city priests, put to death men and
    women, children and babies, cattle, donkeys, and
    sheep they were all killed. (1 Samuel 2217,19

The witch of Endor
  • Now Samuel had died, and all the Israelites had
    mourned for him and had buried him in his
    hometown of Ramah. Saul had forced all the
    fortunetellers and mediums to leave Israel. The
    Philistine troops assembled and camped near the
    town of Shunem Saul gathered the Israelites and
    camped at Mount Gilboa. When Saul saw the
    Philistine army, he was terrified, and so he
    asked the LORD what to do. But the LORD did not
    answer him at all, either by dreams or by the use
    of Urim and Thummim or by prophets. Then Saul
    ordered his officials, Find me a woman who is a
    medium, and I will go and consult her. There is
    one in Endor, they answered. So Saul disguised
    himself he put on different clothes, and after
    dark he went with two of his men to see the
    woman. Consult the spirits for me and tell me
    what is going to happen, he said to her. Call
    up the spirit of the man I name. The woman
    answered, Surely you know what King Saul has
    done, how he forced the fortunetellers and
    mediums to leave Israel. Why, then, are you
    trying to trap me and get me killed?

The witch of Endor
  • Then Saul made a sacred vow. By the living LORD
    I promise that you will not be punished for doing
    this, he told her. Whom shall I call up for
    you? the woman asked. Samuel, he answered.
    When the woman saw Samuel, she screamed and said
    to Saul, Why have you tricked me? You are King
    Saul! Dont be afraid! the king said to her.
    What do you see? I see a spirit coming up from
    the earth, she answered. What does it look
    like? he asked. Its an old man coming up, she
    answered. He is wearing a cloak. Then Saul knew
    that it was Samuel, and he bowed to the ground in
    respect. Samuel said to Saul, Why have you
    disturbed me? Why did you make me come back?
    Saul answered, I am in great trouble! The
    Philistines are at war with me, and God has
    abandoned me. He doesnt answer me any more,
    either by prophets or by dreams. And so I have
    called you, for you to tell me what I must do.

The witch of Endor
  • Samuel said, Why do you call me when the LORD
    has abandoned you and become your enemy? The LORD
    has done to you what he told you through me he
    has taken the kingdom away from you and given it
    to David instead. You disobeyed the LORDs
    command and did not completely destroy the
    Amalekites and all they had. That is why the LORD
    is doing this to you now. He will give you and
    Israel over to the Philistines. Tomorrow you and
    your sons will join me, and the LORD will also
    give the army of Israel over to the Philistines.
    At once Saul fell down and lay stretched out on
    the ground, terrified by what Samuel had said. He
    was weak, because he had not eaten anything all
    day and all night. (1 Samuel 283-20 GN)

The witch of Endor
  • Was that really Samuel?
  • Can the dead speak to us?
  • Would God use a forbidden practice to communicate
    with Saul?
  • If any of you go for advice to people who
    consult the spirits of the dead, I will turn
    against you and will no longer consider you one
    of my people. (Leviticus 206 GN)
  • Saul had them banned
  • People will say to you, Ask for help from the
    mediums and the fortunetellers, who whisper and
    mutter. Shouldnt people ask their God for help
    instead? Why should they ask the dead to help the
    living? (Isaiah 819 GODS WORD)
  • So Saul died because he was unfaithful to the
    Lord and did not obey the Lords instructions he
    even tried to conjure up underworld spirits. (1
    Chronicles 1013 NET Bible)

The witch of Endor
  • Why have you disturbed me? Why did you make me
    come back?
  • Does a witch have this kind of power?
  • Tomorrow you and your sons will join me, and the
    LORD will also give the army of Israel over to
    the Philistines.
  • True?

The witch of Endor
  • Satans attempt to overwhelm and defeat Saul
  • Satans attempt to lead the people to follow
    after spirits and mediums
  • Prophets or interpreters of dreams may promise a
    miracle or a wonder, in order to lead you to
    worship and serve gods that you have not
    worshiped before. Even if what they promise comes
    true, do not pay any attention to them.
    (Deuteronomy 131-3 GN)

  • Power
  • God has reluctantly used power, but now we have
    seen his true power
  • For I am not ashamed of the gospel it is the
    power of God for salvation to everyone who has
    faith, to the Jew first and also to the
    Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is
    revealed (Romans 116,17 NRSV)
  • Miracles, signs, and wonders
  • The Wicked One will come with the power of Satan
    and perform all kinds of false miracles and
    wonders, and use every kind of wicked deceit on
    those who will perish. They will perish because
    they did not welcome and love the truth so as to
    be saved (2 Thessalonians 29,10 GN).
  • What truth?
  • The dragon was furious with the woman and went
    off to fight against the rest of her descendants,
    all those who obey Gods commandments and are
    faithful to the truth revealed by Jesus
    (Revelation 1217).
  • I am a servant together with you and with other
    believers, all those who hold to the truth that
    Jesus revealed. Worship God! For the truth that
    Jesus revealed is what inspires the prophets
    (Revelation 1910).
  • I also saw the souls of those who had been
    executed because they had proclaimed the truth
    that Jesus revealed and the word of God
    (Revelation 204).
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