Title: Walking-Working Surfaces:
1- Walking-Working Surfaces
- Preventing Falls
2Start Safe and Stay Safe
- In order to Start Safe and Stay Safe in the areas
where you walk and work, you should always be
aware that a fall can cause serious injuries.
Simple slips and trips as well as falls from
elevated work surfaces can lead to injuries
ranging from bumps and bruises to the more
serious, and sometimes fatal, head, neck, and
back injuries.
3Preventing Falls
- Here is what we will cover
- Why preventing falls matters
- Why falls occur
- Safety on elevated work surfaces
- Floor and wall openings
- Fixed industrial stairs
- Ladders
- Scaffolds
- How to Start Safe and Stay Safe to prevent falls.
4Why Preventing Falls Matters
To fall means to descend freely by the force of
gravity. When you fall you usually dont have
much control of things like the speed of your
descent, the position of your body when you land,
and the surface that will stop your fall.
5Why Preventing Falls Matters
- Factors that can influence the severity of your
injuries include
- Type of landing surface
- Distance
- Landing position
In most falls, the landing position is the most
critical determining factor.
6Why Falls Occur
Falls in the workplace are often caused by the
hazards resulting from poor housekeeping or
elevated surfaces.
- Poor housekeeping creates hazards that can lead
to slips and trips. - Elevated surfaces can create hazards that,
without the proper precautions, lead to falls
such as those from ladders, loading docks,
scaffolds, or other elevated work platforms.
7Why Falls Occur
- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) addresses these fall hazards in their
regulations under the title Walking and Working
Surfaces. - Briefly, the OSHA rules for housekeeping require
that all work areas are clean, orderly, and
sanitary, and that floors are clean and dry (or
covered by the proper non-slip material). -
8Why Falls Occur
OSHA regulations also cover many different types
of elevated walking and working surfaces, such as
ladders, stairs, and scaffolds. There are rules
for guarding fall hazards, safe use of ladders,
proper construction of stairs, and safe assembly
and use of scaffolds.
- Guarding Protection by using barriers to
prevent falls.
Unguarded platform
9Elevated Work Surfaces
There are many different types of elevated work
surfaces and a variety of ways to stay safe when
walking or working on an elevated surface.
10Elevated Work Surfaces
- Floor Opening - An opening measuring 12 inches
or more. - Wall opening - An opening at least 30 inches high
and 18 inches wide in any wall or partition
through which persons may fall. - Fixed Industrial Stairs - A series of steps
leading from one level or floor to another that
is permanently attached to a structure or
building. - Scaffolds - Any temporarily elevated platform and
its supporting structure.
11Floor and Wall Openings
If there are holes or openings in the floor or
wall, OSHA has regulations about how these
potential hazards must be protected by various
types of guards. Some examples of proper
guarding include railings, toeboards, and floor
coverings. Sometimes an attendant may be
required to monitor activities in the area.
- The Four-Foot Rule
- Protection for wall openings, open-sided floors,
platforms, loading docks, and runways, is
governed by the Four Foot Rule. According to
the Four Foot Rule, if there is a potential that
you could fall four feet or more, protection by
the use of guards and rails is required on all
open sides.
There are also guarding rules for areas around
dangerous equipment. If there is a chance that
a person could fall and come into contact with
dangerous equipment, protection is required
around that equipment, regardless of the height
of the working surface. Railings, toeboards, and
other guarding methods are used to keep people
from falling into these potentially hazardous
14Fixed Industrial Stairs
- Stairs are another fall hazard in the workplace.
OSHA has regulations that apply to stairs as
well. The main things you need to know is that
the stairs must be free from hazards that could
cause a fall and that they must have handrails
that are sturdy and in the right place. - OSHA requirements also cover the construction of
stairs, including guidelines that determine the
rise and tread width of each step, the size of
stairway platforms, and the required overhead
15Portable Ladders
- When talking about elevated work surfaces, we
must talk about ladders. There are two general
types of ladders portable and fixed. Portable
ladders include stepladders, single ladders, and
extension ladders.
16Portable Ladders
- Stepladders are self-supporting with a locking
device and can be no longer than 20 feet. Single
ladders are not self-supporting and can be no
longer than 30 feet. Extension ladders are also
not self-supporting, but are expandable in length
up to 60 feet.
17Portable Ladders
- When inspecting a portable ladder you should
- Ensure all movable parts operate freely yet with
stability. - Ensure ropes are not frayed or badly worn.
- Ensure rungs are free of grease, oil, or other
slippery materials. - Ladders that present a potential hazard should be
18Portable Ladders
- Make sure the ladder has secure footing and is
either tied in place or held securely. Single or
extension ladders must extend four feet above
point of support and the pitch, or angle, is 1/4
of the working length of the ladder.
19Portable Ladders
- Always face the ladder when using it and use both
hands. Ladders should be used in accordance with
manufacturers guidelines. You should NEVER - step on the top of a stepladder
- splice ladders together to make them longer
- use ladders horizontally as a plank
- use metal ladders near electrical equipment
- Exceed load limits of a ladder
20Fixed Ladders
A fixed ladder is a ladder that is permanently
attached to a structure, building, or piece of
equipment. In some cases, the safe use of a
fixed ladder may require additional fall
protection structures or devices, such as cages,
platforms, or safety harnesses. If your job
requires you to climb a fixed ladder, you may
need specific training and you should definitely
be familiar with the specific requirements found
in the OSHA Regulations.
- Scaffolds are a very popular and useful means of
creating an elevated work surface. - Before working on a scaffold, you should be sure
the footing and anchorage are secure and that the
strength of the scaffold is adequate to hold at
least four times the maximum intended load.
- Before you work on or around a scaffold, here are
some general things to inspect - Check the footing and assembly to be sure it is
stable. - Make sure there is a safe way to gain access to
the scaffold. - If there is a risk of objects falling from a
higher level, be sure there is adequate overhead
protection. - Check to see that rails and toe boards are
securely installed in the proper position.
- Also
- Never use scaffolds or ladders during storms,
high winds, or when there is snow or ice on the
surfaces. - Never try to move a scaffold while it is being
used. - If you spot a problem with a scaffold, DONT use
the scaffold and get the problem resolved
- To Stay Safe you must make safety your number one
priority. Here are some key ways that you can
Stay Safe and prevent falls in the areas where
you walk and work - Ensure your work area is clean and orderly.
- Keep your working surfaces free from slip
hazards. - Be sure to select the right ladder and equipment
for your job. - Inspect your ladders and scaffolds before each
use to make sure they are safe.