Title: Preparation for Smallpox Vaccination
1Preparation for Smallpox Vaccination
- Considerations in Choosing a Clinic Site
- Facility should have large floor space
- Accommodate separate areas for triage, referral
pre-and post vaccination education and
vaccination - Examples schools, auditoriums, arenas,
conference halls, large churches or temples
Image http//wakefieldhs.net/
- Established public health clinic sites can be
utilized depending on number expected
4Physical Space
- Triage area
- Isolate contacts or symptomatic patients
- Should be out of doors or at front entrance if
someone presents with symptoms
5Physical Space
- Waiting area protected from weather
- Adequate sanitary facilities
- Adequate space to have food service and rest
areas for staff
- Handicapped accessible
- Adequate parking feasibility of
- off- site parking
- Accessible to public transportation
Image http//www.raleigh-nc.org/transit/
- Ability to provide security/crowd control
Image http//www.raleigh-nc.org/police/
Image http//www.ncshp.org/
Image http//rtpnet.org/wcso/
8Contact Vaccination and Voluntary Vaccination
- Establish separate clinics for smallpox contacts
as opposed to those providing voluntary
vaccination to the general public
9Preparation for Smallpox Vaccination
10Vaccination Strategy-Pre-event Response
- Pre-Event Vaccination predetermined essential
healthcare workers/Public Health to respond to a
Smallpox event - Stages I, II and III
- Stage 1-First likely encounter with smallpox case
- (public health surveillance team members,
local health department disease investigation
specialists, staff at likely treatment
facilities, clinical laboratory workers) - Stage II-expected to be in field after release of
small pox-designated first responders - (EMS, HAZMAT, police, fire, staff at most
medical treatment facilities, etc. - Stage III-General public (depends on licensed
product) - IND Protocols
- Vaccine Contraindications
11Vaccination Strategy-Event Response
- Ring Vaccination-small numbers of cases and
contacts identified - Mass vaccination-large numbers of cases and
contacts identified (or projected) - NO vaccine contraindication
12Pre-Event Planning Checklist
- Staffing Plan
- Epi Team
- Clinic Manager
- Nurses
- Administrative Support (support for medical
records, traffic flow, supplies, registration) - IT Support
13Pre-Event Planning Checklist-Staff
- Determine staff function and responsibilities in
clinic - Use community resources creatively
- Management responsibilities
- Emergency protocol
- Clinic supplies and equipment
- When planning for staff consider
- Number needed
- Number available
- Contact information
- Credentials (Nursing staff)
- Training
14Pre-event Planning Checklist-Supplies
- Administrative, educational, medical
- What needed, where obtained, where stored
- Disposal of needles, medical supplies, waste
15Pre-Event Planning Checklist-Clinic Flow
- Number needed
- Location
- Handicapped access
- Parking
- Restroom Availability
- Waiting areas
- Break room for staff
- Registration area
- Video viewing area
- Vaccine administration area
- Area for those with adverse reactions
16Pre-Event Planning Checklist-Pre-event Plan
- Plan/agreement for staggering staff from the
involved organizations - Prioritized list for vaccine
- Contact information
17Planning Checklist-Training
- Train the trainer
- Vaccine Administration
- Who needs training
- What type
- When
- Where
18Pre-Event Planning Checklist-Communication
- Medical Community
- Staff
- Media
- Community at large
19Pre-event Planning Checklist
- Vaccine Receipt Plan
- Location for receipt
- Storage
- Security
- Distribution
20Event Planning Checklist
- Extend pre-event check list
- Staffing-add incident command, triage staff,
public health educators, pharmacists, security,
translators, traffic control and mental health
support - MOUs
- Post event plan-contact tracing, plan for triage
etc. - Security
- Who, from where, ID badges, etc.