Title: Elizabethan Theater and The Globe Theatre
1Elizabethan Theater and The Globe Theatre
Before the Theatre Did you know? Costumes Sound
Effects and Scenery Audiences The Globe
Globe Theater Virtual Tour
3Where were plays held before the Theatre?
- Inns Courtyards
- Houses of Nobles
- However, in the house of a Noble the plays
could not be about anything political or
controversial in case of trouble from the crown.
4Did you know?
Women were not allowed to act in the plays so
women's roles were played usually by young men.
The Globe Theatre is estimated at being able to
hold around 3,000 people during one show.
Women often attended the plays wearing masks.
5- Costumes
- Were very important to actors and crucial to a
performance because there was no or very little
scenery. - More well-established actors owned their own
costumes. - Audience could distinguish the more significant
roles by what the actors wore. - They used wigs, masks, and different colored
suits. - Decorated outfits with embroidery, pearls,
jewels, lace, and artificial flowers. - Props included flashing swords and swirling
6Sound Effects and Scenery
Music was crucial it set the mood Many unusual
sounds were created Common music included trumpet
blasts and or drum rolls
-Audience members behaved poorly in the theater.
-They laughed, flirted, ate, and fidgeted.
-They gossiped to each other while waiting for
the show to start. -The audience didnt hesitate
to show disappointment if they were not pleased
with the performance. -They would throw rotten
fruit or say unkind words. -A lot of money was
made by venders selling food. -Smoking was common
because tobacco was a new upcoming to English
8Groundlings were people who had floor seats.
They stood in front of the stage and also had
paid the least for their tickets.
The best seats in the house and most expensive
were the ones right above the stage looking down.
This way you could hear and give feedback to the
9Because of the groundlings behavior when the show
wasnt going to everyones liking the stage was
made into an apron stage. Apron Stage raised
with fence under it so that people couldnt rush
it and climb it.
10Flags raised above the theatre in the morning
told what type of play there was that day. Most
didnt know what they were going to see until
they were already there.
11The theatre couldnt have a ceiling because they
needed the natural sunlight for lighting.
12The Globe Facts
- Opened in 1599 and owned by an acting company
- Made of wood, foundation of bricks, and cement,
thatched roof - Shakespeares plays were produced at the Globe
- Burned down in 1613
The Globe was only used until 1613, when a canon
fired during a performance of Henry VIII caught
the roof on fire which led to the building being
burned to the ground.
13Works Cited.
- http//
heatrepowerpointcd1hlenctclnkglus - We took the PowerPoint from here and made