Title: Beef Cattle Expected Progeny Differences EPDs Quiz
1Beef Cattle Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs)
2Which bulls calves will have the slowest growth
as a market steer?
Bull B he has the lowest YW EPD
3Which bulls male calves will have the smallest
scrotal circumference?
Bull B he has the lowest SC EPD
4Which bulls offspring will have the most
prenatal growth?
Bull B he has the highest BW EPD
5Which bulls calves will produce carcasses with
the highest USDA quality grade?
Bull D he has the highest MARB EPD
6Considering only milk production, which bulls
daughters will have the highest nutritional needs?
Bull D he has the highest MILK EPD
7Which bulls heifer calves would likely have the
greatest number of assisted calvings?
Bull B he has the lowest CE EPD
8Which bulls male calves will likely be the
youngest at puberty?
Bull D he has the highest SC EPD
9Not including the effects of milk production,
which bulls calves will be the heaviest at
Bull D he has the highest WW EPD
10Which bulls calves will likely have the largest
mature size?
Bull C he has the highest YW EPD
11Which bulls daughters will wean the heaviest
calves due strictly to milk production?
Bull D he has the highest MILK EPD
12Which bulls calves will produce carcasses with
the highest amount of saleable retail cuts?
Bull D he has the highest PRP EPD
13Which bulls daughters will produce the least
amount of milk?
Bull C he has the lowest MILK EPD
14Taking into account both milk production and
pre-weaning growth, which bulls daughters will
wean the lightest calves?
Bull B he has the lowest TM EPD
15Which bulls calves will have the smallest rib
Bull A he has the lowest REA EPD
16Which bulls male calves will likely have the
lowest fertility?
Bull B he has the lowest SC EPD
17Which bulls calves will reach market weight the
Bull C he has the highest YW EPD
18Considering only muscling, which bulls calves
will have the highest yield grade?
Bull A he has the lowest REA EPD
19Which bulls heifer calves will have the highest
fleshing ability as cows?
Bull B he has the highest FT EPD
20Which bulls daughters will have the highest
productivity as a cow?
Bull D he has the highest TM EPD
21Which bull would likely sire the lowest birth
weight calves?
Bull C he has the lowest BW EPD
22Considering only external fat, which bulls
calves will have the lowest yield grade?
Bull D he has the lowest FT EPD
23Which bulls daughters will likely exhibit the
poorest mothering ability?
Bull C he has the lowest MILK EPD
24Which bulls calves will have the highest degree
of muscling?
Bull D he has the highest REA EPD
25Which bull will sire the lightest feeder calves?
Bull B he has the lowest WW EPD
26Taking into account both milk production and
pre-weaning growth, which bulls daughters will
have the lowest nutritional needs?
Bull B he has the lowest TM EPD
27Which bulls calves will produce carcasses with
the least amount of intramuscular fat?
Bull A he has the lowest MARB EPD
28Which bulls calves will have the highest amount
of external fat?
Bull B he has the highest FT EPD